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Worldwide Suppliers of True Life in God Books and Other Items

There are a few ways you can purchase books, videos and other materials.

First, Vassula's new book, Heaven is Real, but so is Hell, can be purchased through various retailers such as Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Books a Million and others.

Next, you can purchase the single typeset volume of the True Life in God Messages as well as other books, videos and materials online in English by visiting the TLIG Buckingham, England shopping cart

TLIG (Buckingham)

Alternatively, you can contact your local supplier directly. See list below. All suppliers carry different inventory. For a general idea of the various books, videos and materials in True Life in God, please click on any of the links to the right.

Suppliers, please send corrections or updates to: suppliers@tlig.org

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Pablo Cuomo
C.C. Nº 111 (1427), Buenos Aires, Argentina
( Tel: (0054) 11 4683 2374 / Fax: (0054) 11 4683 2374 )
email: vvdargentina@tlig.org


Andranik Mesropyan
Yerevan, Armenia
( Tel: +374 9322 4363 )
email: andrmes@yahoo.com


True Life in God Australia
PO Box 856, Robina QLD 4226, Australia
( Tel: +61 7 5593 3373 )
email: info@tlig.org.au


Associação A Verdadeira Vida em Deus
Rua Ministro Calógeras, 390, ap.306, CEP 89201-500 - Joinville - SC, Brazil
( Tel: (047)3423-3280 )
email: benevalrosa@hotmail.com


Toula Kasias
( Tel: +1-905-471-5033 )
email: toulakasias@sympatico.ca
* For TLIG books and material in Canada, contact Toula Kasias or call the Canadian TLIG phone number at +1-905-471-5033
Languages : English, French.


Olga Gajardo
LUIS THAYER OJEDA 2203 - CASA " I " Providencia, Santiago, Chile
( Tel: (56 2) 225-9711 or (56 2)333-0951 Cell Ph: (56 9) 068-7154 / (56 9) 161-8149 )
email: olgajardo@cmal.tie.cl


Martha Elena Maturana
Bocagrande, Avenida San Martin Edificio Torremolinos.Apto 702., Cartagena, Colombia
( Tel: 575 6655360 to 64. ext 576 Cell Ph: 57 3008006661 )
email: mmatu99@hotmail.com

Croatia (local Name: Hrvatska)

Borongaj Aero 9B, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (local Name: Hrvatska)
( Tel: ++385 1 23 02 349 / Fax: ++385 1 23 02 349 )
email: m-d.cro@inet.hr

Czech Republic

Vancurova 19, Novy Jicin, 74101, Novy Jicin, Czech Republic
( Tel: +420731608415 )
email: info@tlig.cz

Matice cyrilometodejská, s.r.o.
Dolní nám. 244, 771 11 Olomouc 1,, Czech Republic
email: pzachvej@tlig.cz


Dorit Bashari
Gyvelvej 17 3480 Fredensborg Denmark, Denmark
( Tel: +45 2684 5082 )
email: 17dorit@gmail.com


Fundación Jesús de la Misericordia Atención: Ing. Fausto Galeano Y
Av. Eloy Alfaro 466 y 9 de octubre P.O.Box 6252 CCI, Quito, Ecuador
( Tel: (593) (2) 2564-519 / 2528-611 / Fax: (593) (2) 2561-445 )
email: jesusmi@quik.com.ec


Association La Vraie en Dieu
11 rue Villebois Mareuil, 16700 RUFFEC, France
( Tel: +33 (0)5-45-31-19-46 )
* See Switzerland, Parvis


Wahres Leben in Gott e.V.
( Tel: +49 (0)700 1277 1377 )
email: WLIG-Deutschland@gmx.de
* Neue überarbeitete Auflage, Band 1-3 (Band 4-6 sowie der Gesamtband sind in Vorbereitung) sowie diverse Kleinschriften, DVDs etc. sind zum Selbstkostenpreis beim Verein Wahres Leben in Gott e.V. erhältlich!

