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The Triumph of Christ and Our Lady in Congo

September 21–30, 2014


“Daughter; I have still in front of Me many blank pages that need to be filled by anointing them with My noble theme … With gold thread I embroidered you, enlivening the roses to spread their sweet scent around, perfuming all the cosmos.”   TLIG, December 10, 2001

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… (Matthew 28:19)

Upon arriving at Athens airport on Sunday September 21, 2014 for our departure for Congo, we found out that we could not board the plane without a visa, which none of us had. Within a matter of minutes it transpired that this was a serious problem which could cancel Vassula’s mission. Under great pressure, telephone communication began with Ange in Congo, Bertrand in Paris and f. Vincent in Geneva, from where he would fly to Rome. We had planned to meet there and travel via Addis Ababa to Kinshasa, the capital of Congo. A member of the airport staff said: “You cannot travel to Congo without a visa.” In an attempt to help us, she asked whether we had any kind of invitation from someone in Congo. Realizing his great error of omission, Ange, in a state of panic, remembered the letter of invitation that the Archbishop of Kinshasa had sent to Vassula a long time ago. After several efforts and discussions, with time running out, the Archbishop’s invitation was accepted and our names were passed on to Ethiopian Air on condition that we would get visas upon our arrival in Kinshasa. Invocations and prayers to Saint Michael the Archangel by us and friends accompanying us to the airport had been heard. So we boarded the plane for Kinshasa via Rome and Addis Ababa, under the naïve impression that our problem was over!

Upon arriving in Kinshasa the following day, Monday, September 22, after many hours of flying and waiting in transit terminals, the very warm welcome that awaited Vassula was great compensation for our pains and made us feel elated and deeply touched. As we disembarked from the plane, state representatives, priests representing the Catholic Church, journalists, state television, cameras, radio stations welcomed her as the Lord’s envoy, with respect and a desire to listen and learn about the message she brings as well as her opinion of Congo and the forthcoming elections…. Vassula replied that “without God nothing is possible, but with God all things are possible…”


Welcome at the airport in Kinshasa

We were then directed to the VIP room, where the Kinshasa organizers stood at the entrance, waiting for us. They greeted Vassula, each one of them, and offered her a bunch of roses. With journalists and cameramen at Vassula’s heels, we entered the room. Representatives of the state and the press (Journal National, published in three languages, Digital TV, RTNC-Radio Television National Congo, B-ONE, Canal SAT and Radio) showed particular interest in Vassula’s visit, thus honouring the One who had sent her to their country. She was asked to have an interview for television and radio, which she did with pleasure. She spoke about the message she brings and told them about the reason why the Lord is approaching us today through the various instruments He is using.

“I have said that I will be coming to gather the nations of every language…” December 23, 1993

The organizers asked for our luggage tickets so that they could go and pick it up, but they returned without Vassula’s suitcase, saying that her luggage had not arrived but there was no reason for concern, as it would arrive the following day. In the meantime, three police officers 2 men and one woman asked Vassula, father Vincent and me to follow them. We were directed to the apron area of the airport. Vassula realized that they were leading us back to the plane and told Fr. Vincent. We were stopped a few metres from the Ethiopian Air plane and waited for about half an hour. They told us that the archbishop who had sent the letter could not be found to confirm his invitation to Vassula and therefore we could not get a visa. To our despair, we knew that what would follow would be boarding the same plane and returning to Greece…. And suddenly there were new orders…. Someone yelled from the building the visa arrived... The police officers took us to an office where we were asked to fill in various forms with our details and the reason for our visit to Congo. At some point the official in charge directly asked Vassula what her reason was for being in Congo and what exactly she was doing. Vassula told her about her mission and about the Beth Myriams established all over the world, and suddenly the heavy cloud of suspicion and denial that had been hanging in the atmosphere was dispelled at once. To our great surprise, the official asked Vassula to pray right there and then for the people in her office and her country. We rose and Vassula blessed them after praying and a visa was granted to all of us. As a token of appreciation, Vassula gave her an icon and some rosaries to the other people. The official’s joy was manifest and she confided to Vassula that when she was young she had an experience with Our Lady and that what happened that day was a confirmation for her. The police officers gladly accompanying us said goodbye to us, with all the best wishes for the meeting in Kinshasa, saying that they would not miss it for any reason. In the end, with the visas in our passports, we departed for the hotel, escorted by the police ahead of us making way through the traffic.


