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Report of Vassula's Visit to Marseille


«Prophecy, Deliverance and Healing»

As early as August 2011, Bertrand Vallancien, the person responsible for True Life in God in France had written to the bishops of the Province of Marseille, to ask them if they could meet Vassula when she comes to Marseille in November. He also wrote to the clergy and the authorities of many denominations to invite them to the event in Marseille, scheduled for November 20th, 2011.

In October 2011, a “warning”, signed by eight bishops of the Province of Marseille, was distributed to all the parishes of the said dioceses, stating that “all acts of a religious nature, such as mass, deliverance prayers and healing, if they were affected, would be considered as not done in communion with the Catholic Church”.

Bertrand contacted the archbishops and managed to speak to one of the Vicar Generals, who emphasized that we should have informed the Archbishop about our project before organizing the event. The reason for this protocol is that every pastoral activity, in the Church’s view, is under the responsibility of the bishop. He also declared, that concerning Vassula, “all visionaries were in red colour”, an expression which means that the clergy remain at a highest alert level concerning the mission and activities of Vassula.

Due to all this, the organizing committee of the Marseille event had to change some things in the program, such as radio and television interviews and others. However, in spite of the persecutions and obstacles, there was a huge interest in TLIG and the Palais des Congrès de Marseille was almost full of people who had come with the expectation to listen to God’s Message to His people.

Friday 18th November 2011

We left Athens airport and arrived in Marseille after two and a half hours. We were welcomed by Mado, Bertrand, Petros and other friends of TLIG who had organized the meeting. Marie-France offered Vassula a beautiful bunch of flowers and we left the airport in a mini-bus which took us to the hotel. It took us about an hour to get to the hotel, and during our drive everyone had something to ask Vassula or to inform her about the three day program ahead.

Our first impressions of Marseille were very positive, especially since the weather was good for this time of the year. After our arrival at the hotel, we had a little rest before supper. During the evening, many people started to drop in from different parts of France to participate in the three day meeting in Marseille. The whole atmosphere was very warm and friendly. Everybody rejoiced that Vassula was visiting their country after a long time and they were very much looking forward to and thirsty to listen to her words about our Lord’s Message for our times.

The organizing team informed Vassula about the details in next day’s program and about the problems they had faced in the past few months. Vassula answered everyone’s questions patiently, and they were all ears. We had a very pleasant evening and spiritual conversations lasted until very late.

Saturday 19th November 2011

Notre Dame de la Garde Basilica in Marseille

After breakfast, we left the hotel at 10 o’clock for Notre Dame de la Garde Basilica. During the twenty-minute ride through the city, we had the opportunity to admire the beautiful buildings; their architectural beauty dating from different centuries, gives the town of Marseille its distinctiveness. The southern part of the town with its stores and buildings takes us to the Notre Dame de la Garde Basilica, from which one has a marvelous view of the city. The Basilica Notre Dame de la Garde was built in the 19th century in the New Byzantine style and is 155 m high. Above its 46m high tower, stands the golden statue of “Our Good Mother”, as she is called in Marseille, bearing the infant Jesus in Her arms. This statue is visible from almost every part of the town. Many pilgrims visit the Basilica daily, not only to admire the wonderful view, but also to thank Our Lady, to pray, and to offer their votive offerings.

We were guided through the whole area of this beautiful church and stayed there to pray to our Holy Mother. We then had lunch in the same area, and during that time other people kept coming to join us. The number of TLIG people increased to approximately forty, and all of us were discussing spiritual matters. Vassula never stopped answering our questions.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, we returned to the hotel and had a rest while Vassula gave a three-hour interview for the French magazine “Appel du Ciel”. At 7 p.m. mass was celebrated by four priests. We praised and thanked God for all the blessings He had poured abundantly upon us.

We then had dinner at the hotel’s restaurant and Vassula witnessed to the priests about her mission. Our second evening in Marseille ended in that wonderful way.

Sunday, 20th November 2011

Early in the morning, at about 8.30, we left the hotel for the conference hall where Vassula’s presentation, her speech, and other speeches would take place. The hall was situated one kilometer away from the hotel, and by the time we arrived, it was almost full. People from Paris, Nice, Switzerland and other parts of Europe had travelled in different ways and had all come to listen to our Lord’s Words, so precious for all humanity in these difficult times. We were impressed to see families with young children among the participants, who listened to all the speakers with great interest and in total silence.

