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An Explosion of Divine Graces! The Asian Report Part I - Japan and Hong Kong


"Peace be with you. My command to you is: go out where I send you to bear fruit that will last heart The Amen is with you. Go round offering all that you have learnt from Me; by the power of My Holy Spirit you shall walk, you shall talk, you shall move hearts, you shall cast out devils, you shall uproot evil and you shall plant goodness; Stand your ground for this work of Mercy; resist evil and cling to me. Go and do not be afraid to declare the truth; My Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to the truth. My Name: Peace and Love." March 18, 1996

The complete Asian report consists of one month of travels to seven Asian countries: Japan, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, and Singapore from November 1 to December 5, 2005.

Map of Japan, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore
Map of Japan, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore

Messengers of God have been sent out through the ages to proclaim the good news to His people, to remind them of their origin and destiny as sons and daughters of the Most High, to always bring back to mind the reality of God's justice, and to take to heart the generosity of His Mercy. They have also been sent to deliver messages of warning, exhorting God's people to repent, reconcile and perform acts of reparation, so as to draw from Heaven His Mercy and not His Justice. Such is Vassula's mission. Prepared and guided by the Holy Spirit, Vassula was brought once again to Asia, invited by Clergy and laypeople eager for the opportunity to listen to God speaking to us today through His humble instrument.

The uniqueness of this marathon tour of 7 Asian countries Vassula undertook was the length of her travels. Never before had she done 5-weeks, with a concentration of 17 organized meetings, speaking to audiences varying from 100 to 400,000 people. Also, within this trip fell the 20th anniversary of True Life in God. On the 28th of November 1985, Vassula was sitting in her home in Bangladesh and experienced the very first approach of her Guardian Angel.

It was the work of the Holy Spirit to revive True Life in God in some countries like Hong Kong and Singapore where previous opposition had strangled the flow of His Grace. It served to reinforce and encourage the work of the TLIG Associations in Japan, Thailand and the Philippines, to meet some of the hierarchy of India and the Philippines supportive of the Messages and Vassula's mission, and finally, to document the progress of Our Lady's Beth Myriam Project in the region.

From these 7 countries, a very positive evaluation was made of the impact of the booklet the "Clarifications of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith." In early 2005, all TLIG Associations worldwide participated in its diffusion. The number of priests and nuns attending Vassula's Meetings, and the absence of any active opposition from any local Clergy, displayed the progress of Vassula's mission. The Lord has moved further to open doors for His Message.

The True Life in God Family peoples many nations today. In this account of Vassula's very exhausting but marvelous trip to 7 Asian countries, the reader will meet others who have organized, worked hard to evangelize, who participated in the numerous TLIG Prayer Groups formed, and who were called to give of themselves to the less fortunate of this world. Their heartfelt and tireless work to share God's Love Hymn today of True Life in God with everyone around them, has demonstrated the Holy Spirit's Grace which transforms, transfigures, elevates, and raises apostles on fire to do God's Work; the Apostles of the End Times. Vassula's work of speaking God's Word today to all the nations continues in full force, always in pace with the Lord, going with the Holy Spirit's flow, and as you will see, gushing into "An Explosion of Divine Graces!"


Japan, November 1-7: Meetings in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagasaki

After a harrowing trip of more than 24 hrs. from Washington D.C., Vassula arrived in Tokyo, marking her 4th visit to this chain of islands in the North Pacific Ocean. In this impressive country whose populace is gifted with age-old traditions of discipline and politeness, highly-advanced technology and a sense of the spiritual contend in the evolution of its society. The survival of the Christian faith here owes its thanks to the many martyred missionaries and converts since the faith was brought to Japan by St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuits in the 16th century.