At the hotel entrance, Vassula was warmly welcomed by Fr Charles Kombe, representing the Cardinal of Kinshasa, who happened to be in Rome at the time. They sat at the hotel lobby and after introducing himself to Vassula, he joyfully said that when reading the TLIG messages he had felt “deeply touched by the intimacy with God that can be found in them. It is what the world needs today…”

Fr. Charles Kombe warmly welcomed Vassula and Fr. Vincent

On the same evening, a press conference had been arranged in one of the hotel’s conference halls. Those attending included 20 journalists from television, the radio and the press. One of them acted as chair. After welcoming Vassula, he asked her to talk about her wonderful story. Vassula opened her narration from the beginning and then journalists asked her various questions. One of them was how and why she had come to Congo. Vassula explained that when she was invited to Belgium in February 2014, Ange, a Congolese man from Lubumbashi had gone there to meet her and to invite her personally to Congo to give her testimony. Concluding, she stressed the fact that TLIG messages are addressed to the entirety of God’s creation.


Press conference in Kinshasa

The next day, Tuesday September 23, at noon, Vassula’s address was scheduled to take place at the “Tata Raphael” stadium. Despite reassurances, Vassula’s suitcase never got there. She was without her personal items, just the clothes she had been wearing on the plane, and she had a schedule packed with meetings, presentations and interviews ahead of her. Two ladies from the organizing group in Kinshasa who were aware of the problem offered Vassula two traditional garments they had bought for the occasion.

With some delay, and escorted by a police vehicle, we arrived at the stadium. The moment the police car, followed by our own, got into the stadium area, approximately three thousand standing people greeted her with shouts and applause. The orchestra and the chorus, with music and songs, created an atmosphere of enthusiasm. People applauded, shouting “Hallelujah”. She was led to the rostrum where she would speak, far away from the crowd. First, Ange spoke, then Fr. Henri Mungombo, who had read the TLIG messages, talked about the miracle taking place today, the message of God’s love for man, and then he translated Vassula’s address into the local dialect, Lingala. Fr. Vincent greeted the assembly, and after praying to the Holy Spirit, he introduced Vassula and the message she brings, saying that TLIG is a story of God’s love addressed to us, and Vassula is the board on which He writes His messages.

Heading for the stadium, escorted by the police

Arrival and reception at the stadium Tata Raphael


Ange (above) and Fr. Vincent on the rostrum

Photos of Vassula's speech at Kinshasa

Wearing the traditional dress with the vivid colours that had been presented to her, Vassula took the microphone and walked to the grandstand where people were seated. The people’s response was immediate and enthusiastic. They rose from their seats to applaud her and to sing. Vassula raised her hand and blessed the assembly with the Cross, in the Name of the Lord. Her speech was broadcast live on state television.

“God has not forgotten you, you may be the 82nd country to which he has sent me but he has not forgotten you…”, and after thanking Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo, she began her speech with a prayer of healing. Eager to go wherever the Lord sends her, she becomes His Echo. Eager to plant new vines and water the ones left unattended. She follows in the steps of Jesus, who walks ahead and reveals His Holy Face in these gatherings. Including the translation into the local dialect, her speech lasted about three and a half hours. At noon, under a glaring sun, the people remained in absolute silence and order, listening to her wonderful story, which began 27 years ago in Bangladesh and continues to this day. And as the Lord tells her, there are still many blank pages to be filled with His message. Towards the end of her speech, she was asked to pray on the sick, who had been waiting patiently at an area of the stadium, which she did. Concluding her speech, she asked the people to rise and repeat after her the prayer of healing and deliverance that the Lord had given her on November 13, 2006.

Vassula praying for the sick

In the evening, we had dinner with the organizers of the event in Kinshasa. Almost all of them had been recently introduced to the TLIG messages. However, this did not prevent them from recognizing the water springing from the divine Fountain, and with the Lord’s grace, they have created a new vine, a TLIG prayer group. With faith and zeal in their hearts, they work to spread the message in their city.

