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stay in your Creator's grace

June 27, 1987

(So now I realise; I have been split. My body goes around, but without my soul in it. My soul - My God, You have taken it. I feel like a carcass. Detached totally. Has anybody experienced this? To think as long as you are awake and conscious of God only. Has anyone experienced an awareness of God for 24 hrs a day for every day and more than one year? And the minute my mind would start to forget my chin is taken by a Hand to turn my head and face Jesus' smiling Face. I surprise myself how I cope still with other things!)

Vassula, I have just taken your heart, 1 placing it in My Heart; I am Yahweh and I love you! cradle My Love; creature, stay in your Creator's grace;

How, how could I stay in Your grace?

you have to be holy;

How can I be holy?

by loving Me fervently;

Then, if it is Your will, help me be.

I will help you, have My blessings; I will never ask anything from you that would harm you, remember this always;

come, I will unveil My deepest and most intimate desires; allow Me to engrave them on you, little one;

1 This was said, as if my heart was nothing, very simply...


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