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Getuigenissen van Leken - meertalig

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I heard Jesus calling me through the voice of Vassula. I knew it the moment I heard her voice. I remember her saying "Jesus says, I Have My lambs, the hear Me and they recognize My voice". That was His call. These words went right through my heart. Then I heard "Your generation has fallen deeper than Sodom". I was paralyzed. Not because of fear, but because I realized that I was part of that Sodom and Gomorrah. I turned it out. Got into the car and drove to Delft, which was one hour drive from home. I remember having prayed Ourfathers and Hailmaries the whole time. When I got into the faculty I felt something coming from my head, a smell like herbs or something like that. I thought: maybe Jesus has salved my head, or maybe it is my guardian angel. That was just the beginning of my conversion. Jesus brought me through His Message of the True Life in God into a new life.
(R. C., Alkmaar, Holland, September 1999)

For almost two years, as a direct result of reading True Life in God, I felt as if I were experiencing a kind of honeymoon experience with the Lord. Everything I was reading about our Lord, our Blessed Mother, the Saints, etc. becoming "brighter" because of His messages to Vassula - and to me! I began giving up television programs that I had usually watched ("Star Trek," for example) so I would have time to read the messages and pray more. In fact, the messages often sent me to my knees - in deeply grateful love for what He did and continues to do out of His Love for us all - and for me. My prayer became much more personal, simple, intimate, tender in a way I would never have even thought of before. I began to desire to share the graces I was receiving - of experiencing the sweetness in my heart by being so deeply touched - with others. I wanted to comply with our Lord and Lady's request for fasting and more prayer. It seems incredible to me, even now, but before TLIG I really did not truly realize how much, how passionately Jesus wants my love!
(C. H. C., USA, September 1999)

Since I read first book TRUE LIFE IN GOOD my faith in God grow much stronger because I recognise Gods writing in the book. I am very grateful to God, that He allow me to see and read all books ( last book 6). God is very good to me and my family. I can never be grateful enough.
(M. C., Australia, September 1999)

The process had started. I began attending Mass 40 miles away (that is the closest Catholic Church here in the Bible Belt), made my confession, received Communion and began to see things in a whole new way. I could say I actually longed to receive the sacraments. I began thinking how I could get to Mass more often, to Holy Hours, etc. I found that I had found "Home" again. I told my priest that it was as if I returned to the place I began but was seeing it for the first time. It was as if the old thoughts of the church had been washed clean and a new spirit of joy and clarity was present. I began to read the messages and these vitalized me.
(L. D., USA, September 1999)

Soon after, I joined a TLIG prayer group, where resting in the Spirit became a regular experience. Then, in April of this year (1999), I went with a group of sixteen members of TLIG on a pilgrimage to Garabandal. The day after arrival, we had a healing service conducted by two priests dedicated to promoting the message of TLIG (Fr. "X" and Fr Tony Sullivan). After this service I felt well again for the first time in years. I was relieved of all my medical problems that day.
(P. D., Ireland, September 1999)

During a visit by Ewa Allan to Newcastle on Tyne (26 June 1999) in which Ewa showed a video of Vassula (Vassula in Cardiff 1997) and led a discussion afterwards, I was privileged to witness the wonderful phenomena of the Holy Face of Jesus 'eclipsing' the face of Vassula as the video progressed. Her hair remained the same but inside the frame formed by her hair, her features just changed to that of Jesus. It was identical to that of the Turin Shroud, but alive and active while delivering His holy words. The Face of Jesus tended to be in black and white - clear and bold and natural in every respect. It was truly wonderful seeing Him and feeling His holy Presence, confirming the Heavenly source of True Life in God. The phenomena lasted throughout the whole video.
(R. D., UK, September 1999)

Last winter, as I was surfing the net, I found Vassula's site (it was the Holy Spirit who led me there). After I read the first notebook, I new this was a gift from God. I printed the messages and showed them to Pascal (my fiancé). The messages made me understand the Holy Trinity, made me understand the cross I'm carying, how merciful is our Lord. God gave me fate, and I know now, thanks to True Life in God, that fate is a grace from Him. When I look around me and I see all these people that are refusing Him, my heart is filled with sadness, now more than ever and I pray for their conversion everyday. I now understand the sacraments. You see before, I did not accept to tell my sins to a priest, I preferred to tell my sins directly to God. Whereas now, I understand why we should and must confess our sins to a priest and at the same time I understand humility… When I go to confession, I really feel that Jesus is there!
(M. J. D., Canada, September 1999)