The following morning, Wednesday October 24, we were informed that Vassula’s suitcase had not arrived and no one knew where it was. With help from the organizers, we went to the city centre for her to buy some clothes, which were necessary for her speeches and her stay in Congo. The shopping trip turned into a mission of evangelization and the photograph conveys something of the prevailing climate…

Shortly before leaving the hotel for Kisangani, the next city, the police chief of Kinshasa came to meet Vassula in person. Vassula thanked him for his help to her during her visit but also to the TLIG organizers in Kinshasa and presented him with the book of TLIG messages in French.

With the Director of Police in Kinshasa just before our departure for Kisangani.

We left for Kinshasa airport to fly to Kisangani. At the airport, the British ambassador to Kinshasa was waiting for her. He had watched Vassula’s speech at the Tata Raphael Stadium on television the previous day and he had come to the airport to meet her and thank her.

The ambassador of England in Kinshasa came to the airport to meet Vassula.

We flew from Kinshasa to Kisangani on a private plane, as there was no flight scheduled on the day of our departure. Airline staff informed us that the suitcase was somewhere in Angola and would finally reach Lubumbashi the following day. After a two-hour flight we arrived at Kisangani airport. A large crowd had been waiting for Vassula to arrive. Upon descending the stairs, she was greeted by Fr. Francis, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Archbishop. Fr. Jacques and many friends, readers of the messages and organizers of the event introduced themselves to her and greeted her personally. Two young children offered flowers to her and thanked her for the messages she receives and for her visit to Congo, and to their city in particular. At the airport entrance, nuns and city residents welcomed her with dance and song. The atmosphere was one of celebration, joy and even spiritual resurrection, I would say… In welcoming Vassula with dance and song, just like David, the people welcomed the Lord, the author of the TLIG messages!

Departure from Kinshasa to Kisangani on a private plane

Arrival and reception at Kisangani
Always escorted by the police. The journalists covering the event also travelled in the police car.

We departed for the hotel, always escorted by the police. The journey took us through the green countryside and was full of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. A high level of poverty, along with the lack of water and basic necessities, makes daily life very difficult for the people. Along the road, there were scattered houses made of mud, with roofs made of straw or tin, at best. Barefoot children, poorly dressed, were everywhere, playing and enjoying the freedom of nature. They greeted us as we passed… It was a different world, a humble and poor one but at the same time it was happy, warm, full of faith and hope…

Views on our journey to the hotel.

We arrived at Palm Beach Hotel, overlooking the Congo River. It was an old hotel, ravaged by time. The press conference had been scheduled for a short while later. In the conference hall there were twenty journalists from all kinds of media: television, radio and the press. Fr. Vincent and the journalist presiding at the conference sat next to Vassula. Vassula made a short introduction to her experience, the beginning and the evolution of her mission over the years. She replied to questions addressed to her, then Fr.. Vincent also responded to some. She took photos with each and every one but had to greet them in a hurry so as to get to the local television station in time for her interview. Journalists treated her and her mission with impressive respect. As I had been used to the rationalism, rejection and irony with which journalists of my own country have treated her, this was a very pleasant contrast!

Arrival and press conference at Palm Beach Hotel, Kisangani

At the TV station later on, the manager welcomed Vassula very warmly. He greeted Fr.. Vincent and took us to his office. Overjoyed, he took two TLIG books from his drawer and raised them high. They were “My Angel Daniel” and the single-volume edition of TLIG messages in French. On the television screen we could see the banner advertising Vassula’s speech at the Kisangani Cathedral as well as the interview she was scheduled to have at the station a short while later. The broadcast began with a video of one of Vassula’s presentations in Paris a few years ago. Right after this, the journalist made a short introduction about Vassula and began asking his questions. Addressing Fr. Vincent, he said: Even though Vassula is an Orthodox, the messages are accepted by the Vatican. He went on to ask Vassula: How did her family treat this event? How did this divine communication begin? Vassula spoke about the messages she brings, emphasizing the fact that they are not intended only for Christians but for all the world. She spoke about the establishment of Beth Myriams and the work provided by volunteers. She also reminded that she gets no pay for the speeches she makes or TLIG book sales.

