September 20, 1996
Eli, I love You.
Judge of the living and the dead,
I give You my heart.
Eternal Father and Prince-of-Peace1
govern me.
Branch-of-The Vine, peace be with you; I will not deprive you of My Voice, I never deprive children of anything they ask of Me, no matter how reckless they might be; they can always be disciplined and I can always bring them back to reason; yes, wretched they may be, but their Faithful King will keep on shining on them, giving them peace to attain perfection;
soul of My Heart, 2 begotten for this mission, open your heart now and listen to what I have to say: I called you to work for Me and at the same time bring you joy in your heart; your race is not yet over …. while you race, I am racing too; by your side I am; will you, for My sake endure for just a while longer?
Lord, I have gripped the hem of Your clothes and I will not let go!
adorn My Sanctuary;3 devastation and ruin have penetrated into My Sanctuary; revive My Sanctuary; and comfort those who mourn, they are My people; tell them that in due time I shall act with speed, for My Spirit will be poured out even to the least and the smallest of you will become mighty;
you must encourage and strengthen your brothers and sisters; tell them that Tender Mercy is visiting you all now, to give you strength in the times of ordeal that are to come; I will attend tenderly to your needs; multiply your prayers, since in these days, rebellion is growing; rebellion comes from Satan who was the first Rebel; blessed is he who believes that the Promise made by Me would be fulfilled!
I tell you most solemnly, the hour of rebellion has come, the hour of this one who claims to be so much greater than all that men call “god”, is here, and he is among you; his desire is to enthrone himself in My Sanctuary to hiss in his doctrine …. profaning My Institution of the Eucharist; he and his like wish to abolish My Perpetual Sacrifice; he wishes to break My Covenant and My Law; then once this is done, he will flatter many by conferring great honours on them; this is why many will acknowledge him and his doctrine;
but My Own, My Jacobs, who know Me, they will stand firm by My side and will oppose him; even today he puts others to take furious action against My holy ones4 because he has set his heart to destroy anyone who is holy; now he is hidden, but will stand up at the appointed time to do his evil …. Satan has bound him for many years now …. and you, you must not lose hope; this is why I said: “blessed is he who believes that the Promise made by Me would be fulfilled ….”
My Mother and I are raising disciples who become personal friends to Us and intimate, so that they will stand up like lights on a lamp-stand and shine in those days of ordeal; they will be the sturdy pillars of My Church because they will be upheld by My Holy Spirit who will be their interior power;
ah … generation, your apostasies have been many through the years, but greater apostasy than this one, My Church never encountered before ….
tell My people not to be afraid, but to place their hope in Me, for the Father and I know their needs; tell those who have not set their heart for Me to set it now on My Kingdom; do not say: “our Master is taking His time coming” …. I am at your doors …. but are you ready to receive Me? Vassula, there is a lot of work to be done, but remember, you will do this work with Me and you will receive My Strength …. so go out and address My people, be My echo resounding ….
I, Jesus Christ, bless you; we, us?
Yes Lord, but one small question, Lord – will You dethrone the Rebel?
yes! I will dethrone the Rebel; this victory will come with fire and how I wish it were blazing already! but My Church must still receive a baptism and how great is My distress till it is over! 5 this baptism will come from heaven, the clouds will rain it down; have you not read, pupil of Mine, “let the earth open for salvation to spring up; let deliverance, too, bud forth which, I, Yahweh, shall create ….” 6 I did not create chaos and chaos has now set its roots firmly in this world of Apostasy ….
come, I am with you;