I can't say that Vassula's books have converted me. I can say that I have found them to have been truly illuminating as to God's work in these times and in explining the times in which we live. I have never had any doubt about the truth of Vassula's writings and have found them inspiring and something that I am always glad to receive.
(D. E., Victoria, Australia, September 1999)

When I started reading it I could hardly put it down. It seemed like Jesus and Mary were actually speaking to me and I felt their love for us so strongly, which greatly uplifted me. I have been close to the Blessed Trinity as a child in school so reading this book brought me even closer to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As to Mary, I have been close to her ever since I can remember. My mother must have promoted this even before I started first grade. The messages have shown me how much Jesus suffers through sin and how sad He is that His own representatives (clergy and religious) have turned away and are misguiding their congregations. My relationship with God has improved through these messages.
(R. F., USA, September 1999)

The messages brought me to a closeness of the Eucharist. It is not just a symbol in which I have had many struggles with and still learning more. Vassula's messages have shown us what a one to one closeness is to Jesus and how we can come to Him with all our cares and concerns no matter how great or small.
(A. J. F., USA, September 1999)

It completely transformed me, not only to come out of my sin life, but changed dramatically my life, in general, and most specially my prayer life. The first messages touched me so much, that I continued readig them only while I was visiting the Holy Sacrament - it did not seem proper to me to read them anywhere else - it was God talking! Every evening, after work, I went to church, sat in front of the Holy Sacrament, and `listened' (read) to the Lord speakikng to me ...And I started to `know' Jesus, first. My heart was literally inflamed by His.
(O. G., Santiago, Chile, September 1999)

I did have an experience of seeing Christ with a long white robe in place of Vassula one afternoon early evening in a high school in Gaithersburg, MD. Later talking to my sister I learned she also had the same experience as well as a friend of ours' sister. That same day at dusk, or before the sun started not only spinning but dancing and moving up and down and from one side to another. I dropped on my knees.
(J. G., USA, September 1999)

What really got me all emotional is when the Eternal Father complained to Vassula that His children don't know Him, don't love Him and are even so afraid of Him, that they pray to Jesus, to protect them against the Father. The way Vassula repeated these words, I felt such sadness to hear how our Heavenly Father is hurt by the false image we, His children have of Him. I used to believe, because I was told for so many years, that He is a God who uses brimstones and fire to punish the humans who go astray. . . The moment I heard Vassula's words repeating the Father's words my feelings changed towards Him. Since then I try to have a more loving relationship and try to speak of His love, to bring my children, and others to Him.
(L. G., NY, USA, September 1999)

In looking back over these 5+ years, I'm trying to think which is the most significant change that has taken place in my spiritual life, and I'm really not sure. That's really for the Lord to know, but I sense that it's receiving and truly appreciating a spirit of obedience - obedience to God's laws, my pope and the Church - to become small so that He can become all. For too many years, I thought I was smart and that the Church was all wet on a number of different issues. In fairly short order, I became an orthodox Catholic although not necessarily a conservative one. I developed a sense of obedience to the Holy Father and the Magesterium and began to understand much more why the Church stands where it does on most issues.
(W. G., New York, USA, September 1999)

It was after listening to Vassula that evening in November 1996, that my conversion began. I was deeply moved. Shortly after that evening I went to confession which I had not been to for over 15 years, I learned to pray the rosary and began to attend Mass on Sundays as well as during the week. It was through True Life in God that I began to long for a deeper relationship with my God, and to surrender my will to His as the ultimate act of faith and love. It was through the messages where I learned of God's unfathomable Love for us.
(A. G. D., USA, September 1999)

I thank god for the inspiration of these books. i have been strengthened by these messages.i was an ok catholic before and now i think i'm a bit better because these messages seems like GOD is really revealing himself to these modern times. there has been no great enlightenment but i think i am getting better each day even though i have my ups and downs. i know this is not that exciting of a story but i wanted to say these messages have really helped me.
(K. J. G., USA, September 1999)