The director of the local public TV, cordially welcomed Vassula at his office and showed us with great joy the two TLIG books he had in the drawer.
Interview at the local television station.

The rooms assigned to us at Palm Beach Hotel appeared to be the same but the following day we found out that Vassula’s room was unacceptable. There was no hot water, the shower was out of order, toilet was not flushing, the air conditioner operated at a fixed temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, it was cold, there was no remote control, and, on top of that, there was not a sheet to cover her. Vassula woke up with bronchitis, a cough and a sense of fatigue and weakness, and her luggage had not yet arrived, despite reassurance from staff...

Her speech had been scheduled for 2 o’clock in the afternoon at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary. The programme had begun at 6 o’clock in the morning with mass, and continued with hymns and meditation on the mysteries of the rosary, in accordance with the TLIG prayer guide, accompanied with choruses from the Anglican, Catholic and Protestant Churches. At two o’clock in the afternoon, the vicar, Fr. Francis, welcomed Vassula on behalf of the Archbishop, stressing to the people that “Vassula is here today to share with us the great spiritual gift entrusted to her by the Father”, and he invited Fr. Vincent to speak about Vassula and her gift of prophecy. On the stand at the entrance to the large Cathedral, raised from the audience and overlooking the Congo River, there were seated local officials, clergy of different denominations and nuns. As Vassula crossed the Cathedral, heading for the stand, the chorus sang hymns of celebration, while inside the Church and around the Eucharist eight people had been praying all the while and during her speech. When Fr. Jacques, who was simultaneously translating the speech into Swahili, invited Vassula to the rostrum, the people’s response was spontaneous and impressive. With rhythmic applause and cries of joy and enthusiasm specific to their African tradition, about 50.000 people honoured the Lord’s envoy to their city. Vassula thanked the people for attending and asked them to rise for prayer. Her speech, including the simultaneous translation into Swahili, lasted for about three and a half hours. Among other things, she spoke about the spiritual decadence in Europe, where churches are sold and transformed into amusement parks, cafeterias, entertainment avenues, and alpine climbing centres, while the holy altar is transformed into a bar, an abomination mentioned by prophet Daniel. She spoke about Church unity in diversity… About the vision of the three rods which have refused to bend throughout the centuries, since love and humility are missing. She spoke about the small, simple lessons that Jesus gave her daily, such as blessing her food, thanking Him for providing it to us, and that whatever she does she should do with love, as this is what pleases Him and glorifies Him. This was the Lord’s gathering. He had opened the doors to Congo so that His Holy Name may be glorified. He spoke with authority through His envoy and she was His Echo. As a tender Father, he sent His saving help, His Message, to revive Congo. This work is His! Despite the high temperature and the long duration of the event, the audience listened devoutly to the end.

Vassula concluded her speech with the prayer of healing and deliverance that the crowd repeated. She offered a Byzantine icon of Our Lady to Fr. Francis and thanked him for the welcome he gave to the TLIG message. She said that when a journalist asked her why she had chosen Congo, she replied that Congo had been chosen by God, not her!

Fr. Francis picked the microphone and thanked Vassula on behalf of the whole community. He thanked all the Christian denominations that attended as well as the representatives of other religions, and went on to add, addressing Vassula: “Dear Vassula, we are aware that you had to overcome many obstacles to come to Congo. We wish you a safe journey to your country and may God reward you one-hundredfold for what you have given us…”

After three and a half hours of speaking, standing in the heat and humidity, with bronchitis and physical weakness, she seemed exhausted… We entered the Cathedral where it was slightly cooler. I switched on the fans and we waited… Her facial features had changed. There was peace, but tiredness, too. Her eyes were sad and her voice could barely be heard. She reminded me of Jesus on the way to the Cross… The grace that the Lord has given her is great, but so is her cross… and she bears it without protesting.

Vassula’s mission in Congo has been an extraordinary spiritual experience for me, maybe the greatest of the ones I have experienced so far, accompanying Vassula on her mission. I praise God for the great honour and blessing He has given me, even though I do not deserve it.

Amazing spiritual moments. More than 50.000 people, under the glaring sun, attended Vassula’s testimony in a devout and orderly manner.
Translating the speech into sign language for the deaf who attended. Excellent organization.