Vassula's previous visits took her north to south, bringing to this country's population of 127 million, mainly of the Shinto and Buddhist religions and 0.7% Christian, the Messages of True Life in God. For many years now, the Messages have been in print, propagated by faithful readers in the Japan True Life in God Association. The Holy Spirit slowly continues His painstaking Work, bringing the Messages to local Clergy and laypeople through the TLIG Witnesses invited by the TLIG Prayer Groups and the successful diffusion of the "Clarifications of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith." During this trip, as is the proper custom, Vassula paid courtesy calls and her respects to the local hierarchy of every city she visited: respectively Tokyo, Osaka and Nagasaki; informing them of her mission and the developments in Christian Unity, highlighting TLIG's Ecumenical Retreats and Pilgrimages.


In the capital city of Tokyo, Vassula visited the Apostolic Nuncio and spoke to 500 people at a meeting organized by TLIG Association Japan.

Visit to the Apostolic Nunciature of Japan

Vassula pays her respects to the Apostolic Nuncio to Japan, His Excellency, Archbishop Alberto Bottari de Castello
Vassula pays her respects to the Apostolic Nuncio to Japan, His Excellency, Archbishop Alberto Bottari de Castello


 In the Nunciature's drawing room
In the Nunciature's drawing room


 In the Nunciature's drawing room
Vassula with the Apostolic Nuncio, his assistant Msgr. Leon Kalenga, and Hans Enderle of TLIG Tokyo.

Hans Enderle of TLIG Tokyo writes: "On the morning of Nov. 2nd, 2005 Vassula, her traveling companion Mrs. Cecilia Lutz, Satoru Sugawara and I visited his Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Alberto Bottari de Castello, at the Vatican Embassy in Tokyo. Also present was Msgr. Leon B. Kalenga the Counsellor of the Embassy."

"Vassula and Cecilia spontaneously kissed the Archbishop's ring, it was nice to see this traditional custom as I can't remember if I've ever seen it done in Japan. Vassula and the Archbishop had much in common, as they had both spent time in Africa and Msgr. Kalenga actually is from Zaire. She explained her mission. His Excellency, a kind and friendly Italian priest who served us some good espresso, seemed very open to the messages. He told us that his transfer to Japan was probably one of the last appointments under Pope John Paul II, as he received a letter dated April 1st and the Pope passed away on the 2nd. He had met Father Gobbi and, if I remember correctly, he said he had been at the United Nations on the day that Mother Teresa had everyone say the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. He wanted to know more and asked for the book by Fr. Laurentin. I was impressed when he told us that he had studied exorcism and that rule number one was that you had to be humble."

His Excellency, the Apostolic Nuncio showed great interest when Vassula spoke of the TLIG Ecumenical Pilgrimages to Egypt in 2002 and the one to Lebanon, Syria and Jordan in May 05. He was familiar with the situation of the different churches, having been assigned to the Nunciature in Damascus in earlier years. He agreed with Vassula when she shared with him the Lord's desire for Catholics and Orthodox to celebrate Easter on the same day, and lamented the ridiculousness of the different Easter dates. In the Middle East, where many Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter together, the Christian churches have been forced to unite to survive. Vassula explained the advantage of unifiying the dates of Easter, which would consolidate and strengthen the Church.

He was also curious about the apparitions of Our Lady in Akita, Japan. Vassula explained that she, accompanied by Fr. O'Carroll, had met Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, the visionary, in Akita during her first visit to Japan in 1992. Vassula told him that the then Cardinal Ratzinger, when Prefect of the CDF, had instantly approved Bishop Ito's acceptance and recognition of the apparitions in Akita, because it restates and confirms the secret of Fatima. At the end of our visit the Nuncio showed us his private chapel and pointed out a plaque of the Twenty-Six Martyrs Saints of Nagasaki, Japan.

Tokyo Meeting: The attendance and enthusiasm of the audiences in each of the three cities confirmed the need for spiritual nourishment today, bringing together Christians and non-Christians in their thirst for the divine meaning in their lives.