During Fasula (Vassula)'s talk I kept smelling roses even though all I could see, by our Lady's statue which was next to me, was poinsettias. At the intermission I asked the person next to me about it and she told me it was Our Blessed Lady - that she always accompanies Fasula wherever she goes. It was the most beautiful scent I ever smelled and I believed it was Our Lady.
(K. G., USA, September 1999)

Through Father Henry Bordeaux, I was introduced to the messages of Vassula Ryden in 1991 in Austin, Texas. One of the biggest impacts of my spirituality is that I began to comprehend the nearness of God and, that, He is truly omni-present. I grew up viewing Him as a distant God up in the Cosmos and too busy for my small problems. I never tire of sharing this with others and I tell young children as well as adults about his nearness for this has become a true reality for me.
(M. D. B. Grubb, Texas, USA, September 1999)

My life before TLIG was not a debaucherous one but I enjoyed going out, enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh and did not have a prayer to speak of. The rosary to me was an ornament to be hung from your car mirror. I started reading TLIG and was immediately aware of the intimacy of God with Vassula, the interest in every detail of her life. Intimacy for is difficult as I come from a divorced background and emotional and physical abuse have desensitized me a lot. The search for truth began.
(R. H., Zambia, September 1999)

In 1992 while reading the Sentinel I came across a small article about a Greek Orthodox lady, Vassula Ryden, who was coming to Australia with a message from "God". It was the tiny print of Our Lords handwriting that struck me. "This was from Heaven."- I had to go and hear what He had to say. I had to plan this trip carefully, as I had an elderly mother at home, and needed to get back quickly. That day was the happiest day of my life-for I came home from the city with the first two editions of 'True Life In God', and my life changed. I was just so happy. I am reading them all constantly now- for about the sixth time. They are the joy of my life. I started back to confession, Mass, and daily prayer- for the Lord is my life now, and my Joy, my only love.
(J. H., Australia, September 1999)

It was only after reading your messages that I could truly believe, now I no longer try to find out why, I can just accept that God wants me to love Him, Jesus and Mary. I try to attend daily Mass and receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I try to say the Rosary everyday before I do anything else, I say prayers every morning to The Divine Mercy and consecrate myself to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I also say the 3 prayers that Jesus asked you to give to us. To make a long story short, I want you to know that my prayer life has become the most important thing in my life, I want Jesus to come first and I have full confidence that our Mother Mary hears our prayers.
(B. H., Canada, September 1999)

We are an Orthodox family from Bucharest (Romania). We have been acquainted with "True Life in God" since 1994, when a Greek Catholic nun gave us a number of the "Stella Maris" magazine. All the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin and the messages KEPT US IN LIFE. All these celestial manifestations made us become more Christian and love the religion we were born in. These opened our hearts.
(L. I., Romania, September 1999)

The messages of True Life in God gave me an insight that God is reality - that He is actually conversing with someone. Faith can go so far without some sign of feedback. I guess that I am no different than 'doubting' Thomas from Jesus' time on earth with the Apostles.
(G. K., Australia, September 1999)

If TLIG is false then where am I heading? My prayer life has undergone a major change and I now renew the sacrifice of the Mass daily and go to Confession monthly, I love spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I have not got into 'celebrating the Liturgy' as most do these days. To me the Mass is a re-enactment of Calvary and not a memorial celebration. I no longer work on Sundays and lead a much more relaxed life. I have consecrated my life to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
(A. K., New Zealand, September 1999)

I opened Vassula's books again. The summer of '94 I found God's peace. Every night I would read many pages of her books and during sleep I never felt such joy and I would wake up feeling Jesus was at my side. I would talk with Jesus all day long I visited the adoration chapel 4 - 5 x/wk. It was so easy to feel God's presence and His love. People even commented on the peace I had. I can say without a doubt Jesus writings to Vassula gave me peace that summer. ... Since that summer my prayer life continues to blossom - certainly I have dry times. I attend Mass daily.
(S. K., USA, September 1999)

I was very impressed by the message but was totally unprepared for what I saw. On two or three consecutive occasions as Vassula raised her head I actually saw the face of Jesus rather than Vassula's. The vision remained each time until she returned her head to the podium. I was not only not surprised but remember thinking how unusual it was to see a man's face and hear a woman's voice. At the time I just did not register the significance of the event. The vision was as in the picture one sees on the cover of the TLIG books but with what appeared to be a gold metallic halo in place of the hair on His head. The impact of the event hit me the next day or so.
(J. K., Saratoga, September 1999)

