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Uniqueness of the Spirituality of True Life in God

Fr. Tony Sullivan
October 2004

Even powerful spiritualities like St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, St Teresa of Avila, St Clement of Alexandria, St. Gregory of Nyssa, etc., are not as comprehensive as the spirituality of TLIG, and they cover only a fraction of the topics that TLIG does.

All the above spiritual writers were either Priests or religious, who were taught theology and the Scriptures, they also were part of the Church's establishment and were regularly receiving the Sacraments. Vassula, for thirty years took no part in the life of the Church and therefore received none of the Church's Sacraments. She also had no knowlege or instruction of theology and the Scriptures. Yet the spirituality of TLIG is saturated with the Scriptures, and contains no errors of doctrine as Fr.Edward O'Connor, who for forty years taught dogmatic theology at the University of Notre Dame USA, has stated in his book, Touched by the Spirit, published by Trinitas.

The Spirituality of TLIG is not meditations or intellectual reasonings by Vassula, she is given words and understandings directly from God, called "inner locutions", as it says in the Messages, November 28,1989, "I shall infuse in you learnings and discernment". The word infuse meaning coming directly from God and not Vassula's mind, Vassula being God's instrument, through which God speaks to us today. The Messages constantly tell us that all these Messages contain nothing new, but are reminders of the one Revelation given through the Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, as it says in the Message, July 30,1999, "they are given for a better explanation to the Revelation given to you"

One of the many unique characteristics of TLIG is that it contains individual locutions from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I know of no other spirituality that has such individual locutions from the Blessed Trinity, and maintaining the Triune nature of the Trinity, as it says in the Message, October 19,1998, "We encircled Our territory, in Our one Substance and one Power and one Knowledge We are one God alone,yes, with one Will and Dominion" and again in the Message, Odes of the Holy Trinity February-April 2003, "We are one Substance and one Power and one Knowledge and since We are one God We converse and give knowledge in the same manner and the same terms; this great knowledge is transmitted to you filled with love"

TLIG contains hundreds of teachings about Our Blessed Lady from God, that contains all the many titles of Our Blessed Lady, such as the New Eve, Woman of the Apocalpse, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Immaculate Heart. TLIG also contains a least a hundred Messages by locution from our Blessed Lady where she tells us, as she did at the Wedding Feast of Cana, do what Jesus tells you you do. TLIG also tells us how important Our Blessed Lady is in His Divine Plan, as it says in the Message, April 3, 1996, "I suffice by Myself, as you know, but it is through Mary's Virginal Heart that My Redemptive Plan begun, and it will be again through this Holy Heart that I will accomplish MY Salvation Plan". Again I know of no other spirituality that has such a comprehensive teaching on Our Blessed Lady.

TLIG contains all the characteristics of biblical prophecy. These characteristics of Bible prophets as spelt out by Dr. Scott Hahn, who lectures at the Catholic University of Stubenville, USA are.

  1. Judgement - blessings and curses
  2. Remnant - who will restore God's Church
  3. Restoration - God is going to rebuild His Church
  4. New Exodus - out of sin
  5. Coming of Messiah - who will restore and unite His Church and nations
  6. Day of the Lord - end of an era not end of world.

TLIG covers in detail and comprehensively these characteristics of biblical prophecy.

The uniqueness of the Spirituality of TLIG is a big subject, in the future many, many books will be written on this subject. This article is just a taste of the uniqueness that is this great gift of HOPE that God is giving us today. Like no other spirituality I have known, it touches people all around the world of other faiths and no faiths.

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    Wij worden Geoordeeld door de Liefde
    Herkenbaar Joods
    De uniciteit van Waar Leven in God (in het Engels)
    Mystieke Huwelijk en Vergoddelijking in 'Waar Leven in God'
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Pelgrimages & Retraites
De Passie (in het Engels)

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In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
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'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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