The Palais des Congres where the meeting took place was nicely decorated with many flowers and with a huge image of Jesus of the Shroud. On the stage, a band with its choir was playing and singing hymns to our Lord during the duration of the meetings. 1200 to 1400 people could easily fill the hall and even with the exception of the people sitting in the balcony, the place was crowded. Among them we recognized several priests.

Palais des Congrès where the meeting in Marseille took place

At 09.00a.m. Bertrand welcomed the participants, and after that, Fr. Vincent presented Vassula and talked about the charism God gave her. He spoke about her mission, citing several messages from TLIG. He pointed out that TLIG is the story of a soul, Vassula’s soul, and at the same time it is also the story of every soul. He went on to say that when our Lord speaks to Vassula and tells her: “Be My Echo”, it applies to every one of us.

Another view of the Palais des Congrès in Marseille with the participants

Vassula then started her speech by asking the people present if they knew the messages of TLIG. Many answered negatively, showing that they did not have any knowledge of them. Vassula felt that it was right for her to speak about the charism God gave her and how her life changed by knowing Him. She spoke also about God’s Love for all of His children and about what God wants from each one of us.

At 11 o’clock there was a break and we attended Mass at the Sacré Coeur Basilica. Then we had lunch. In the afternoon, the program continued with Fr. Michel, whose subject was “to have trials until the big trials of the end of times”. Father Michel studied the messages many years ago and he knows Vassula personally as well as her mission.

Then Vassula spoke about the prophecies given to her in the messages, mentioning those prophecies where Our Lord warns us that His message as well as His messenger will be persecuted.

Subsequently, the well-known theologian Mr. Niels Christian Hvidt discussed Christian prophecies for almost one hour. Mr. Niels pointed out that prophets had always existed and that they will always exist. The charism of prophecy will never die. Elijah’s mission goes on till the present day. Starting from the time of Jesus and ever since, more and more women have received the charism of prophecy, for example Saint Birgitta of Sweden, Saint Catherine of Siena and Sister Faustina.

Vassula, the main speaker, referred to some of the prophecies the Lord gave her in the messages of TLIG, which have since been fulfilled .

On September 11th 1991, our Lord warned us, exactly 10 years prior, of the fall of the twin towers in the USA, which took away the lives of so many, among them innocent people. Back in 1987, Vassula had seen in a vision a big wave and she was trying to escape it, but it was impossible. She then asked our Lord: “Why is this going to happen?” “Because I do not hear any cry of repentance, because you are living without God. I need acts of reparation, I need amendments, uniting and being one, loving one another”. The tsunami, the big wave, happened on December 2004 and hit Sumatra and other islands as well as Thailand, stopping in Africa.

Vassula giving her speech in the Palais des Congrès, Marseille

Vassula also spoke about the Transfiguration of the Church of Russia. In 1989, our Lord called her, and in a vision, she saw herself standing in a desert. Near her someone was lying on the ground, dead. Our Lord said, “She is your sister, Russia”. When He saw Vassula weeping, He said: “Do not weep, I will resurrect her, and I will transfigure her. I will transfigure her as I was transfigured, making her beautiful again”. On the feast of the Transfiguration, communism fell as our Lord had foretold us.

After dinner we greeted many brothers and sisters from France who had to return home. Everyone was filled with the Spirit of God and happy about this experience. Many asked Vassula to come back to France and to other places very soon.

Monday 21st November, 2011

We had a wonderful day in Marseille with all the TLIG friends who were able to stay another day.

“I will call the humble, I will raise the dead, I will encourage the weak, I will pursue the sinner, countless times I shall call the godless;” (15.02.1989)

“I am God thrice holy so do not fear; remember what I have told you once? I have told you that I am known to overthrow kings and kingdoms were they to become an obstacle on My way”. (08.11.1995)

Chara Stergiou

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
De Stichting

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
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De echo's van de Echo ... Getuigenis-bijeenkomsten en een uitnodiging van Jezus om te evangeliseren

De Stichting
Samenvatting over waar de Foundation True Life in God - de Stichting - voor staat, de reden waarom zij is opgericht, de missie die aan haar is toevertrouwd en de formaliteiten die van belang zijn.


Zeg Tegen Mijn Volk En Herinner Hen Eraan ...

Ik Heers Met Majesteit En Gezag, Indringend En Met Barmhartigheid


In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
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