Vol I

Vol I
The True Life in God messages are a compilation of over 2,000 messages. There are currently over 107 Notebooks compiled in a series of 12 volumes. The main themes of the True Life in God messages are unity of the Christian Churches, a call for conversion and the world to return to God in these End of Times, and that Jesus is Returning. These End of Times are not the end of the world, they are the end of an epoch, the end of an era—after which a new era will dawn.
The content of the True Life in God messages and Vassula’s testimony inspire, elevate and provide encouragement. The parallels of the messages and those of the New Testament accounts are similar in the way Jesus loves us and how He expresses His spousal intimacy with us on a level which our ability to understand cannot yet fully fathom. The tone expressed in the spousal terms is characteristic of mysticism, but manifested as an outpouring of the ineffable love of Christ.

Vol II

Vol II
The long awaited second volume of the True Life in God Messages has finally arrived.
The first printed book of the 'complete' messages received by Vassula was first published in 2006 and contained all the messages received up to mid 2003. Although Vassula continued to receive frequent messages, they were not published immediately.
It was not until the year 2014 that Vassula began publishing the messages she received from 2003 onwards here on the True Life in God website.
In October 2020, Vassula sent a message describing why the later messages have not been printed until now.
“I was waiting for a sign from Jesus, this ‘urge’ that I was waiting for from above to feel that Jesus now wants us to print the rest (of the messages). As long as I was not feeling the nudge, I was waiting. But now it’s here.”
Finally, a printed book of the same quality as the 2006 one-book is now available containing all the published messages from 2003 to January 2021.
Like the first volume, this second volume also carries with it the ecclesiastical seals of protection; the Nihil Obstat and an Imprimatur, issued in January 2021.


A message from Vassula in 2013 about the launch of her book "Heaven is Real, But So is Hell"
Dear TLIG Supporter,
May the Lord be praised for what I am about to share with you!
In the midst of our modern culture which continues to turn its back on God, HE is once again offering us a solution to lead millions back to Him, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. We have been praying for God's help and HE IS ANSWERING OUR PRAYERS.
I have written a captivating new book. It will be published in March 2013, and with your help it will reach millions of people. It is called, Heaven is Real, But So is Hell. I believe it could be the most powerful tool for evangelization and for drawing people to discover the TLIG messages.
Heaven is Real... will attract believers and non-believers alike. I have written detailed descriptions of Heaven and Hell, gripping stories of God’s Mercy, His obvious signs and wonders, and mainly God’s personal invitation to accept His mercy before His justice arrives.
We do not know the hour when God’s wrath will come upon us, but we know that His judgment is awaiting millions of people who are dying outside His friendship. How many of our own family members, friends and co-workers could be among those that could be lost?
How can we bring them to know God’s divine Hymn of Love? How can we rekindle our own faith? How can we bring our lukewarm churches back to life?
The book Heaven is Real, But So is Hell is one major attempt to draw them and inspire them to search the TLIG messages. We can get this book into bookstores, coffee houses, colleges, churches, libraries, airports, and onto the New York Times Bestseller List so that the media will take notice and Heaven, Hell, and God’s redemption will be known.
Please know that I am personally praying for you and your family, asking God to bless you and use you for His Glory.
In Christ,
True Life in God Australia
PO Box 856, Robina QLD 4226
Tel: +61 7 5593 3373

Original Handwriting

Original Handwriting
(Photographic reproduction of the original manuscript)
Volumes : 1 - 12 (1986-2003)

My Angel Daniel

My Angel Daniel
This book contains the 4 'Angel' Notebooks of early messages (from 1986 & 1987) in their original handwriting form.
Where are you usually?
I am where you are.
Could you see me as clearly as I see things?
Where are you when I run down the stairs?
I am with you.
Where are you now?
I am near you.
Where will you be when I die?
You will meet me; I shall be by your side. (Angel Book 1:18)
The Lord wrote by Vassula's hand in October 1986: Angel Book 2:51-52
...I am your Redeemer; I will always be; I will never leave you. I love you ... turn to me and look at me; I am God, your Heavenly Father; realize why I am with you; I, God, will do the same thing to all my other sons and daughters, for you are all mine.. .1, God, love all of you; I am going to reunite you all.

Unity – Virtue of Love

Unity – Virtue of Love
This 290 page book of extracts of messages on the Unity of Christ's Church taken from the messages of True Life in God, presents us with God's own way to achieving true Christian Unity.

Fire of Love

Fire of Love
Teachings on the Holy Spirit

Canticle of the Bridegroom

Canticle of the Bridegroom
Extracts from True Life in God Messages

Mary, Gate to Heaven, Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer

Mary, Gate to Heaven, Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer
Extracts from "True Life in God"

The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses
...and in the end Our Two Hearts Shall Triumph
Extracts from "True Life in God", 1995

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments
Extracts from "True Life in God"

TLIG book of prayers

TLIG book of prayers
This book contains selected prayers taken from the True Life in God messages. The book is a compact size A6 (approx 6in x 4in) and has 155 pages

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Selections from True Life in God Messages

Prayer Meeting Guidelines

Prayer Meeting Guidelines
Suggested prayers, TLIG meditations and devotions
for use by prayer groups.
The booklet can be downloaded HERE

Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times

Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times

eruption, the meteor over Russia, Covid-19, the economic crisis and more. They also foretell Russia’s aid in time of crisis, the Great Day of Purification, the Hurricane of Fire, and shifting of the earth off of its axis, the Great Conversion of the Church, an era of peace and holiness and the return of Christ our Saviour.
The American Association for IN STOCK
TLIG Buckingham distributes to the UK and worldwide: IN STOCK
TLIG Australia IN STOCK |