D-79798 Jestetten, Deutschland, Germany
( Tel: ++4977 4592 9830 / Fax: ++4977 4592 9859 )
email: info@miriam-verlag.de


C/O TLIG Bulgaria
Venia P.o.box 3002, 19004 Spata, Greece
email: ilektra_arabatzi@yahoo.gr
* Bulgarian Books Available

Candy Giannoutsikou
Vallianou 7, Alimos, 17455, Athens, Greece
( Tel: 0030-1-9833121 Cell Ph: 0030-944-449796 / Fax: 0030-1-9833425 )
email: cgiannoutsikos@ilenfashion.gr

TLIG Greece
Niki Giannoutsikos
Mavrogenous 15, Glyfada, 16674 Athens, Greece
( Tel: 0030-210-8992 837 )
email: ngiannoutsikos@yahoo.gr


Magyarország 1255, Budapest Postafiók 200, Hungary
( Tel: (36) 1 375 5475 )

Marana Tha sorozat 26 Kiado :
Szállítók : Mézekalácsbolt, Magyarország, Budapest, Hungary
( Tel: ++36 1 355 06 07 / Fax: ++36 1 201 59 78 )
email: webart@matavnet.hu


Divine Retreat Centre
P.O. Muringoor, Chalakudy,, Kerala -680316, India
( Tel: +91 (488) 708098, 708193, 708413, 708513 / Fax: +91 (488) 708097, 706913 )
email: divine@md2.vsnl.net.in

Fr. Shail Akash
Matri Dham Ashram, P.O. Christnagar Varanasi - 221003, U.P., India
( Tel: 91 542 2383911 )
email: christnagar@satyam.net.in

Matri Dham Ashram
P.O. Christnagar, Varanasi - 221003, U.P., India
( Tel: 91 542 2383911 )
email: christnagar@satyam.net.in
* PRINT HOUSE: Mahesh Divine Printers

Prof. C.J.
St. Thomas College, Pala, Palai, Kottayam Dt.,, Kerala 686 574, India
( Tel: 00 91 4822 211 533 / Fax: ++914 8221 6313 )
email: professorjohnkachirayil@hotmail.com


Unio Cordium Indonesia, c/o Indri Makki
(Buku: Hidup Sejati Dalam Allah) Jl. Larona no1, Kompl PLN, Duren Tiga , Jakarta 12760 , Indonesia
( Tel: (62) (21) 799 5870 / Fax: (62)(21) 799 7081 )
email: Unio.Cordium@gmail.com
website: http://www.UnioCordium.org


Anne-Marie Sands
11 Church Park Drive, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6W, Ireland
( Tel: 35314924381 )
email: anne-marie@iol.ie


Mezied Yacoub
Street Box 2047, Ibillin 30012, Galilee, Israel
( Tel: ++ 972 4 9866 168 / Fax: ++972-522 613 660 )
email: mezied_tlig@yahoo.com
Languages : Hebrew, Arabic.


La Vera Vita in Dio onlus
Tutti I messaggi in un unico volume
ISBN N° 978-88-941511-7-6, Italy
email: tlig.italia@iol.it
* Per il libro è gradita un'offerta libera per le spese di pubblicazione e spedizione


Enderle Bookstore
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
( Tel: +81-3-3352-2481 / Fax: +81-3-3357-4746 )
email: h.enderle@enderle.co.jp

3-323, Omuro-Kougen, Ito-shi, Shizuoka-ken 413-0235, Japan
( Tel: +81-557-51-2343 / Fax: +81-557-51-2343 )
email: mail@tenshikan.jp


Larry Wambaa
P.O. Box 42229, Nairobi, Zone 00100, Kenya
( Tel: 0721-211-045 )
email: lwambaa@yahoo.com

Linda Aquinas Agalochieng
P.O. Box 42654, Nairobi, Kenya
( Tel: +254 2 444452 / Fax: +254 447459 )


Chadi Bechara
( Tel: 961 3 414037 )

Gladys Abouy Jaoude
( Tel: 961 4 715603 )


Montfort Media
P.O box 280, Balaka, Malawi
( Tel: ++265 64 10 15 / Fax: ++265 64 10 15 )
email: gayrussell@africa-online.net