My personal experience with Vassula's conversations with Jesus is that it made me think and feel Jesus in a new way...in a living way...now I always think of him as someone very real and alive and not just a vision of the past who was here and will come in the end of times to judge the world... He is with us every step of the way..trying to get his scattered sheep back to him, not giving up on them, he is still suffering immensely from the unfaithfullness and indifference of people to his presence and his works..
(H. K., Jerusalem, September 1999)

This is what I see: - I am listening more attentively to the readings of the gospel at mass, and getting more out of it than I did in the past - I am wanting to know the Father (Abba) more intimately and have become more comfortable in talking to others about God and His awesome goodness and love - I am becoming more aware of the difference between God's will and my will and trying harder to live more in His will.
(G. K., USA, September 1999)

This "Love Hymn" was presented to me by my dear uncle. I felt like a child receiving a special gift on his or her birthday. The more I read these Love messages, the more I fell in love with Jesus. My prayer time increased and I was growing more and more in the intimate love with my Lord. He was in my thoughts morning, noon and evening and even in my sleep. I truly rediscovered Jesus in a most loving and intimate way.
(P. K., Ontario, Canada, September 1999)

I come from a Moslem family from Bosnia but nobody in the family was practising the faith. I was very proud of my atheism and freedom! In January 1997 my school friend Marija-Dragica came after several years to visit me, and of course, with a book of TLIG messages with her, because she was translating them. ... But as soon as I read the first book I was in love with the messages. ... Very soon I joined to the regular catechism lessons for the Baptism, and by the Easter, the same year 1997, I was baptised. And not only I, but also my brother (who also ordered all the TLIG books), my daughter, my nephew and his girlfriend - five of us! Last year, 1998, my son and his girlfriend also were baptised and few months later they got married in the church, of course. God showered his blessings and Sacraments on us!
(E. K., Zagreb, Croatia, September 1999)

Au fur et à mesure de ma lecture, je ressentais profondément comme tout est vrai. J'ai pleuré comme Vassula sur mes péchés, sur ma froideur et mon insensibilité à l'égard de Dieu. J'ai réalisé combien j'offensais le Seigneur. Aujourd'hui, je peux dire que ma véritable conversion, mon vrai retour au Seigneur se sont faits grâce aux messages que Dieu a donné à Vassula.
(C. K., France, September 1999)

Through it I more deeply accepted the fact that God does love even me ... this still at times requires self-reminding. He wants an intimate personal relationship with all of us. We are all important to Him. . . . During one of Vassula's talks in Peterborough, Ontario, Jesus' face twice effaced Vassula's for a few brief seconds. I was incredulous and did not tell anyone about this for a long time. ... TLIG has made my faith deeper, richer, ever more personal and my heart longs for Church unity - especially the unification of the dates of Easter, the conversion of Russia . . . that God be All to all. . . . TLIG has lead me in an ever gradual way deeper into the hearts of the most holy Triune Trinity, Mary, St. Joseph and all the angels and saints.
(R. L., Ontario, Canada, September 1999)

I started reading the Volumes and found profound "peace" growing in my life. I continued to "talk" to our Lord and learnt to "listen" to Him. There have been many times when I have doubted that this is really happening to me and that it is our Lord talking to me and not my own mind answering my own questions. Yet the peace which fills me after each prayer time of conversation leaves no doubt.
(V. L., Australia, September 1999)

My prayer life has improved after reading True Life in God and I follow Jesus advice by doing my best to feel every word I say in my prayers. I also pray more slowly now. Before reading Jesus' Hymn of Love, I used to pray for one hour a day for the salvation of souls and for the Holy souls. Now I pray for about three and a half-hour every day and I include in my prayer time some of the prayers that Jesus dictated to Vassula. I also offer my will to God everyday, since Jesus indicated to Vassula that He desires all of us to do that…
(E. L., Australia, September 1999)

