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Fr. Vladimir Zielinski, Russian Orthodox

Epilogue to the first, typeset, edition of the Messages

words of this book speak for themselves. They need neither explanation nor intermediary. They are charming and simple. They speak to us of God and tell us that they are words of God.

Words of God: another revelation?

There is only one Revelation of God, unique and definitive, and that is the Gospel of Christ. Everything that Jesus has taught us, everything that He did during His earthly life is engraved forever in the sacred memory of the Church. But the life of the Church is much richer and more deep than what is readily apparent. It transcends the visible boundaries.

In this sense, the words of the Gospel of St. John that Vassula happened upon are most meaningful: "there are many other things that Jesus did; if one were to write them all, one by one, I do not think that the world itself would be enough to contain all the books that one could write (Jn. 21:25).

The words and deeds of Jesus which the evangelists and apostles were unable to put in their books remain in the Eternal Gospel. St John himself says in his revelation: "Then I saw another angel... who flew to the middle of the sky, bearing the Eternal Gospel to announce it to those who live on the earth...."( Rev. 14:6).

This "Eternal Gospel" belongs to the same Jesus who speaks to us in His Gospel. He has a heart-to-heart conversation with each of us; those who have ears listen to Him. It is not a question of a different Gospel or a different Jesus, for "Jesus is the same yesterday and today, and he will be the same forever (Heb. 13:8).

The whole history of the Church is full of accounts of personal revelations, mystical experiences and ineffable messages, for there have always been chosen ones, men and women, to whom Christ, His Holy Mother, or the Saints address themselves directly. But the case of Vassula is unique.

After being awakened one day by this personal revelation, Vassula began to write down the words which Christ Himself spoke to her. These words do not contradict the Holy Scripture and Tradition. They should not be read as ordinary texts.

They should be read in interior silence. One must here experience the silence of eternity. It is the dialogue of a soul with its Lord: a dialogue that develops in the mystery of faith. This mystery is like the Light that illuminates the coming of each person into the world. He expresses Himself in simple words: love, peace. joy. "I love you, you belong to me, you are Mine." One has to know how to understand these words that come to us from eternity. They must be listened to in the heart. They must be listened to in prayer. The words pronounced in this book have to become incarnate within us; they must take shape in us. This dialogue must become our dialogue, so that the prayer of Jesus becomes our prayer and the beating of our heart:

Beloved Father,
Purify me by the Blood of Your Son.
Father, purify me by the Body of Your Son.
Beloved Father, drive away the evil spirit
That is tempting me now.

For this message is a book of prayers: a single, uninterrupted prayer.

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