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Creating Regional Chapters to Help Evangelization and Prayer Groups

More in Depth - Cont'd

3. Defined and assigned responsibility to those people.

Once we had our list of potentials, we needed to define what we were going to ask of them. Here is what Vassula defined as goals/responsibilities for the regions.

Responsibility #1: Form Prayer Groups.

  • First and foremost, in order to help form prayer groups, one must be in a prayer group themselves that meets weekly if possible.
  • Ideally, they should be willing to even travel and stay overnight at the person's home in order to help them get their group started. This was successfully done in Switzerland and France. Probably elsewhere too.
  • They must also try to ensure that all Prayer Groups are READING the MESSAGES.

Responsibility #2: Organize witness meetings and other evangelization events

  • Goal is to have one witness meeting per month in each region.
  • Be willing to invite them from abroad.
  • Follow the organizers video that Vassula and Robert Lepricard made in Switzerland. Following the French model.
  • Also set up book tables in public areas

Responsibility #3: Keep a stock of books, videos, tapes, DVDs etc.

These will be used for the witness meetings and book tables events.

Responsibility #4: Prepare retreats every so often

Responsibility #5: Evangelize in prisons where it is feasible.

Responsibility #6: Attend International Retreats and, especially, the Pilgrimages

"It is important that people are encouraged to attend the International Pilgrimages and Retreats as it presents an opportunity for people of different confessional denominations and cultures to gather together and encounter a fruitful religious and cultural exchange. All participants have the opportunity to experience ecumenical inter-action and discussion, getting to know each other better in circumstances that encourage unity and fellowship, transcending doctrinal and nationalistic separation, isolation and self-sufficiency."

Responsibility #7: Give monthly reports to Bro. Otfried () about evangelizing activities in their region

Vassulas kommande möten
Vassulas möten världen över
Rapporter från Vassulas möten
    Ett brev från Vassula om evangelisation och bönegrupper
    Hur man engagerar sig nu
        De 27 frågorna
        De 27 svaren
        Bjud in ett vittne
        Video om hur man organiserar ett vittnesmöte
        Hur kan mitt land bli bättre organiserat?
    En inbjudan att evangelisera
    Att odla Sant Liv i Gud
    Ta upp skäran och skörda
    Vassula om att vittna
    Hjälpresurser för att främja SLIG
    Kontakta oss
Gåvor och stöd

Vassulas kommande möten
Lista över Vassulas kommande offentliga händelser och möten

Vassulas möten världen över
Lista över alla tidigare möten

Rapporter från Vassulas möten
Utförliga rapporter från Vassulas möten genom åren.

Ekon av Ekot...vittnesmöten och en uppmaning från Jesus att evangelisera

Gåvor och stöd
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Natten till onsdag 25 september lämnade Vassula detta livet



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