As we left the church by car, we could see the people leaving, each one carrying a seat on their head. They had brought their seats to attend the speech.

In the evening, at the farewell dinner, there attended, in addition to the organizers, the police chief, a senior army officer, Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy, representatives of Christian women and gifted young people, nuns, and a representative of the Muslim community. Fr. Jacques introduced those attending, including himself last as one of the priests responsible for spreading the TLIG messages in Kisangani and offered Vassula a painting on behalf of the organizers. Then each one of them took the floor, saying what had most impressed them, what they had felt, what they did not know and what they had learnt by listening to Vassula’s testimony, and everyone thanked her warmly for bringing the TLIG message to Congo and their city.

It was Ange’s turn to take the floor. He thanked the priests who, with their faith in the message, had set fire to the Roman Catholic Church, making her open the door and invite them to talk about the TLIG message. He thanked the University for providing conference halls for TLIG speakers as well as the nuns of the Sacred Heart, who had literally absorbed the messages and had done their best during preparations. In turn, Vassula said: “I thank God for His grace, which I did not deserve. I wish that all people, regardless of religion, get to know Him and love Him in the way that He wants, because God lives among us.”

With the army officer, Fr. Francis, Fr. Jacques and the police chief.
Vassula with the Anglican priest, his wife and the representative of the Muslim community, holding the painting presented to her by the organizers.
With the Kisangani organizers

The following day, Friday September 26, we departed on a private plane for Lubumbashi, the second largest city in Congo after Kinshasa. We had boarded the plane when Vassula was requested to disembark because ground staff at the airport had asked her to pray for them. Vassula gladly disembarked and prayed with them.

Airport staff asked Vassula to pray for them.

Our flight lasted two hours. We arrived in Lubumbashi at one o’clock in the afternoon. A large crowd had gathered at the airport, waiting for Vassula to arrive. Television and radio stations, the press, journalists asking questions, officials, clergy and, of course, people who wished to greet her personally. At each city, the welcome from people was getting warmer. Ange’s two younger daughters offered flowers to Vassula. The great surprise was the children’s chorus that welcomed Vassula with a song written for her: “Welcome Vassula to Lubumbashi”. The vicar Mgr. Denis welcomed her on behalf of the Archbishop of Lubumbashi along with other Catholic priests. This time we had a big surprise… An Orthodox priest, father Seraphim, was among those who had come to greet her.

Reception at Lubumbashi airport


Lubumbashi is a very large city, much more modern compared to Kisangani. We arrived at the Grand Karavia Hotel and settled in our rooms. At five o’clock in the afternoon, in the hotel’s garden, the press conference took place as scheduled. Ange introduced Vassula saying: “You have heard a lot about Vassula. Tonight you have the opportunity to see her in person and ask questions.” There were many questions: about her life before the messages, how the message began, how she sees visions, the obstacles and difficulties she faces in her mission; what TLIG means, about the division of the Church and about unity in diversity. Vassula said that “every gift that God gives for His Church faces persecution, but the greater the grace, the bigger the Cross.” About the division of the Church, she said that this is the work of the devil, who brought apostasy within the Church and all over the world. As for the title of TLIG, it has not been given by her but by the Lord. Concluding, she thanked them for the love they have for God and for being open to this message, even though it is new to them. This is a sign that they are humble and God’s grace is with them. She then replied to the last question, which was about how she sees spirituality in Congo, saying: “If everyone had your spirituality, then the messages of True Life in God would not be necessary!”

Press conference in Lubumbashi

On the same evening, we met some Greeks who were born and live in Lubumbashi, and then we had dinner with the priests who had received her in the morning and a few friends who are readers of the messages. Vassula asked each of them to tell her how he or she had got to know about the TLIG messages. They all gave their personal testimony, stressing that they had first heard about the TLIG messages and Vassula through Ange!!! Looking for a way of making the catechism classes he was teaching to children more spiritual, Ange found on YouTube a talk by Vassula in Marseille. In this way, the Lord guided him to the precious gift He was pleased to give our generation and which bears His seal. Ange had heard about Vassula’s talk in Banneux, Belgium in February 2014 and had gone to listen to her and to invite her to give her testimony in Congo as well. Ange shared his “discovery” with relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers! He visited the three cities in Congo and spoke to priests, nuns and laity about the heavenly Manna that God is offering to this wretched generation and handed out books TLIG books and FVDs. He deeply believed in the authenticity of the message and the Lord paved the way for him to make it known in his country. Almost seven months later, with the help of all those who had read and believed that the creator and author of TLIG is the Lord, he officially invited Vassula to speak in three large Congo cities.

