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Енигмата Васула

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Christian Churches have always recognised the existence of private revelation through which God speaks directly to souls endowed with a special charism. As with many well-known mystics such as St Catherine of Sienna or St Theresa of Avila, this type of revelation continues through writings given in our own day. Amongst these is True Life in God, from Vassula, the publication of which started in 1990. Since the publication of the writings in English, the work has been translated into over thirty languages and has given rise to a widespread following. Vassula fills large halls all over the world with enthusiastic audiences at the very time when the churches are being deserted.

What brings the crowds? Who is Vassula? Under what influence did she undertake to do this work which she asserts is dictated to her directly by God? Why are some priests convinced it is an authentic revelation? How is it that a woman without any theological training could write more than five thousand pages which conform to Scripture, to Tradition and to the works of the most learned theologians? Why did the Vatican give the Catholics a warning against Vassula's activities?

This book hopes to supply some answers and explanations to this phenomenon and these questions. It has been written without any positive or negative prejudice from a series of interviews Vassula granted to Jacques Neirynck. It modestly intends to supply information to the reader so that he or she can come to their own conclusions.

The author Jacques Neirynck was born in Brussels in 1931 and has had two simultaneous careers, one as researcher and teacher, the other as journalist and writer. His scientific career led him to be a professor in Lovanium University in Kinshasa, the Catholic University of Louvain and at the Federal Polytechnic in Lausanne. He also worked as a researcher, particularly for the Philips Research laboratory in Brussels. His specialisation is the Theory of Circuits and systems, a branch of mathematics applied to electricity systems. He has founded a scientific publication house, the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, where he managed the publication of a Treatise on Electricity in 22 volumes, translated into several languages.

His career as a journalist led him to edit several hundreds of articles on scientific and technical subjects for a general readership. In particular he collaborated with consumer information publications, as well as television and radio programmes. He was among the pioneers of a European consumer movement which covers five countries of the European Union today. As a writer, he has edited four essays and three novels. In 1999, Jacques Neirynck was elected a member of the Swiss Federal Parliament.

Моят Ангел Даниил
Раят е реален, но и Преизподнята също
Молитвеници и Извадки
Богословски трактати
Периодични Бюлетини
Публикувани Статии
Книжарница на ИВБЖ
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        Видео на Истинския в Бога Живот
        Пълните послания на ИВБЖ
        Vergine Chakryan CD
        Кардинал Сфеир
        Prayer Meeting Guidelines Booklet
        Енигмата Васула
        CD на Истинския в Бога Живот
        Моят Ангел Даниил
        Видео на Конференцията на ИВБЖ, 2000 г.
        Salt of the Earth
        Unity - Virtue of Love
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Videos and CDs
Поетични Красоти
С Молитвите на Светите ни Отци
Свети Симеон Нови Богослов и Посланията на ИВБЖ

Делото на Истинския в Бога Живот. Томове 1-12 на различни езици.

Моят Ангел Даниил
Началото на Истинския в Бога Живот

Раят е реален, но и Преизподнята също
Васула Риден: описанието на очевидец за това, което предстои да дойде

Молитвеници и Извадки
Публикувани молитви и извадки от Посланията

Богословски трактати
Проучватели, Богослови и други компетентни лица пишат за Истинския в Бога Живот и Васула.

Периодични Бюлетини
Публикувани бюлетини от цял свят представящи различни теми и дейности от апостолата на Истинския в Бога Живот

Публикувани Статии
Статии върху Истинския в Бога Живот и Васула

Книжарница на ИВБЖ
Онлайн закупуване - само на английски.

Videos and CDs
List of various producers of True Life in God material and links to their websites.

Поетични Красоти
Поетични Красоти в Песента на Жениха и в други текстове на Истинския в Бога Живот (Beautés Poétiques)

С Молитвите на Светите ни Отци
Отговори на коментарите в списанието “Διάλογος” (Диалог), основани на Cветото Писание, на Отците на Църквата и на Светото Предание във връзка с посланията на Истинския в Бога Живот

Свети Симеон Нови Богослов и Посланията на ИВБЖ
Впечатлителните прилики в благородните писания на Свети Симеон Нови Богослов и посланията, които Васула получава от Христос


You Allow Me To Efface You
Денят на Завръщането Ми е по-близо, отколкото смятате

Бързо Търсене

© Васула Васула Риден 1986 Всички Права Запазени
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