Izumi Sakura of TLIG Tokyo translating Izumi Sakura of TLIG Tokyo translating
Izumi Sakura of TLIG Tokyo translating

On Thursday November 3rd, the first public meeting took place in Ueno, Tokyo. The conference hall was filled with 500 eager listeners, taking in each word uttered by their special speaker. "True Life in God is a call of mercy!" Vassula proclaimed. "It is a call to conversion which is a ladder from earth to Heaven... conversion is the desire to know God, to love Him with all your heart, strength and mind... Obtain the Holy Spirit of Love and die to yourself, to your ego, be nothing, annihilate yourself so God can be everything..."

There is a humility ingrained in the Japanese people, they were like children ready to obey Our Lord's gentle heeding when Vassula spoke of offering our will: "If we offer Him our will, His Will will be done in us. He is a King and His Kingdom is in our heart. He wants our heart, this is what counts." She read them a Message:

My delight is in every pure heart; My joy is when I see your eyes seeking only heavenly things; My glory is when you come and tell Me: "here I am .... here I am," offering your heart to Me to transfigure it into My domain and then reign over it; My magnificence and My splendour are when you keep My sanctuary holy, turning it into a glorious domain for My majesty; My sovereignty is when in your wretchedness and in your poverty you can cry out: "hosanna! hosanna!" June 10, 1994

Satoru Sugawara writes: "About 500 people attended, some of them were from distant places like Hokkaido or Okinawa. 6 priests and a number of nuns attended. Vassula talked about several topics in easy-to-understand terms, such as: conversion, purification, unceasing prayer, intimacy with God, unity of the church. Sometimes with humour, sometimes with zeal. She talked about the delight of living with God, including some real episodes. Gradually she had a grip on the audience, and by the end of the meeting the audience became one. At the last we recited the Prayer of Healing and Deliverance."

We were told later on that a lady in the audience was healed of nightly neuralgic pain, a side-effect of Herpes, and was also healed of the pain from a hematoma around the backbone caused by the constant application of anesthesia. The lady and her daughter express their gratitude to Our Lord and Vassula for the healing, and persevere in praying for the continued healing of two other illnesses. Praise the Lord!

Satoru Sugawara of TLIG Japan playing the guitar during the meeting.  He is one of the organizers of Vassula's visit to Japan
Satoru Sugawara of TLIG Japan playing the guitar during the meeting. He is one of the organizers of Vassula's visit to Japan
After the Meeting, with TLIG Tokyo group
After the Meeting, with TLIG Tokyo group


Osaka is located on Honshu island, the second city of Japan after Tokyo, and whose population is 2.7 million, predominantly Buddhist. Since it was Vassula's 3rd visit to the city of Osaka, it was a homecoming. Laypeople and many foreign priests (mainly French and Belgian) who have been reading the Messages for years, made the trip to attend her Meeting, overjoyed to see the Holy Spirit's Hand guiding her mission and learn of the positive dialogue with the Vatican. Most of these missionary priests have adopted Japan as their home, after the numerous years they have dedicated in the service of Japanese Christians.

Vassula with Fr. Daniel Van Kerkhove
Vassula with Fr. Daniel Van Kerkhove

Hans Enderle of TLIG Tokyo comments: "On Friday morning, November 4th Vassula attended Holy Mass at Kitano Catholic Church in the middle of Osaka city, a small Church in the middle of tall buildings. Fr. Daniel Van Kerkhove is a Belgian priest 84 years young who has spent most of his life as a missionary in Japan and who celebrated his 60th anniversary as a priest this past January. He had been especially invited by the local organizers to say Mass. He told me he was so excited he could not sleep the night before and had to take a sleeping pill. He considered his being able to say Mass with Vassula present, a gift from the Sacred Heart of Jesus; what a wonderful priest! For the Gospel, Fr. Daniel chose the one where Jesus gives thanks to His Father: "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth that Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes" (Matthew 11, 25-27). In his short sermon Father said, "God is free, and He can choose anyone," and I was very happy he clearly referred to Vassula as God's Messenger.