Rui Francesco
PO Box 124, Lilongwe, Malawi
( Fax: 00-265-721-504 )


TLIG Malta
P.O.Box 10, Xaghra, Gozo, Malta


Verdadera Vida en Dios
Miguel Blanco # 1320 S.J., Guadalajara, Jal México. C.P. 44100, Mexico
( Tel: 52-333-640 1323 / Fax: 52-333-825 2007 )
email: vvdjesus@megared.net.mx


True Life in God Nederland
email: nl@tlig.org

New Zealand

6 Chatham Mews, Flaxmere, Hastings 4120, New Zealand
( Tel: +64-6-879 7055 )
email: georgeclare@gmail.com


Ingfrid Lillerud
Lerdalsvein 22, N - 1263, Norway
email: kjell.lillerud@gmail.com


Jorge Távara
SGV Peru Juan del Carpio 115 Miraflores, Lima, Peru
( Tel: +51 1 440 8293 (office) )
email: jorge-tavara@sgvperu.com

Beth Myriam Lima
Miraflores 345 Barranco, Lima, Peru
( Tel: +51 1 247 7290 (Office) )
* From Mondays to Fridays 10 am - 3 pm

Liliana Vassallo
( Tel: +51 1 372 5754 (home) )
email: liliana_vassallo@yahoo.es

Mario Cabrejos
( Tel: +51 1 446 8908 )
email: casal@infotex.com.pe

Javier Barbagelata
Los Fresnos 205 Santa Inés, Chaclacayo, Lima 08, Peru
( Tel: + 51 1 3585135 )
email: javiteres@yahoo.com
* Mobile: + 51 999353994


Center For Peace, Asia
#140 Lopez-Rizal St, Mandaluyong City 1550, MetroManila, Philippines
( Tel: 00632-5311216 / Fax: 00632-5311314 )

TLIG Philippines Association
89 Scout Delgado St., Diliman Quezon City, 1103, Philippines
( Tel: 00632-3743469 / Fax: 00632-3743468 )
email: tlig_phils@mail.com

True Life In God - Philippines Association
( Tel: +63 2 713-0211 / Fax: +63 2 713-0211 )
email: tligphils@yahoo.com


Wydawnictwo Vox Domini
skr.poczt.72, 43-190 Mikolow, Poland
( Tel: + 48 32 2258 4228 / Fax: + 48 32 2258 4228 )
email: biuro@voxdomini.com.pl


Edições Boa Nova,
Rua do Convento, 437 , PT-4770-463 Requião, Portugal
( Tel: ++351 252 375 165 / Fax: ++351 252 311 594 )
email: edicoesboanova@oninet.pt


Editura Arhetip-RS - Renasterea Spirituala
CP 69 OP 77 Bucuresti, sector 3 cod 74300, BUCURESTI, Romania
email: arhetip13@angelfire.com

Slovakia (slovak Republic)

Anna Justova
Zdruzenie "Mariine deti", Bernolakova 41, 953 01 Zlate Moravce, Slovakia (slovak Republic)
( Tel: 00 421 37 6424 104 )
* TLIG books in SLOVAKIAN are in translation

South Africa

Catholic Bookshop
12 Bouquet Street, 8001 Cape Town, South Africa
( Tel: 00-27-21-4610-785 )

Evelyn Lebone
PO Box 830, Ladybrand 9745, South Africa
( Tel: +266 310654 / Fax: +266 313085 )

Winnie Wiliams
37 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 , Johannesburg, South Africa
( Tel: 00-27-21-4610-785 / Fax: 614-3417 )
email: tliginsa@hotmail.com


Madre de Dios, 35 bis, 28016 Madrid, Spain
( Tel: (+34) 913 451 992 / Fax: (+34) 913 505 099 )
email: edibesa@planalfa.es


E-bokhandel (Webshop)
email: info@slig.se
website: http://30633.shop.textalk.se/se/shop.php?id=30633

Sverker Tronêt
Gråmåns, Rök - Eveboda , 599 94 Ödeshög, Sweden
( Tel: (+46) 073 223 2238 )
email: sverker@slig.se


