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VASSULA IN INDIA - January 1998

Vasco da Gama, Goa

January 27, 5pm

The penultimate stay of Vassula in Goa drew an audience of around 3,000 at Vasco da Gama, the harbour city of Goa.

Mr Edmund Antao, joined by the local Charismatic group helped the organizing committee. The Holy Rosary was led by Ms. Adelaine Antao and Vassula joined in (as with the other meetings) in Aramaic. The choir with many voices was led by Mr. Seby Fernandes who enthused the audience with a konkani hymn.

There were a number of Priests present, two were from the nearby seminary. Fr. Anastasio Gomes of the Carmelite Order was also present today. This wise and gifted Priest in the knowledge of God gave a small talk at the end.

Fr. "X", bearing testimony to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Vassula, urged us to follow the messages in the School of the Holy Spirit. 'The Holy Spirit is her true Counselor' he admits humbly. Earlier on Fr. "X" reiterated the position of the Church and quoted the Examiner, the periodical of the Bombay Archdiocese in defence of Vassula.

It is to be mentioned here that the Vasco meeting, earlier, was to have been held at the Regina Mundo School Ground, but the local Bishop prevailed and the vanue was therefore changed to the secular Marmagoa Port Trust Grounds. It appeared that there were many who stayed away from the meeting because of the Bishop's stand.

The words of Jesus to Vassula (18.2.1987) come to mind: "Have patience with them, for they are beloved to Me; heal them, love them."

Vassula, fresh as ever inher last meeting in Goa, then took the podium. She prayed the Prayer for the Conversion of the World given to her by Jesus and Our Lady on May 15, 1990

The mystic introduced herself as a housewife - married with two sons. Speaking on the gift of locution, she admitted she had recieved it free from Yahweh. Vassula says that God never forces anything on us. Yahweh says, "Just transmit what I have given you and let those who wish to hear - hear, and those who do not wish to hear - not hear". To reject without opening your heart to God also grieves God, added Vassula.

Vassula at this point shared one of her messages:

"Tell them that the message of True Life in God is not given to them to create a sensation but to make them realise the urgency of their conversion(that means turning to God) the gravity of the condition of their soul, the importance of changing their lives and to live holy. I want my children to listen very carefully to all that I have to say. Let my spirit of truth guide you back to the truth. Let my spirit of knowledge remind you of the one and only true knowledge I myself have given you."

So approach God, Vassula says. He asks us to speak from our heart:

"come and seek Me in simplicity of heart. Do not remain in debt with your sin. Ask for forgiveness and I shall forgive you. Ask for the spirit of fear - to discipline you into keeping My Name Holy. Bow your head low so that I may be seen. Learn to lower your voice so that you may begin to hear My voice and discover My intentions, My desires and My will. Raise your voice only in praise for My glorious treasure. Learn to raise your head only in search of Me... The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the Crown of Wisdom..."

Vassula then described the meaning of 'praying without ceasing'. Is this something that we can do? Doesn't Jesus know? "So 'pray without ceasing' doesn't mean I want you 24hours on your knees". Pray without ceasing means that "you have to desire Me, your God, all day long". This is the prayer without ceasing; it is a prayer without words. You cannot do this until you love God with all your mind and with all your soul. How can you do that? It means that you have to become intimate with God.

On the teaching of the Church, Jesus asked Vassula "which house is more important, your house or My house?" 'Your house Lord' enjoined Vassula and Jesus told her "Unite My House, revive My House, embellish My House." And I said, Lord - how am I to do these things, I know nothing, and He said: Remain a nothing, I want a nothing. In your nothingness I shall show My greatness and that I am."

Vassula then spoke of the miracle of her tour to India when she petitioned Mother Theresa to help her come to this great Nation. Immediately there were a flood of letters and phone calls from Bombay, Kerala and Goa urging her to visit these places. These prayer groups working in different places had the Holy Spirit working in them to achieve one common purpose - to give the TLIG message to India. On speaking of the importance of the Eucharist, Jesus once asked Vassula, "which bread is more important, your bread or Mine?" And Vassula answered both, although she knew Jesus was talking about the Eucharist."My Bread lasts for ever, yours does not last" reminded Jesus in bringing home the truth. And speaking of the Blessed Virgin Mary - much more that in other meetings - Vassula reminded us that we should honour and venerate her as Mother of God.

"Shame and dishonour are the lot of those who stop honouring her. I take no pleasure in your comment combined with sneers on the Woman so highly favoured by Me... Humble your spirit and refrain from making faces when it comes to entreat her intercession. Who tells you that I shall not listen to her. The woman adorned with the sun and born with My Holy Spirit... ranks as the Mother of God.

I have assigned her as Queen of My Court and of My Angels... I the Lord of Lords have placed her as first-born to be My Crown of Splendour born to be the Vessel of the true life who was made flesh from David's line."

It is this Woman's Virginal Heart that My redemptive plan began and it is through her heart that I will accomplish My Salvation Plan. So honour her heart - you who fly into a rage at the mention of her name. Understand that she is the door of My Sacred Heart - the door of My Celestial Court."

On January 26, 1998 Vassula received a message for India the second message for India during her visit.