Dinner with the priests and some of the organizers

The schedule of the following day was loaded with formal meetings. The first visit took place early in the morning at the Roman Catholic Archbishopric of Lubumbashi. She was welcomed by the vicar, Fr. Denis, along with ten other priests in the Archbishopric. They guided her to a hall for soft drinks and snacks. The atmosphere was particularly friendly. Vassula said that the TLIG messages are messages of love and hope, stressing that they are intended for our era. She said that the Lord often dictated to her for several hours but with Him time goes by fast. She spoke about the decadence in Europe and the misguided definitions of the so-called freedom, and mentioned that Our Lady appears all over the world because our spiritual state is tragic. Vassula offered an icon of Our Lady and the vicar, Mgr Denis, offered two beautiful gifts to her, on behalf of everyone present. Before we said goodbye, we had the necessary commemorative photos taken on the grounds of the Archbishopric.

Commemorative photos with the priests in the garden of the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi

We then had a meeting with the Governor of the Katanga province, Moses Katumbi, at his office. The atmosphere was especially warm. The governor’s family, along with him, had lived in Rhodes for a while, so they had Greek relatives by affinity, and are on good terms with Greece. He narrated the story of his family, which was long and very interesting. Vassula thanked him for the warm welcome and offered a Byzantine icon of Our Lady to him.

At the exit, the journalists were waiting, as usual with the same question: “Why did you come to Congo?” Vassula replied, “I bring the message of Jesus for peace and reconciliation.”

Vassula visited the Governor of Katanga, Moses Katumbi 

We went on to visit the House of Parliament. At the entrance, Vassula was welcomed by the chairman of the assembly of the Katanga province. “I have come to talk about the Lord, about His love for His creation, to say that He is not inaccessible but, to the contrary, He is by our side at any moment. The message is a long letter of love from God, and you are the 82nd country to which he has sent me. In your country, God is really glorified,” Vassula said. 

After the commemorative photographs had been taken, journalists gathered at the parliament’s exit, waiting for some snapshots and answers.

Visit to the Parliament of Katanga province. Photo with the President of the Provincial Assembly Mr. Gabriel Kyungu.


The priests not only announcing and inviting people to attend Vassula’s speech, but allowed and hanging banner in the Cathedral to make known her speech.

Vassula’s speech had been announced a long time ago on the radio, the press and television. At the Cathedral, the priests were inviting the faithful to attend the speech and had placed a banner advertising it at the entrance. On the radio, the city’s mayor urged citizens to come to the stadium to listen to what God is saying and to get His blessing. At two o’ clock in the afternoon, we reached the «Stade de la Kenya», which was full to capacity.

With Bishop Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, Mgr Denis and Carine Katumbi, shortly before her speech at Stade de la Kenya

As she crossed the stadium, heading for the stand in the middle of the stadium, the orchestra was playing music and people had risen from their seats in rhythmic applause. Vassula returned the greeting, raising her hand and smiling about the people’s displays of love for the Lord. Vassula’s speech was attended by the Katanga province authorities and many priests from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches as well as other Christian denominations. Her speech was broadcast live on state television.

The vicar of the Lubumbashi Archbishopric, Reverend Denis Moto, prayed the Our Father with all the people. He said that we had gathered there today, using the opportunity of Vassula’s visit, to honour the Lord and pray for the unity of Christians. Addressing Vassula, he welcomed her for coming to Lubumbashi to spread her spiritual experience to the Christians of all denominations and thanked her for accepting their invitation.

Father Vincent began his speech with the question, “Why does God speak to Vassula?” Right after this, he answered, “He speaks for the benefit of His Church.” He spoke about Vassula’s gift and the course of her mission to date and invited Vassula to speak.