Group picture with TLIG organizers from Osaka and Tokyo, in front of Kitano Church
Group picture with TLIG organizers from Osaka and Tokyo, in front of Kitano Church


An Orthodox, Methodist and Catholic belonging to TLIG Osaka Prayer Groupsharing a traditional meal
An Orthodox, Methodist and Catholic belonging to TLIG Osaka Prayer Groupsharing a traditional meal

Public Meeting at NCB Hotel Auditorium

Healing Prayers during Osaka Meeting, priests in first rows
Healing Prayers during Osaka Meeting, priests in first rows

Satoru writes: "At the venue in Nakanoshima, Osaka, about 280 people attended, including 6 priests, many nuns, and a number of Protestant lay persons. The substance of the talk was not completely the same as in Tokyo's meeting, even on the same topics we could listen to other episodes. We heard that Vassula didn't prepare any talk before meetings, she speaks freely with inspiration given by the Holy Spirit. If I remember rightly, in most meetings she introduced the funny story of one ticket and 2 seats in a bus. Please everybody, when you are going out to somewhere, do not forget to take Jesus with you!"

To start the Meeting, the audience stood up while Vassula prayed the "Our Father" in Aramaic, the language spoken by Our Lord. This prayer, in a language unfamiliar to us, has a pacifying effect on all who hear it. She introduced her talk by comparing True Life in God to a 20 yr. old person, for in that month of November 2005, Vassula's mission celebrated its 20th anniversary. From the beginning in Bangladesh 20 years ago, the Lord has led her to over 60 countries, proclaiming His Work in close to 700 Meetings, making His Message available in more than 40 languages, establishing TLIG Associations and Prayer Groups worldwide, organizing TLIG Retreats and 5 TLIG International Ecumenical Pilgrimages, and opening 25 Beth Myriams, True Life in God's houses for the poor. There have been, and still are, difficulties but nothing has been able to crush His Work, nor silence His envoy. True Life in God has taken root in the hearts of many, and our work is to share God's Messages with all those around us.

Vassula continued to tell the audience that True Life in God is a school where the Lord reminds us of what He has given us already, it is a re-spelling of the Holy Scriptures. Since we are still unable to live the Scriptures, He in His Mercy, comes to teach us again. She likened herself to a postman, delivering God's Love Letter to His children today, telling us how He desires each soul to become intimate with Him and get to know Him.

"...it is good to do good works for Me and follow some devotions as well as acts of love, thanksgivings and acts of reparation, but I would be greatly disappointed that you would die before having known Me..." November 2, 1997

After Vassula expounded on the themes of Repentance, Reconciliation, the Unceasing Prayer and Unity, she ended her talk with the appeal to form TLIG Prayer Groups to pray for Unity. The people were refreshed with the Holy Spirit's Words, closing their eyes praying for Healing and Deliverance with Vassula. The priests and nuns flocked around Vassula, thanking her for coming once again to Osaka.


Nagasaki has close to 500,000 inhabitants today, and is situated in the island of Kyushu. Historically, it is home to the largest Christian population in Japan. In the 16th century, the Roman Catholic missionary, St. Francis Xavier, landed in nearby Kagoshima and converted many to Christianity. The persecution and martyrdom of Christians by the Shoguns forced thousands of Christians to flee and go underground for 250 yrs., faithfully and courageously preserving their Christian faith. These were known as the "Hidden Christians of Nagasaki." Due to the strong faith of the Nagasaki Christians, there are many churches of pilgrimage in the city.

Because thousands of Catholics were among the 70,000 who perished in the Atomic Bomb blast at the end of World War II, this place has been called "the place where Christianity first faced the bomb." Thanks to Pope John Paul II's visit to Japan, Nagasaki Catholics are now moving from a passive martyr-like attitude toward the bomb, to more active involvement in the struggle for peace. As the Martyrs of Nagasaki suffered in the 16th century, so too the Christians who lost their lives during the bombing of Nagasaki are monuments in history, witnesses and followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having visited Oura and Urakami Cathedrals, as well as the Atomic Bomb Museum, we were very moved to learn of the events in this beautiful seaport, and to see the faith, although struggling to survive as in most places, nevertheless alive. Nagasaki is a holy place and this was Vassula's first visit, many from neighboring islands made their way to come and listen to her.