"I give you My peace. Let My peace that I bequeath to you remain with you and envelop you. Do not fear. Do not say what am I to do Lord. India, Ah India! Offer me your heart and pray truthfully from your heart to you Saviour. Your prayers will sanctify your soul and those of others. Pray without ceasing and let the evil one flee! Be united with Me and be rooted in Me. Then no one and nothing in this world will come between you and me. My great return is imminent and I have come all the way to you with My heart in My hand.

Take it, India and place My heart in your heart. I have come with My message. I'm calling your Nation to return to the heart of God and be Holy. I am God and More. Spread My love hymn and make vineyards everywhere you go, cultivate your land and do not hesitate. Do not fear of the tempest which may arise now and then. I am with you. My Sacred Heart is your refuge so come and consecrate yourselves and your families to My and to the Immaculate Heart of your Mother.

I, Jesus, intend to remain in your country and sanctify it. For this I ask you to consecrate your country to our Two Hearts. Be loyal to Me and be one in My Name. I bless you all, little children."

In keeping with the wishes of Jesus, Vassula followed with the consecration of our families and our country to their 'Two Hearts'.

"Designated in the prophecies of Your word, O Lord, we know, we trust and we believe that the triumph of Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is in the near future. Therefore we humbly come to consecrate ourselves, our families and our country to your Two Sacred Hearts. We believe that in counsecrating our country to You, nation will not lift sword against nation. There will be no more training for war. We believe that in consecrating our country to Your Two Loving Hearts, all human pride and arrogance, all godlessness and hardening of the heart be effaced and that every evil will be replaced with loce and good things.

We believe that Your Two Holy Hearts will not resist our sighs and our needs, but in their loving plan will hear us and come to us, to heal our deep wounds and bring us peace. O Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, blow on us a spark from Your Two Hearts, to flare up our heart. Make out of our Nation a perfect dwelling place of your holiness. Abide in us and we in You so that though the love of Your Two Hearts we may find peace, unity and conversion. Amen"

The consecratiobn of the Nation was followed by the prayer for healing and deliverance to them by the invocation of the Holy Spirit. But before that Vassula clarified a question pointed out to her earlier, regarding the sign: [image missing] explaining it's meaning "Jesus Christ, Son of God and Saviour". The blessing by the Crucifix containing the relic of the True Cross of Jesus then concluded the evening session.

There were a number of testimonies given after the prayer meeting. Fr. Anastasio congratulated the organising committee for the visit of Vassula - in spite of 'the bombshell'. He said Vassula came, saw and was won over by us. He reiterated the power of the Rosary and further mentioned, in Konkani, "Jednam Saibinn Mai bhitor sorta, devsar bhair sorta" (meaning 'when Our Lady appears, the devil flees'). Edmund Antao then asked us to join in a powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit by stretching our hands over Vassula: 'fill her and use her to further your works'.

Other extraordinary signs were witnessed by Edmund Antao and Mr. Levin Rodrigues who saw the changing face of Jesus and the sun spinning respectively. Dr. Celcio Dias also witnessed the spinning of the sun as the Rosary was being said. He also saw Vassula's face changing into Jesus' face with a distinct moustache and beard. The hair had changed its colour to a dark brown and there was an aura of something supernatural, as thouse nothing else existed - just he and Jesus.

A report from Panjim also speaks of a Mr. John Sheppard, a Hindu convert, who also claimed to see the face of Jesus when Vassula was giving her message. Another lady from Margao is also believed to be cured of a hernia at the prayer meeting. This has been confirmed by a doctor. Vassula reminds us that the greatest signs are the return of our hearts to God.

Adieu! Vassula, Fr. "X", Georgia and Erwin. You were sent by God to us! We are grateful to God! "May His word that goes forth from your mouth, not return void; but accomplish what it pleases and may It prosper in the things for which it was sent". (Isaiah 55:11)

(Reports by Mr. Joe Afonso, Dr. Christopher Dias and Mrs. Arlinda Rodrigues)

Promluvy Vassuly Rydén po celém světě
Reportáže ze setkání s Vassulou
    2017 - Reportáže
    2011 - Reportáže
    2010 - Reportáže
    2009 - Reportáže
    Reportáže - 2008
    2007 Reports
    2006 - Reportáže
    2005 - Reportáže
    Reportáže - 2004
    2003 Reports
    2002 Reports
    Reportáže - 2001
    2000 - Reportáže
    1999 - Reportáže
    1998 - Reportáže
        USA and Canda (Part II)
        USA and Canada
        Holy Land Pilgrimage, May 1998
        Papua New Guinea
        Thailand, A Testimony by Edgar Dante
        Thailand, A Testimony by Lilita Pacudan
        Bangladesh, Philippines, and India.
(compiled from accounts by Vassula, Erwin Schlacher and Fr. X)

        Bangladesh, Philippines, and India.
Part II

        Bangladesh, Philippines, and India.
Part III

        Bangladesh, Philippines, and India.
Part IV

        Vasco da Gama, Goa, India
    1997 - Reportáže
    1996 - Reportáže

Promluvy Vassuly Rydén po celém světě
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