Vassula of the Sacred Heart’s Passion

Vassula of the Sacred Heart’s Passion

When God gives a Sign

When God gives a Sign
A Response to Objections Made Against Vassula
by abbot René Laurentin, 1993

Bearer of the Light

Bearer of the Light
Vassula, "Mediatrix of divided Christians"
Michael O'Carroll, C.S.Sp., 1994

Touched by the Spirit of God – second in a series

Touched by the Spirit of God – second in a series
Part I : Vassula and the CFD Part II : Vassula on the End Times Father Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C., 1998

Touched by the Spirit of God – first in a series

Touched by the Spirit of God – first in a series
Insights into "True Life in God"

Vassula and Rome

Vassula and Rome
Michael Dore, 1996 English edition, 39 pages

True Life in God presentations in Asia 1998

True Life in God presentations in Asia 1998

Vassula, ‘True Life in God’ and the Vatican

Vassula, ‘True Life in God’ and the Vatican
Fr John Abberton has written here a simple and clear summary of the position of the Vatican with regard to Vassula and the True Life in God Messages that can be used to respond to the false information which circulates about this matter. First published in 2016.
(12 page booklet, A5 size - 21 x 15cms)

Vassula Ryden and the writings know as True Life in God

Vassula Ryden and the writings know as True Life in God
Fr John Abberton writes:
The aim of this booklet is to provide a short introduction to "True Life in God" for those who are unsure of how to evaluate such writings, those who have accepted erroneous judgements or statements by some negative critics, those who are wary or nervous about private revelations, and those who tend to regard such things as unimportant, and therefore may be dismissive of private revelations or locutions.

Invitation to be one with Christ

Invitation to be one with Christ

Theological Review
Read a review by Lucien Lombard.

Theological Review
A new book by Fr Joseph Iannuzzi is available entitled, “A Theological Review of the Ecclesiastically Approved TRUE LIFE IN GOD Prophetic Revelations.”
Vassula recommends the book to be given to all, especially, to ‘doubting Thomases’.
This book is endorsed by two Catholic Archbishops who have offered the following testimonials:
“In his Theological Review of the True Life in God prophetic revelations, Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S.Th.D. provides a timely and exhaustive research of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, Magisterial documents and the mystics who are saints of the Church. Against the backdrop of Church Tradition and Magisterial teachings, this work successfully demonstrates the supernatural character of the TLIG revelations that I truly believe contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. May it bring hope, advance souls on the way of salvation and love, and so further the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
+ Archbishop Felix Toppo, D.D., Archdiocese of Ranchi, India
“The Theological Review of True Life in God, undertaken by Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S. Th. D., is a most welcome development that will certainly benefit many within and outside the Church. At last a very serious investigation by an expert theologian, resulting in a positive conclusion, offers a means to pray and experience God in the midst of the tempests afflicting the contemporary Church. God manifests his solicitude for man in using a non-Catholic – formerly a non-practicing Christian, a woman truly of the world – to manifest His greatness amidst human frailties. Fr. Iannuzzi so ably demonstrates in this work, resonating the thoughts of renowned saintly writers, that the message of Jesus through Vassula is in harmony with Catholic teachings and practices. I am convinced that Fr. Iannuzzi‘s findings will encourage many to discover more profoundly the True Life in God message and join Vassula and her many companions in the pursuit of a deeper holiness and a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, so as to hasten the day of Christian unity and a renewal of Christian Life in this tempestuous period of the life of the Church.”
+ Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese Lipa, Philippines
A review of the book by Lucien Lombard
The book is available from local TLIG Associations or can be ordered online.

The Vassula enigma

The Vassula enigma
Christian Churches have always recognised the existence of private revelation through which God speaks directly to souls endowed with a special charism. As with many well-known mystics such as St Catherine of Sienna or St Theresa of Avila, this type of revelation continues through writings given in our own day. Amongst these is True Life in God, from Vassula, the publication of which started in 1990. Since the publication of the writings in English, the work has been translated into over thirty languages and has given rise to a widespread following. Vassula fills large halls all over the world with enthusiastic audiences at the very time when the churches are being deserted.
What brings the crowds? Who is Vassula? Under what influence did she undertake to do this work which she asserts is dictated to her directly by God? Why are some priests convinced it is an authentic revelation? How is it that a woman without any theological training could write more than five thousand pages which conform to Scripture, to Tradition and to the works of the most learned theologians? Why did the Vatican give the Catholics a warning against Vassula's activities?
This book hopes to supply some answers and explanations to this phenomenon and these questions. It has been written without any positive or negative prejudice from a series of interviews Vassula granted to Jacques Neirynck. It modestly intends to supply information to the reader so that he or she can come to their own conclusions.
The author Jacques Neirynck was born in Brussels in 1931 and has had two simultaneous careers, one as researcher and teacher, the other as journalist and writer. His scientific career led him to be a professor in Lovanium University in Kinshasa, the Catholic University of Louvain and at the Federal Polytechnic in Lausanne. He also worked as a researcher, particularly for the Philips Research laboratory in Brussels. His specialisation is the Theory of Circuits and systems, a branch of mathematics applied to electricity systems. He has founded a scientific publication house, the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, where he managed the publication of a Treatise on Electricity in 22 volumes, translated into several languages.
His career as a journalist led him to edit several hundreds of articles on scientific and technical subjects for a general readership. In particular he collaborated with consumer information publications, as well as television and radio programmes. He was among the pioneers of a European consumer movement which covers five countries of the European Union today. As a writer, he has edited four essays and three novels. In 1999, Jacques Neirynck was elected a member of the Swiss Federal Parliament.