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The True Life in God Messages

ALL the published TLIG messages (Notebooks 1 - 109) in ONE book

In the Prophetic Messages of True Life in God, God is calling the whole of His creation to return to Love while asking Christians to unify His Body, His Church ("Catholics! Protestants! Orthodox! you all belong to Me! you are all one in My Eyes!").

The True Life in God Messages are profoundly spiritual and are written in a clear and direct language. We are invited to enter into conversation with God substituting Vassula’s name in these texts for our own. Once having done that we are gently led into the mysteries of the Triune God and begin to grow in the Knowledge of God. Through the bounty of the Holy Spirit acting in us (Second Pentecost) we then begin to grow in God’s Love, Peace and Unity.

The complete True Life in God Messages are now available in a newly published (2006) single volume book. The 1150 page leather bound volume (size: 9 x 6 x 1 inches) contains all the published TLIG messages (Notebooks 1 - 109)


You can purchase the new book HERE ONLINE


Vassula - ett tecken på Guds kärlek
Min ängel Daniel
Sant Liv i Gud bokhandel
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        The True Life in God Video
        The complete TLIG messages
        Vergine Chakryan CD
        Cardinal Sfeir
        Prayer Meeting Guidelines Booklet
        The Vassula Enigma
        The True Life in God CD
        My Angel Daniel
        TLIG 2000 Conference video
        Salt of the Earth
        Unity - Virtue of Love
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22 juni 2010


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