Vassula greeted the people, thanked them for attending and asked them to rise and pray. Having read out the prayer of healing that the Lord had given her in January 1998, she said: We praise God for this spiritual retreat. God invites us to become living altars for Him. The TLIG messages are a call from God for peace and reconciliation. She spoke for three and a half hours with simultaneous translation into Swahili, the local dialect. She referred to the beginning of the messages, God’s mercy and love, the power of prayer, atheism and materialism, lack of love, and selfishness. Faithfully adhering to the Lord’s command, Vassula goes from nation to nation proclaiming His Word without any delay. She relies on Jesus and is not afraid. She shows patience and perseverance in the trials and obstacles that make her mission difficult, because she has her eyes set on Him alone and has His peace. She knows that Jesus is ahead of her, guiding her, and she follows in His steps, eager to fulfil what needs to be fulfilled. She is generous with her time and goes wherever she is invited, without discriminating. She knows that the Lord reveals Himself for His Glory and for the benefit of His Church. Through all these years, Wisdom has edified, instructed, educated and protected her. The Lord instructs her how to speak in His assemblies. And through all these 27 blessed years, His Word has grown from a stream into a river, and the river has begun turning into whitewater and becoming an ocean, with water overflowing Congo and all of Africa to glorify Him. She concluded her speech with the prayer of healing and deliverance. She once again thanked the people for warmly receiving the TLIG message, the authorities, priests, and organizers for the excellent preparation and their love of God.

The Reverend Bishop Fulgence concluded this meeting with a prayer, while Ange took the microphone and said: “I praise God because thanks to Him Vassula came to Congo”. He thanked the Roman Catholic Church for inviting Vassula to give her testimony in Congo as well as all the Christian denominations that attended. He thanked the Lubumbashi authorities for contributing in every way to the preparation and execution of this great event. Finally, he thanked Vassula for accepting the invitation and going there.

There was a sense of celebration all around in the stadium. The youth orchestra, along with the chorus filled the stadium with music and song, while the crowd, about 30.000 people, took part by singing and dancing. The priest on the stand set the pace by singing and the people responded in the same in the same rhythm. It was a great celebration which, unfortunately, had to end… yet no one was leaving… and they all went on dancing and singing, praising the Lord!

Photos of Vassula's meeting in Lubumbashi. 


Authorities, representatives of parliament, clergy of different denominations and other officials attended the Vassula’s speech in «Stade de la Kenya» in Lubumbashi.

Overjoyed, we left the stadium for Ange’s house. At last, we would be meeting his large family: ten children, the youngest being Daniella, just 6 months old. A blessed family!

We left Congo on October 29 at noon and arrived in Athens the following day, October 30, without ever retrieving Vassula’s luggage. The last we heard about it was that it was somewhere in Angola...

I cannot describe the unique and hopefully not unrepeatable moments we experienced; the magnificence of the spiritual history written at each one of Vassula’s missions. I have been blessed and honoured to accompany her on several journeys to Europe, Africa, North and South America. I must confess that I have never witnessed a similar reception. The official reception, the people’s demonstration of love for Vassula and what she brings was unique and deeply touching, and it filled us with incredible joy! Congo has a big, open heart, full of faith and love of Jesus! And the Lord has blessed it!!

We thank from our heart, the authorities, the bishops, the priests, Ange and all the Congolese who accepted with humility and faith the messages of True Life in God. They received God’s bearer with respect and love, attended her speeches and did their best to facilitate and support her mission in Congo. God’s name was praised and acclaimed in this nation! Love is by their side…

In Christ,

Gethsemane Vlaserou


Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
De Stichting

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
Lijst van alle eerdere bijeenkomsten

De echo's van de Echo ... Getuigenis-bijeenkomsten en een uitnodiging van Jezus om te evangeliseren

De Stichting
Samenvatting over waar de Foundation True Life in God - de Stichting - voor staat, de reden waarom zij is opgericht, de missie die aan haar is toevertrouwd en de formaliteiten die van belang zijn.


Zeg Tegen Mijn Volk En Herinner Hen Eraan ...

Ik Heers Met Majesteit En Gezag, Indringend En Met Barmhartigheid


In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
Het boekje Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden is uit
'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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