A painting of the Martyrs of Nagasaki, some of the Hidden Christians of Nagasaki who faithfully and courageously preserved their faith underground for 250 years
A painting of the Martyrs of Nagasaki, some of the "Hidden Christians of Nagasaki" who faithfully and courageously preserved their faith underground for 250 years


Mr. Hayashi, the publisher of TLIG books in Japan, among TLIG helpers and readers
Mr. Hayashi, the publisher of TLIG books in Japan, among TLIG helpers and readers


A moment of silence for Vassula before the Nagasaki Meeting
A moment of silence for Vassula before the Nagasaki Meeting


Sunday Nov. 6th, during the public meeting in Nagasaki; about 180 people attended from many regions of Kyushu island, some came from Okinawa Island
Sunday Nov. 6th, during the public meeting in Nagasaki; about 180 people attended from many regions of Kyushu island, some came from Okinawa Island

As most of the people attending the Meeting in the auditorium of Nagasaki View Hotel were newcomers, Vassula went back to the very beginning of her experience of God, 20 yrs. ago in Bangladesh. She described her purification, the pain and the suffering she had to undergo to realize who she really was in front of God. I watched the people in the hall quietly listening, I felt their heritage of struggle and suffering had found its home in her words. Many of them had had a glimpse of purification and suffering and knew what she was talking about. Once her soul turned to God, and decided wholly for Him, she felt His Mercy enfold her. The sound of His Voice made her see the real Person, a Father and very tender. Her experience of God the Father shatters the false image many make of Him as being solely a judge. He is our Father and we belong to Him. God comes to us in True Life in God to remind us of our foundations:

"...sons! and daughters! you are the offspring of the Most High! you descend from the Sovereignty and Splendour, oh come! you belong to Us! you belong to Heaven...you are of Royal Descent, so why, why do you listen to the Beast?" July 22, 1994

Vassula was so inspired speaking of the Fire of the Holy Spirit and the New Pentecost, that the audience was electrified. She explained that when the Holy Spirit touches a soul close to death and breathes in her a breath of life resurrecting her, setting her on fire, transforming and raising her to seek only heavenly things, she becomes an apostle. The soul who experiences this is transfigured, filled with the zeal of the Holy Spirit and the drive to do all she can for God's Kingdom. In these times we are living, a time of great apostasy, but also a time of Mercy, God raises apostles, they are called "Apostles of the End Times." They can be recognized in anyone set aflame, burning to spread God's word today.

In the audience was an American serviceman who has been reading the Messages and filmed Vassula's talk for his friends in the U.S. Military Base on Okinawa island, who were not able to come. There was also a TLIG reader from Kobe who had brought along a young Opus Dei priest from around Nagasaki. She was very keen to have him listen and meet Vassula. During the talk, his full attention was focused on Vassula's witnessing, and the different subjects in the Messages. I could see he was very impressed with the talk, nodding his head many times in agreement. When Vassula informed her listeners about the developments in the CDF regarding her mission and the writings, I saw his face break out in a smile of relief! After the Healing Prayer, he was introduced to Vassula, full of smiles while congratulating and thanking her. His friend broke out in tears of joy, tears that I'm sure stopped only long after Vassula waved them goodbye.

Satoru writes: "Here I would like to mention things that impressed me. Vassula hopes that new prayer groups are established in each place. Small groups which include 2 or 3 people are enough. Please have prayer meetings frequently. At the time of writing this report, a few new prayer groups are in preparation. I'm in anticipation to inform a good news about it to everyone someday. One more thing, we could hear an interesting story about Unity of the Church. Vassula told us that Alexei II, Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and Pope Benedict XVI are following the path of dialogue and currently working hard together for Unity. Unity of the Church might not be so far off in the future, as frequently mentioned in the messages. However, are we ready for it now? Do we know anything about the people with whom we are to unite? The time of preparation has already come. For Catholic lay persons Vassula recommended reading two letters "Orientale Lumen" and "Ut Unum Sint" written by Pope John Paul II.