Editions du Parvis
CH-1648 Hauteville, Switzerland
( Tel: ++41 26 915 9393 / Fax: ++41 26 915 9399 )
email: book@parvis.ch
* Supplier of TLIG Books in German (Worldwide)
Languages : German, French.
TLIG Association
P.O. Box 1230, CH-1800 Vevey 1, Switzerland
( Tel: ++4121 943 3320 )
email: tlig-ch@tlig.org


TLIG Taiwan
Rm 7, 8F, No.6-3 Chia-Pu Rd,, West Sec., Putz, 61363 Chia-Yi, Taiwan
( Tel: +886 5 3628325 )
email: tligtaiwan@yahoo.com.tw


Association of True Life in God in Thailand
293 Soi MEESUWAN 3 SUKHUMVIT, 71, PRAKANONG, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
( Tel: + 66-98318200 / Fax: 662 392 8534 )
email: dante@un.org

United Kingdom

Carol Chamberlain
13 Easter Inch Steadings, Bathgate, West Lothian EH48 2EH, Scotland, United Kingdom
email: carolchamberlain@supanet.com

TLIG (Buckingham)
Lillingstone Farm Cottage, Lillingstone Dayrell, Buckingham, MK 18 5AG, United Kingdom
( Tel: +44 1280 860 655 )
email: tligbuckingham@tlig.org
website: www.tligbuckingham.org.uk

United States

American Association for TLIG
United States
( Tel: (816) 461-8888 )
email: aa@tlig.us
website: www.tlig.us

Salve Regina Books & Gifts
236 West Portal Ave. #823, San Francisco, 94127, CA, United States
( Tel: +1-415-989-6279 )
email: mgr@salvereginabooks.com
website: www.salvereginabooks.com
Languages : English, Chinese.
The 101 Foundation Inc.
P.O.Box 151, Asbury NJ 08802-0151,, United States
( Tel: ++1 908 689 8792 / Fax: ++1 908 689 1957 )
email: generalinfo@101foundation.com


Ana Lizarralde
Francisco Vidal 617 ap. 602, Montevideo 11300, Uruguay
( Tel: (5982) 7112243 / Fax: (5982) 7112243 )
email: ana.lizarralde@gmail.com


Editorial La Verdadera Vida A.C.
Calle Zambrano, esquina con 5a calle., Los Palos Grandes. Caracas, Venezuela
( Tel: 00-52-212-2835161 )
email: bepriso@cantv.net

Делото на Истинския в Бога Живот. Томове 1-12 на различни езици.

Моят Ангел Даниил
Началото на Истинския в Бога Живот

Раят е реален, но и Преизподнята също
Васула Риден: описанието на очевидец за това, което предстои да дойде

Молитвеници и Извадки
Публикувани молитви и извадки от Посланията

Богословски трактати
Проучватели, Богослови и други компетентни лица пишат за Истинския в Бога Живот и Васула.

Периодични Бюлетини
Публикувани бюлетини от цял свят представящи различни теми и дейности от апостолата на Истинския в Бога Живот

Публикувани Статии
Статии върху Истинския в Бога Живот и Васула

Книжарница на ИВБЖ
Онлайн закупуване - само на английски.

Videos and CDs
List of various producers of True Life in God material and links to their websites.

Поетични Красоти
Поетични Красоти в Песента на Жениха и в други текстове на Истинския в Бога Живот (Beautés Poétiques)

С Молитвите на Светите ни Отци
Отговори на коментарите в списанието “Διάλογος” (Диалог), основани на Cветото Писание, на Отците на Църквата и на Светото Предание във връзка с посланията на Истинския в Бога Живот

Свети Симеон Нови Богослов и Посланията на ИВБЖ
Впечатлителните прилики в благородните писания на Свети Симеон Нови Богослов и посланията, които Васула получава от Христос


You Allow Me To Efface You
Денят на Завръщането Ми е по-близо, отколкото смятате

Бързо Търсене

© Васула Васула Риден 1986 Всички Права Запазени
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