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Canadian Mission Summary

A summary of grace filled mission for the entire month of October 2006 to Canada. Reports, testimonies, pictures, etc, of the many wonderful meetings are still flowing in. Check back as summary and full reports will be posted here as they become available.

Vancouver, British Columbia
As the meeting commenced, Vassula quietly walked in, and humbly took the stage amid sounds of much applause from about 200 people. During most of her presentation, you could have heard a pin drop as everyone listened so intently to the Divine Inspirations which Vassula expressed with deep passion. Prayers and deliverance followed her presentation, and almost all lined up for a blessing by Vassula. Amid the soft music of the "Salt of the Earth", people received the Holy Spirit, and, a feeling of solemnity and awe filled the room, as this was indeed a very special day for everyone present, which many will never forget. Vancouver was truly blessed today. (FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Zoltan Vertes



Abbotsford, British Columbia
Vassula could not witness at Abbotsford : a snow storm delayed her departure from Grande Prairie and she arrived too late for the meeting.



Grande Prairie, Alberta
We had an inspired and blessed evening at Grande Prairie with beautiful spiritual hymns and praise. There were approximately 145 people in attendance and we are pleased to report that this included several young people. Almost everyone in the theatre went up on the stage for a blessing from Vassula. We were hit with a snow storm that evening and are happy with the numbers in attendance but more importantly we feel the evening was filled with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thanks and praise to our Savior.(FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Lynne Oe



Lethbridge, Alberta
On the morning of Oct 24th, Vassula appeared on the live interactive TV program, "InSight," which is broadcast and produced on the Miracle Channel, an evangelical Christian TV station broadcasting 24 hours day from Lethbridge to a worldwide viewing audience numbered in the millions on cable, satellite and the Internet.

That evening, the public meeting was held at the Miracle Channel Studios. Vassula referred to herself as a postman, delivering a message. Vassula's message emphasized the need to turn to the Lord, confessing our sins and for unity in the church. Vassula's sense of humor was sprinkled throughout the message. She stressed that she was nothing without Jesus and the length that the Lord went to capture her heart and He wants the same for each one of us. Many commented how they appreciated that she was so direct in the message she presented. It was as if Jesus was speaking directly to them.

Although our numbers were less than we hoped for at the meeting, I believe that there was a lot of seed sown in Lethbridge. We now must pray that that we will allow the Holy Spirit to nurture the seed so that there can be an abundant harvest, not only in Lethbridge, but all of Canada. May the Lord be able to see that Canada is indeed His. (FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Sandy Whyte



Edmonton, Alberta
About 200 hundred people attended and were blessed by the Messages. Vassula shared with us how our loving Father first contacted her and taught her, the need for repentance and prayer and the pain of Jesus as he looks upon with love and compassion. And, of course, the need for Unity was emphasized.

After Vassula's speech, Henri Lemay talked about the clarification with the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, and the audience was very happy to hear this information. People then came forward to be blessed and prayed over by Vassula. The whole afternoon was harmonious and prayerful as we were engulfed in God's presence.

Additionally, Jesus manifested His Power and Annointing on this meeting and mission by supernaturally appearing in some photographs taken with a cell phone camera.(FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Barbra Anderson



Cochrane, Ontario (English)
When Vassula and Henri arrived the Holy Spirit was already at work in the hearts of the people and they were ready to hear God's message through Vassula. After a short introduction by Henri, Vassula gave us the message in much simplicity and humility. The peace that dwells within her was also placed in our hearts and her words penetrated our hungry souls.

She made us understand the sweetness and the majesty of our God, calling us to conversion and repentance, the prayer without ceasing that helps us to stay in God's presence at every instant of the day which becomes contemplation. "It is by serving others in acts of love that we are in God's service," she told us. She also touched on the subject of unity among christians, families, couples, in our cities and countries and invited us to pray for the conversion of the world.

Vassula delivered the message so eloquently in both French & English and followed by blessing each person individually. The Holy Spirit showered an abundance of graces of liberation, consolations, love, peace and joy. Many of our young people were deeply moved.