Vassula also said in the Nagasaki meeting, "The apostles of the end times...even this meeting, the people who work to put the meeting up by the sweat of blood, it's not easy but they are on fire, they are apostles!"

Farewell after the Meeting, taken with TLIG group from Nagazaki, Kyushu, and Okinawa
Farewell after the Meeting, taken with TLIG group from Nagazaki, Kyushu, and Okinawa

We rushed to catch the fast night train to Fukuoka where we would leave Japan for Hong Kong early the next morning. The start of this tour of 7 Asian countries was very hectic, the pace in Japan is unbelievably rapid. We pray that the TLIG Association and Prayer Groups flourish and prosper in the hands of the fervent organizers and readers, guided by the Holy Spirit. May God bless and protect this land of good people and inspire them to spread His Work of Mercy to all their countrymen.

Submitted by: Cecilia Lutz with Hans Enderle and Satoru Sagawara of TLIG Association Japan


Hong Kong, Nov. 7-11-05

After Vassula's successful Meetings in 3 cities of Japan, the Holy Spirit led us once again to Hong Kong, our 2nd stop in this 7-Asian country Tour. Her last visit to Hong Kong in 2002 was extremely difficult due to some misunderstandings and a lack of communication. Resulting from these, an over-prudent attitude was taken by some priests who persuaded their parishioners, from the pulpits, to stay away from Vassula's 2002 Meeting.

For this 2nd visit, the Lord called on Bro. Otfried Chan, who is presently assigned to the Archdiocese of Taipei, in Taiwan. He works hard to evangelize for TLIG, being invited to witness within Taiwan, in Japan, and Singapore. He traveled to Hong Kong last year to personally offer a copy of the CDF Clarifications booklet to the Secretary of the Hong Kong Diocese, and through him, a copy to the Bishop who happened to be abroad at the time. It is undoubtedly thanks to the clarifications in the CDF booklet that the situation of TLIG in Hong Kong seems to have normalised, there was no pressure nor obstacle placed by the Church or anyone else.

Bro. Otfried Chan of TLIG Taiwan writes: "This is the second time that Vassula visited Hong Kong. In November 2002, exactly two years earlier, Vassula gave her first public talk in Hong Kong. At that time, neither the CDF booklet nor Vassula's responses to the five questions asked by the CDF had been published. So, since Vassula's first visit, TLIG in Hong Kong had gone through a very difficult time. So bad was the situation that it did not significantly change until Vassula's return to Hong Kong. However, in order to revive TLIG in Hong Kong, CDF booklets alone were not enough; committed helpers were necessary as well.

TLIG Hong Kong helpers with Catherine and Cindy of TLIG Taiwan in center
TLIG Hong Kong helpers with Catherine and Cindy of TLIG Taiwan in center

In September of 2005, Vassula spontaneously asked me to help her revive TLIG in Hong Kong. I sensed very deeply that her request was a call from God, so I said yes to her and decided to do my best. Not knowing where to start, I began by requesting the TLIG helpers in Taiwan to join me in prayer for this intention.

Catherine, our Taiwan TLIG helper in Kaohsiung, brought her cousin, Cindy, to attend a TLIG Prayer Meeting. As Cindy's health was not very good, she had gone on a pilgrimage to Lourdes where she experienced blessings from Our Blessed Mother, and returned feeling much better. She had made a promise to thank Our Blessed Mother by doing something for Jesus. After the prayer meeting, Catherine introduced me to her cousin. To my surprise, I learned of the vow she had made to Our Blessed Mother, but also of the fact that she visits Hong Kong quite often! Having told her about the TLIG mission there, Cindy immediately accepted the invitation to organize the Meeting for Vassula.