Something or somebody made me pick up the book once again and re-read it; I couldn't put it down. I was completely and utterly transfixed on God's love for Vassula and us, his children. I saw it in a different light, holy, pure, this great love Mary and Jesus had for us seemed to jump right out of the pages and into my heart. I then started praying the rosary as asked in the TLIG books, at first it was so hard to pray even one decade, but slowly it got easier. It took me months to learn how to pray even one whole rosary.
(J. M., Australia, September 1999)

I like to read the Vassula messages for they are truly inspired and in Christs style so simple to read and understand. I feel that my conversion is way short of being complete but that is what it is, and that is also what makes it exciting. Its like climbing a hill you think that youve reached the top only to find another hill awaits you. I met Vassula onced at Carfin in Scotland and I was impressed by what she had to say and her simplicity.
(N. McG., Scotland, September 1999)

I picked up the book again 'My Angel Daniel'. I read and read. And I cried. I also started reading the messages on the Website. As if they were written just for me. Oh, what Jesus says is so true. I got to know Him, and started loving Him. I know so well I still don't love Him enough, but He has given me all that I have asked for since. My love for Him will grow too. I am going to Mass again, and often am deeply touched by all of it. I pray again, and am happiest when I often think of Him.
(M. van den M., USA, September 1999)

I was tired, sick, and felt abandoned by God. It was then that I got the TLIG book Vol. I. My life was transformed. I recognized the voice of Jesus immediately. I knew I was God's seed. I knew I had come from him. I had longed to hear his voice and know how He felt about this generation. I devour the books as they come.
(F. M., San Fransisco, USA, September 1999)

There is no doubt in my mind that I profited immeasurably from reading her (Vassula's) locutions. She has enabled me to see and hear Jesus as I could not have imagined. Her revelations are startling because she has rendered Jesus as the real person He was and is. She has helped me tremendously in relating and praying to our Lord. Because of Vassula's revelations my life did change radically by bringing me closer to our Lord. Hers were the first locutions of any visionary which I read in depth and found myself deeply, deeply, moved.
(D. G. M., Bethlehem, PA, USA, September, 1999)

Then, as I was on holiday in England with time for my own pursuits, I read The Ten Commandments. I was shocked and ashamed of myself when I realised how much I sinned against God without ever knowing it. My understanding of the commandments had been zero before TLIG taught me. I was amazed that so many aspects of sin lie within one phrase and that the commandment "thou shalt not kill" was not simply broken by murderers. Reading that slim book, I woke up and began systematically to follow the whole course of wonderful teachings. It was a though it had been written for me in just the way I needed. I wish we could be taught from Vassula's writings in Church.
(C. H. M., Switzerland, September 1999)

Amazingly the pages spoke to me immediately and I knew that this was God. The hours passed in total concentrationn while I experienced powerful emotions, some hiterto unknown. As I learned from Jesus I was astounded that because of my sins He had suffered. ... Now I became an individual answerable for myself and as guilty of wounding Him as those who had forced the thorns into His forehead. Tears of sorrow trickled and I wanted to obey the writings to the letter to make amends, and become one of His trustworthy children. His love for sinners filled me with awe; when he called for our conversion I knew that it had just happened in my sitting room in His presence. This was the most important event in my life, indeed a miracle.
(V. M. M., Switzerland, September 1999)

I have now realized or the messages have made me realize what a friend I have in Jesus. He is my best friend, my saviour, my companion, my security, my guide, my ALL. The messages have helped me to accept and respect other religions and have removed the fear and feelings I had about them. These days I have no problem praying for the Unity of the Churches.
(E. M., Kenya, September 1999)

When Vassula came to Lusaka, Zambia, in 1993, I had no idea who she was an what mission she had until my niece told me about her. ... Since that time, my soul thirsted for these messages, I wanted very much to know what the Lord Jesus is telling us. ... I read the messages with enthusiasm and interest. It was a marvelous experience - full of joy and wonder. My experience was that while I was reading the messages of love, I heard Our Lord's voice at the same time within my heart. I was hooked by this good news and through I am a sinner, I became addicted to this hymn of love. I longed to meet this bearer of good news.
(R. M. M., Zambia, September 1999)

