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What does the Church say?
Cardinal Ratzinger the now Pope Benedict the XVI
"The situation has been modified"
when asked, "what will your office reply if anybody asks if the notification is still valid?," Read more...
Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb
"what she says conforms to Gospel truth"
Cardinal Sfeir, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East
"God be with you and bless you and assist you in this endeavor toward the path of this unity " Read more...
Cardinal Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi
"The surprising thing is that Vassula did not have any catechetical instruction, leave alone theological training, what so-ever and yet her charismatic teaching seems to be in conformity to Scripture, Tradition and the writings of Scholars and Saints... " Read more...
Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, Archbishop of Lipa City, Philippines
"No matter what Mrs. Ryden's past life may be, she can and already is an insrument of God in our days to bring to reality God's dream, the Holy Father's dream, the Church's dream which may be the greatest event of the early years of the Third Millennium: THE UNITY OF ALL DISCIPLES OF CHRIST!" Read more...
Archbishop Vincent Concessao, Archbishop of New Delhi
"...All that we have heard is what is written in the Bible, but this is in a very personal way and shows that the Lord continues to speak. He is wonderful in His ways - He is a God of surprises and we do not know who He will use to communicate His messages. ... Vassula, thank you. God bless you and your ministry." Read more...

Archbishop Frane Franic, Archbishop Emeritus of Split and Makarska
"In reading the books of the divine messages and knowing that the author, Mrs. Vassula Ryden, is a daughter of the Greek Orthodox Church, I was very impressed to find in them a fidelity, and I am firmly convinced, an absolute fidelity to all the revealed truths as taught and expounded by the Catholic Church."

Archbishop David Sahagian of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem
"It is an occasion of great pleasure and personal satisfaction for us to recognize in you a new catalyst of spiritual rejuvenation"
Archbishop Seraphim, His Eminence Archbishop of Johannesburg and Pretoria
"... Another important indication in the messages is the need to support the unification of the Mystical Body of Christ, in other words the unity of the Churches and, in addition, the visible strengthening of the spiritual bonds between the Churches beginning with all Christians celebrating together on the same date the Resurrection of Christ." Read more...
Bishop Anil Couto, Bishop of Delhi
"she is true, she is real and a way to Unity..." Read more...
Bishop Jeremiah, Ukranian Orthodox Church Bishop Jeremiah /FERENS/ Eparch Bishop of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in South America
"Thousands of people from different places in the world are honoured ... graced with the Grace of God, after reading the messages transmited by Mrs Vassula, and the biggest blessing to the human being is the grace of conversion." Read more...
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem
"as long as people have a pure heart, and a pure mind, God will open their eyes and they will see Him face to face - not as someone up there in heaven, but active in our midst, in our world. This is what True Life in God endeavors to present." Read more...
Bishop Karl Sigurbjörnsson, Lutheran Bishop of Iceland
"Her sacred gift is God’s dispensation to his church, a soothing manifestation of faith." Read more...

Bishop Theofylaktos Welcome Address
Greek Orthodox Bishop of Babylon addresses TLIG Pilgrims in Cairo, Egypt
Bishop Georges Kahale Monsignor Georges Kahhale Zouhairaty, Bishop - Exarca & Apostolico of the Greek - Melkite Catholics of Venezuela
"With her openness and relationships, on an international level, Vassula has created, through prayer and "True Life in God", an ecumenical relationship and solid bases for the interreligious dialogue of the XXI Century for human unity." Read more...

Fr. Ion Bria prof. of Orthodox Theology
Fr. Ion discusses the book, "Fire of Love", extracts from "True Life in God" about the Holy Spirit
Other Helpful Resources

Pope John Paul II
The Pope is presented with a True Life in God volume by Niels Christian Hvidt

Further CDF Resources
Letters, books and commentary regarding the Notification and the CDF

International Bibliography
Books written by theologians, scholars and clergy from around the world about the Messages of True Life in God

Vassula's Worldwide Meetings
Listing of over 800 events where Vassula has spoken around the world

Charitable ‘Acts of Love’
True Life in God groups around the world start grassroots Beth Myriam (House of Mary) projects to help the poor and hungry

Ecumenism & Spirituality
Vassula was asked to speak on unity at an international ecumenical symposium in Farfa, Itlay

The Vassula Enigma
Author Jacques Neirynck objectively interviews Vassula Ryden and asks some poignant questions many want to know the answers to

Stanowisko Kościoła
Informacje dotyczące stanowiska Kościoła oraz duchowości "Prawdziwego życia w Bogu"

Duchowni, zakonnicy, teolodzy i uczeni chrześcijańscy
Osobiste świadectwa złożone przez ortodoksyjnych, rzymsko-katolickich i protestanckich duchownych, zakonników, teologów i uczonych

Inne religie
Świadectwa pochodzące z religii niechrześcijańskich

Świadectwa ludzi świeckich
Zbiór krótkich świadectw złożonych przez świeckich z całego świata

Świadectwa więźniów
Zbiór świadectw złożonych przez więźniów z całego świata


June 22, 2010

June 17, 2010

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