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Cardinal Sfeir

His Eminence Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Peter Sfeir, the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East addrsses Vassula and the TLIG Pilgrims in May 2005 in Lebanon

These are a few excerpt from his speech:

"We welcome you to Lebanon, the ecumenical movement is dear to the universal church, and you know that the Catholic Church has tried her best of efforts to achieve the unity among Christians." (...)

"We are longing like you for this unity that the Lord Jesus Christ wanted when he said that you be one as I and my Father are one. We know that Mrs. Vassula had come before to Lebanon and she is seeking that path to unity. We know that Vassula has presented her doctrine and thoughts to the Apostolic Chair and they have published writings concerning this subject." (...)

"asking God to be with you and bless you and assist you in this endeavor toward the path of this unity" (...)

Cardinal Sfeir welcomes Vassula and TLIG Pilgrims, May 2005 (Click to enlarge)

Den Himmel gibt es wirklich, die Hölle aber auch
Mein Engel Daniel
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WLIG - Bücherladen
    Book Descriptions
        The True Life in God Video
        The complete TLIG messages
        "Der Himmel is Real, die Hölle aber auch" / Original auf Englisch: "Heaven is Real But So is Hell"
        Vergine Chakryan CD
        Cardinal Sfeir
        Prayer Meeting Guidelines Booklet
        Das Rätsel Vassula
        The True Life in God CD
        My Angel Daniel
        TLIG 2000 Conference video
        Salt of the Earth
        Die Einheit - Tugend der Liebe
    Liste mit Anbietern

Das Werk 'Das Wahre Leben in Gott'. Bände 1-12 in verschiedenen Sprachen

Den Himmel gibt es wirklich, die Hölle aber auch
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Mein Engel Daniel
Der Beginn vom Wahren Leben in Gott

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