From what we have heard so far is that the Good News is spreading and we anticipate a great move of the Holy Spirit which is already begun. It was a great privilege to have Vassula come to Cochrane and we praise God for such a blessing.(FINAL REPORT PENDING)

- Nicole Charron



Vassula speaking to crowd in Toronto 2006 during the country-wide mission in Canada  

Toronto, Ontario
Warm, personable, and affectionate, was the spirit of the Lord’s love upon us as Vassula spoke in Toronto Saturday Oct 14th at Canada Christian College. It felt like a large living room with 1000 people; the Lord’s love was intimate. The Holy Spirit was moving very strongly throughout and many were touched by Vassula’s message from God. We were also blessed to have the "Sons of Light" musicians enliven our spirit with praise. We realized that we had enough Tlig books clear our tables that it averaged out to one per person who attended. This surely is the Lord’s power at work to convert hearts. Praise God! (FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Janette Strong



Vassula speaking to crowd in Montreal 2006 during the country-wide mission in Canada  

Montreal, Quebec (French)
In Montreal, we were VERY blessed : the evening was indeed a success, thanks be to God! About 1000 people attended the conference (in French) which took place downtown Montreal in a hall of the Université du Québec à Montréal, on Friday, October 13. Vassula's speech touched on the beginnings, the purification, repentance, constant prayer, contemplation, to end up with Unity. People were moved to tears by Vassula's speech. On more than one occasion she made the audience laugh as she was talking about divine humour. After Vassula's speech, Henri Lemay talked about the Clarification and the audience was very happy to hear this information. Soft and inspiring music accompanied everybody as they got to walk up to the stage to get blessed and prayed over by Vassula. Prayer teams from Quebec city had joined in too. The whole evening was flowing harmoniously in a prayerful atmosphere. Vassula's visit has been an especially blessed moment for Montreal. May the rain and dew of Vassula's testimony, through our Holy Mother's intercession, water abundantly the desert of our city Montreal, whose very first name was "Ville-Marie" or City of Mary.(FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Katia Alvonellos



Montréal, Québec (programme en français)
À Montréal, nous avons reçu de grandes grâces : la soirée fut un plein succès, grâce à Dieu! Environ 1000 personnes ont assisté à la conférence dans une salle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal, vendredi 13 octobre. Le témoignage de Vassula a porté sur les débuts de son charisme, sur le repentir, la prière constante, la contemplation et enfin sur l'Unité. L'assistance fut touchée jusqu'aux larmes. Plus d'une fois, Vassula fit rire l'assistance lorsqu'elle parla de l'humour de Dieu. Après le témoignage de Vassula, Henri Lemay parla de la Clarification avec la CDF, et l'assistance fut très heureuse de cette information. Une musique douce et inspirée accompagnait la foule lorsque chacun est monté sur l'estrade pour recevoir l'imposition des mains et la bénédiction de Vassula. Des groupes de prière sont venus également de Québec. La soirée s'est écoulée harmonieusement dans une atmosphère priante. La visite de Vassula a été pour Montréal tout spécialement un moment de grâces. Que la pluie et la rosée du témoignage de Vassula irrigue abondamment le désert de notre ville de Montréal, qui s'appelait à l'origine "Ville-Marie".(RAPPORT DETAILLE SUIT)

- Katia Alvonellos



Ottawa, Ontario (English)
A 500-plus crowd came to our evening meeting with Vassula, who were very enthusiastic that she was here at last. Deep interest was evident throughout her 2-hour talk, which was personal in her quiet, friendly and humorous way. She spoke of her experiences in becoming one with Jesus, and it was obvious that her total commitment to the work the Father has given her has been difficult, but has brought her great joy and peace in the divine love she receives. She spoke of the intimacy He wants with each one of us, His love and desire for our oneness with Him, not fearing but wanting us to approach Him and be aware of His presence in us. Most important, He wants UNITY for the church that has been divided for hundreds of years, the keys of unity, both inter-personal and corporate, being humility and love. She spoke of how sin, all sin big and small, affects our relationship with the Father, and that Repentance is essential in this oneness - no longer ME, but WE. Those present were blessed, prayed for, and it seemed that no one wanted to leave. Thank You, Father, for Vassula and the very generous friends who attended.(FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Joan Sparks



Québec City, Québec (English)
The evening of Wednesday 4th October 2006 will have deeply marked the life of the some nine hundred persons of various Christian denominations who were present in the Centre des congrès de Québec for hearing Vassula, the Lord's messenger, and her sayings will accompany them for a long time, if not for ever.