Since reading messages of Christ as written by Ms. Vassula I have experienced spiritual renewal in my life. I have experienced the love of God in everything I do. I have seen Jesus very closely in my life and not so remotely and unknown as before. I have also developed a lot of trust and increased faith in God. I also tend to call Him all the time to come and share/accompany me in this journey. I no longer feel alone. I have strengthed my faith in the Catholic Church and have also developed more love and understanding of other Christians of other denominations, as I see how our Lord loves all of them without discrimination or condemnation. I praise God for deepening my faith and love in Him who died for me and cares for me with love beyond all understanding.
(S. N., Kenya, September 1999)

Then, one day while I was on the said website, I clicked on 'Handwriting' and what appeared on the screen hit me like a thunderbolt. I was gazing with my mouth wide open at what appeared to me as angelic handwriting! Being one who has a special interest in calligraphy, I was literally short of words to describe this most beautiful, stately, consistent and elegant of handwritings. I did not know what to make of it. I took it to be Jesus' own handwriting. Of course I now know better, but the heavenly inspiration in the phenomenon is not in doubt, in fact it has never been! It is a favour of unfathomable proportions that God has deigned to let this generation witness His hand at work through His chosen instrument Vassula!
(J. L. N., Kenya, September 1999)

I first got Ms. Vassula's book from a friend of mine (a Catholic) and as a result of the writings and readings, my thoughts are turned towards the Lord almost everytime - not only that I feel His presence around me everyday. The love I have for humanity and the compassion is amazing (this was compounded by Vassula's visit). Being near this great lady has taught me to have genuine love for people around, because that is what I noticed in her life.
(M. F. N., Kenya, September 1999)

At the point that I began to read True Life in God, I had begun a journey back to God. I was a Sunday Mass goer, but I was lukewarm. There is much in my life that needed to change. I had much anger within myself. This anger was self destructive in that I was very unhappy and the anger would erupt against my family when they upset me. The journey began when I began to understand the events of Medjugorje. From interest in Medjurgorje, I was introduced to True Life in God and then Poem of the Man God. I began to read of God's Love and Mercy. But, I was not necessarily listening at first. This year I have begun my true conversion, for I have gone from being a lukewarm Catholic to one who is more fervent and more open to the Word of God. I have the opportunity to attend daily Mass and receive the Lord in Holy Communion.
(M. O'H., Australia, September 1999)

I was initially converted to Jesus and Christianity in 1980 - then to Catholicism in 1984. Those were earthshaking events in my life but I didn't start reading TLIG until a few years later. Nevertheless, reading the messages has transformed my idea of Jesus and made me absolutely fall in love with Him.
(D. P., Canada, September 1999)

I was a believing and practicing Christian before TLIG, but now, I am much more so. My wife has been converted to a true believer. Our life has changed completely. We now live in the world, but are not of it. We believe and love our God more that ever before, and yet we feel it is not enough. We want to love Him and our neighbor even more!
(J. P., USA, September 1999)

I am a very emotional person who, through True Life in God is developing more self-command, and as advised by St Therese of Lisieux keeping silent about problems and not complaining to other's and offering them to God, though many times unsuccessful. The opinions and attitude of others has a crippling affect on me normally, but I am now finding the affects have lessened to a more dulled emotion where it is like overridden by a peacefulness, I guess.
(J. P., Australia, September 1999)

Reading the messages has transformed my idea of Jesus and made me absolutely fall in love with Him. Mary came to me first, through the messages of Don Gobbi, and prepared me to meet Her Son through TLIG. I read both simultaneously until reaching the end of the messages. Now I'm starting over with TLIG vol.1. I don't know how to express my change except to say that I sometimes sob with longing to see Jesus face to face.
(D. P., Canada, September 1999)

La lecture des messages de notre Seigneur m'a complètement bouleversé. Je me suis rendu compte de qui était Dieu, de mes erreurs et de mes péchés graves. Par sa providence, Il m'a tendu la main et j'ai repris la pratique des sacrements que j'avais laissés de côté depuis quinze ans. Par la confession, cette manifestation de Sa très sainte Miséricorde, j'ai pu me réconcilier avec Lui.
(A. P., France, September 1999)

