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Pozvání k evangelizaci

Vassula's letter to the True Life in God community on March 4, 1999

Of the following message from Jesus, Vassula has said that there is so much fruit in the messages and that Jesus will be with us and bless us if we make the first step. She said: "I feel sorry for Jesus" meaning that Jesus has given so much and that we are not implementing and spreading more this treasure of salvation given in True Life in God

Message received 03.03.99 for all those who hosted Vassula and know the messages:

"My frequent visits to you with My chosen one to bring all the way to your feet my precious Love Hymn to restore My House, have been left uncultivated. To some I have said: "I will strip you of My visits since you seem to be indifferent to My request of multiplying the fruits of her labours in your hands by evangelising;" and so I have. Moreover, this departure and abstinence is necessary for your growth. This is the hour, or never, to take up the sickle and reap, reap a harvest you never prepared yourself and have My Blessings."

Vassula explains:

This is a message for the TLIG people who have so far never tried to organise conferences on the messages. Jesus gave me this message yesterday (03.03.99) and it is a last message of its kind. The Lord since 2 1/2 years is calling for the TLIG groups to go and evangelise. His first call was not heeded. He came back to us in the Symposium of Jerusalem gathering all nations and active groups of TLIG to ask them once again to evangelise.

I know that France made several conferences or if you want you can call them public "cenacles." They were very fruitful. Switzerland too was very active. Holland too has started. All of the prisons in Portugal have been evangelised and good work has been done in both Bangladesh and Scotland.

To make retreats is good. It takes time to prepare them and everyone benefits from a retreat. But today Jesus is asking us to GIVE, give oneself to the others out there who are still in the desert. Give the treasures you received and be generous to step out in the world and share.

So I encourage ALL those who hosted me to do this step.

In God' Love and Mercy, I praise the Lord for his Patience and for reminding us of what is needed. So let us do His Will.

Love in Christ,

Vassula, March 4, 1999

Jak se nyní zapojit
Pozvání k evangelizaci
Jak podporovat Opravdový život v Bohu
Vezmi srp a žni
Vassula on Witnessing
Materiály k propagaci TLIG

Jak se nyní zapojit
Možnosti pro ty, kdo chtějí vydávat svědectví a organizátory setkání

Pozvání k evangelizaci
Vassulin dopis ze 4. března 1999 je v dnešní době stále více aktuální.

Jak podporovat Opravdový život v Bohu
Vassulina promluva v Jeruzalémě (květen 1998)

Vezmi srp a žni
Vassulina přednáška, Jeruzalém, TLIG konference 2000 ve Svaté zemi

Vassula on Witnessing
Taken from a speech given at the Egypt Pilgrimage in 2002

Materiály k propagaci TLIG
Tiskoviny ke stažení - zatím jsou zde jen anglické materiály

Chcete pomoci při rozšiřování poselství ve vašem okolí? Napište nám


Den Mého Návratu je blíže, než si myslíte
Žij pro Mě


Publikace paní Vassuly Rydén - Proroctví v poselství Opravdový život v Bohu týkající se Konce časů
Paní Vassula Rydén vybrala důležitá poselství, která se již naplnila nebo na své naplnění teprve čekají.
Podpořte evangelizace - Asociace TLIG v ČR
Národní Asociace Opravdového Života v Bohu pomáhá zpřístupnit poselství Opravdového života v Bohu všem, kdo si je chtějí koupit a přečíst, pořádá přednášky, evangelizace, svědectví, pomáhá šířit informace o poselství a společenství Opravdový život v Bohu
Vassulina mise v Itálii
květen 2017


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