After the opening with praising songs, Henri Lemay, who is accompanying Vassula during her journey in Canada, has given the necessary clarifications for reassuring the Catholics regarding Vatican's position on Vassula's message and mission. Finally came the moment of welcoming her, and the attendance warmly manifested his joy of hearing her. She first recalled the birth of her mission, emphasizing that nothing had predisposed her to this encounter with the Lord ; then, «God's mailwoman» ­- as she introduces herself -, she has delivered His letter in two themes : unity and intimacy which God wants from us. The attendance did not hear a conference, but rather God's prayer to His children for them to tell 'yes' to His love. Most of them have claimed this 'yes' when Henry has asked whether they renounce to all illusions of the Devil, and it is by hundreds that people went forth for receiving the imposition of hands. A prayer team formed of Christians of various denominations joined to Vassula and Henry for praying on the faithfuls, and several ones falled down resting in the Spirit.(FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Daniel Huot



Henry Lemay, Vassula and one of the organizers in Moncton 2006 during the country-wide mission in Canada  

Moncton, New Brunswick (English)
The cold and driving rain did not hold the 180 or so enthusiastic people from coming from various regions to hear Vassula speak. Henri Lemay first addressed the crowd by explaining to everyone that they must have all been especially called by God to come in spite of the terrible weather. Much of the same zealous spirit from the first night existed here on the second as Vassula repeated the speech from the night before, this time in English. A new prayer group has already started to form - a sign of these meetings already bearing fruit. Thanks be to God! (FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Francis McCarron



Moncton, New Brunswick (French)
A spirit filled evening. Vassula spoke on Sunday, October 1st to a small crowd of about 180 prayerful, dedicated people. Before Vassula began, people filed in and browsed the book tables and purchased books, CD's and signed the information sheets for prayer groups. We quickly ran out of our stock of True Life in God Ecumenical Prayer Meeting Guidelines - a good sign. She had the full attention of everyone as she told us of how God wants us to be on fire for Him, as He is for us. The day ended with a healing service led by Henry Lemay and Vassula, where there was laying on of hands. We anticipate many people to give their testimonies to this powerful meeting. (FULL REPORT PENDING)

- Francis McCarron



1er octobre 2006
Moncton, New Brunswick (programme en français)
Un esprit emplissait la soirée. Vassula témoignait dimanche 1er octobre devant une petite foule priante d'environ 180 personnes dévouées. Avant le témoignage de Vassula, les gens faisaient la queue pourparcourir les étalages pour acheter des livres et des CD, et s'inscrire aux groupes de prière. Le Guide pour les réunions de prière de la Vraie Vie en Dieu fut rapidement épuisé, ce qui est bon signe. Vassula capta toute l'attention de l'assemblée lorsqu'elle nous dit combien Dieu désire que nous soyons enflammés pour Lui comme Il l'est pour nous. La soirée se termina par une service de prière de guérison par imposition des mains, mené par Henri Lemay et Vassula. Nous nous attendons à beaucoup de témoignages après cette puissante réunion. (RAPPORT DETAILLE SUIT)

- Francis McCarron

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
De Stichting

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
Lijst van alle eerdere bijeenkomsten

De echo's van de Echo ... Getuigenis-bijeenkomsten en een uitnodiging van Jezus om te evangeliseren

De Stichting
Samenvatting over waar de Foundation True Life in God - de Stichting - voor staat, de reden waarom zij is opgericht, de missie die aan haar is toevertrouwd en de formaliteiten die van belang zijn.


Zeg Tegen Mijn Volk En Herinner Hen Eraan ...

Ik Heers Met Majesteit En Gezag, Indringend En Met Barmhartigheid


In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
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'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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