In May of 1994 my daughter made her First Communion and I might add that I wasn't even sure if I should let her make her communion, because I myself wasn't even sure about it. My mother had left Volumes I and II on my dresser in my room without telling me she left them. ... From the first page of that book I began a small bit of healing, and Peace began to enter my soul. I still struggled and questioned things, but little by little Jesus began pouring out his words on me. I think by the time I got to Volume III, I was completely convinced that this was from God. My conversion to the "Real" God began. I learned how to speak to the Holy Trinity intimately, as my best friends. I learned to love, respect and honor our Mother, Mary.
(F. V. P., USA, September 1999)

Una serie de búsquedas espirituales me han llevado a encontrar finalmente el Camino,la Verdad y la Unica Verdadera Vida, la Verdadera Vida en Dios. Es así y de tantas otras formas, como poco a poco mi Señor Jesús, junto a su Madre SAntísima, me han atraido hacia El.
(Y. R., Venezuela, September 1999).

I am and have always been Protestant (Methodist). A very dear Catholic friend of mine showed me the video. I immediately bought all the volumes that had been released so far and began to devour the messages. Such perfect Love!!!! Such tenderness and gentleness Jesus expresses for His beloved ones! How could I not be transformed by these messages. I began to pray the rosary and add the prayers that Jesus dictated to Vassula to my daily devotions. I thought about converting to Catholicism but my feeling was that Jesus wanted me to remain within the denomination that I am affiliated. The ecumenical messages teaches that we are all part of One Body. I believe that the outpouring of Love contained in the messages Jesus gave Vassula have helped me and given me enough strength over the years to come to the point in my life where I am now. I am involved in a prison ministry for youthful offenders. This is something I could not have done had I not been filled with the confidence of the Love that Jesus has expressed to me through these messages.
(K. R., USA, September 1999)

I longed to truly know the Lord on a personal level. To lift Him up further than faith and Gospel readings. A year later, during a Prison Chaplaincy visit, I noticed on a table with other spiritual books for prisoners to read, copies of Volume 1 of True Life in God. ... During the week I could not get the book out of my mind and felt a strong urge to read the Messages for myself. So when I returned I asked to borrow a volume. Oh, it was as if a flower had opened in my heart drinking in the amazing dew of revelation and love. My arid soul soaked up the Life in the Messages. At last I began to truly know my God and Jesus with an intimacy beyond what I had longed and prayed for. I began a spiritual journey of which there was no returning or stopping. The day dawned when I suddenly and completely came out of my dark depression, like a prisoner set free! And, this is the miracle for me from True Life in God that though only one week later I was told I had cancer, so much did the Lord fill my heart that my newly returned joy never foundered even for a minute.
(C. R., England, September 1999)

We are both more than impressed with Vassula and have been to several of her meetings in the New York area on Long Island. Her messages have certainly encouraged many of us to learn to get closer and more intimate with Jesus-to love Him more, and thank Him more for all His goodness and mercy endlessly.
(C.R., N.Y., USA, September 1999)

The True Life in God messages have brought me to a joyful, loving intimacy with Jesus. His description of Himself as a raggedly clothed beggar carrying His Heart in His hands, begging for love, has pierced the depths of my heart, mind and soul. I will never be the same.
(C. S., USA September 1999)

It is because of these writings that I have grown to love the Catholic Church so much. . . . My utmost obedience to our Pope, John Paul, the Vicar of Christ, . . . I now go to daily Mass, wear the scapular, pray the Rosary, kneel before the stations and love my Jesus above all things. My life is full of peace and joy.
(S. S., USA, September 1999)

I had been raised as a Protestant Christian, but became a practical atheist having been converted to evolutionism while in college.. . . . I have now read every word of Volumes 1 thru 10 of TLIG many times over. I begin my day at my church with the rosary prayer followed by morning Mass. I visit Jesus with others at adoration regularly. I try to contemplate Jesus throughout the days expressing my gratitude for His blessings and His forgiveness of my sins and my love for Him. I have increased my contributions to the Church and its charities. I have to love more than ever the Roman Catholic church and its wonderful Pope John Paul II. I can't help but believe that anyone who has discovered TLIG will be drawn by the Holy Spirit to do the same and to love our Triune God above all things.
(R. S., USA, September 1999)

It was during her (Vassula's) talk on her personal life and her purification (Zambia November, 1993) that I realised how horrible my soul was in the eyes of my Creator. When I went home that evening, I locked myself in my bedroom and went through my life and found that my past life was sinful - I never loved God the way I should have, though I went to Church regularly on Sunday it was out of duty without love. I sobbed with remorse seeing how I persecuted my Lord I was ashamed of my past state of life as I recalled all the sins I committed. It was the first time I had felt like that and then I saw that I was pleasing satan and not my Creator whom I should adore and thank for giving me life and love.
(I. S., Zambia, September 1999)

True Life in God messages have not only improved my personal prayer life, but also gave me a greater understanding and awareness of God's love and closeness to us.
(E. D'S., Australia, September 1999)

I was at first a little embarrassed to read of God's endearment to Vassula and of His Passionate Love for her (and all of us). I had not thought of God as austere but this was certainly different to anything I had expected. I stopped reading it until I could accept the reality of what I was reading and hearing for the very first time… the very depth and passion of God's love for us the imperfect and weak. Truly beyond anything I could have imagined. When I again started to read I was overwhelmed by joy and a surety. I had no doubts; God's warmth suffused me. I began to read pieces out to my family.
(B. S., Australia, September 1999)

Six years ago, when I was 32 years old, I went to a Medjugorje evening, and the lady witnessing there gave me Volume One of True Life in God to read. It was my wake up call in the profoundest sense of the word, and my introduction to a life where Jesus' love for me is undeniably tangible. I would describe it as first having a penpal that you wrote to out of duty, and afterwards falling in love with that person, constantly in wonder at how they could love you so much.
(C. St P., New Zealand, September 1999)

When I was given Vassula's message, I became aware in a new and deeper way, of Jesus, longing to take us in our weakness and make us perfect in Him as He has done in her-it has given me hope that I, too, am in His plan for joyous redemption as I give Him my will in sincerity. The second revelation that came to me through these messages is that I, as a Protestant, had a distrust of honoring St. Mary for fear of making her into an idol. These fears have been completely destroyed as I came to recognize Jesus' utter joy in God's erection of this Immaculate Heart whose joy is to lead us to Jesus. I come to her in everything knowing that this is the desire of the Trinity. The third thing is that as I learned to thank Him for physical suffering (shingles for ten years) that I can hope that I am allowed to partake of His sufferings in the redemption of this fallen world.
(E.G. S., Canada, September 1999)

TLIG has increased my awareness of Jesus and the Holy Trinity; I feel closer to them (or know them better). With the desire to pray for my countrymen that are going through a troubled period (tribulations) and to help Jesus save as many souls as possible from going to hell, I and my family pray the rosary when ever we can. In a nutshell we pray more.
(C. T., Australia, September 1999)

I found myself reading the messages often coming to tears (and those who know me, know that I have a tough guy reputation). Slowly the more I read the messages, the more I wanted to read. After years of abandoning it, I begun to pray again, to read the scriptures more and to even go to confession (something that I hadn't done in years). Also I begun to see the words Jesus was speaking to Vassula apply to me as well, to my life. Scriptures made sense, I saw everything in a new light, I felt closer to the Father than ever. I realized more than ever how much of a sinner I was, but at the same time how much Jesus was ready to forgive, without hesitation, without blame.
(G. T., Rome, September 1999)

Christelijke geestelijken, religieuzen, theologen en geleerden
Positie Kerk
Andere Eervolle Religies
Getuigenissen van Leken van over de Hele Wereld (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
    Getuigenissen van Leken (meertalig)
Getuigenissen van Gevangenen (in het Engels)

Christelijke geestelijken, religieuzen, theologen en geleerden
Individuele getuigenissen van Orthodoxe, Rooms-katholieke en Protestantse geestelijken, religieuzen, theologen en geleerden

Positie Kerk
Informatie over de Positie van de Kerk en van de Spiritualiteit van Waar Leven in God

Andere Eervolle Religies
Getuigenissen van niet-Christelijke religies

Getuigenissen van Leken van over de Hele Wereld (meertalig)
Een verzameling van korte getuigenissen van leken van over de hele wereld

Getuigenissen van Gevangenen (in het Engels)
Een verzameling van getuigenissen van gevangenen van over de hele wereld


Zeg Tegen Mijn Volk En Herinner Hen Eraan ...

Ik Heers Met Majesteit En Gezag, Indringend En Met Barmhartigheid


In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
Het boekje Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden is uit
'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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