Vassula with Mario and Colwyn Perreira of TLIG HK
Vassula with Mario and Colwyn Perreira of TLIG HK

Presently, TLIG Hong Kong has a new contact person named Mario who now holds a TLIG Prayer Meeting twice a month. Some members of this TLIG Prayer Group travel long distances to pray for unity! Truly, God never abandons His people. Three years after Vassula's first visit, God literally raised TLIG in Hong Kong from death, showing His Power, His Wisdom, and His Mercy.

Vassula flanked by Catherine and Cindy of TLIG Taiwan and TLIG HK organizers, Bro. Otfried behind
Vassula flanked by Catherine and Cindy of TLIG Taiwan and TLIG HK organizers, Bro. Otfried behind


Private Interview in Cantonese
Private Interview in Cantonese

As there was no TLIG material available in the Cantonese language for the local Hong Kong community, Vassula thought it appropriate to schedule a private interview at the hotel. Its aim was to inform all old and new TLIG readers in Hong Kong about the significant TLIG events that had happened since Vassula's first visit in 2002. Particular attention was given to the CDF's new perspective of TLIG and the publication that removed any and all barriers to True Life in God and Vassula's mission.

 Mario and Vassula studying the CDF booklets in Chinese and discussing TLIG prayer groups
Mario and Vassula studying the CDF booklets in Chinese and discussing TlIG prayer groups

Before explaining to the group how a TLIG Prayer Group should conduct itself, Vassula informed them of how the Lord has provided the gifts necessary for the revival of His Church through these very Prayer Groups. She went on to explain how the specific mission of TLIG Prayer Groups is to pray for the cause of Christian Unity. Vassula stressed the importance of remaining faithful to one's prayer commitments in order to continue along the path of Christian growth. This was said because often times people move from one prayer group to another, not providing sufficient time for the seed to mature into a vine and the vine to bear fruit. Several people decided to join Mario's prayer group as a result of this meeting.

Meeting in Sha Tin Hall, Hong Kong

Vassula's talk with simultaneous translation to Cantonese Vassula's talk with simultaneous translation to Cantonese
Vassula's talk with simultaneous translation to Cantonese

Vassula's Meeting took place in one of the many activity halls inside the Sha Tin Town Hall, which is government-owned, and is recognized as one of Hong Kong's finest convention centers. Under the circumstances, we considered that a good number of people came to hear her speak, 106 in all, close to half of them were newcomers. People listened to her testimony with noticeable interest and focused attention."

Vassula started: "My coming to Hong Kong is a call from God which I hear, and I accept.. The Messages of True Life in God are Messages of Divine Intervention  it will be 20 yrs. old on Nov. 28, and till today I receive Messages. During the first 3 years, I was called to write every single day, and after exactly 3 years, the Lord made the Messages public. I have visited 62 countries; then, I couldn't see or believe how the Messages could go everywhere.

For the sake of the newcomers, I belong to the Greek Orthodox Church which is similar to the Catholic Church because we share the same sacraments. Although I was baptized, I was not interested to go to church, I never prayed, like many Christians out there who do not practice their faith. I was a typical example of this generation. I never had catechism nor studied theology. God sometimes says He chose a white canvass where He could put all His Work, He chose a blank page. All that I learned regarding the spiritual life came directly from God's Mouth, never having read books nor listened to teachings by theologians. God intervenes so He can transfigure souls, and He intervenes especially in our times for the benefit of His Church and to give us hope.

We are living in a time of grace and God will not abandon us. As a Father, He reprimands us because of our indifference and our lethargy. He says: There is a lethargic spirit in this generation.. This indifference pains God, people put material things above God and this offends Him; I was one of those cases. The Lord says: Fastidious you are, generation! He means we are difficult to please, always wanting more, never satisfied. We are only aware of what we don't have and not what we have. We don't see our blessings nor do we count them. He is offended when we don't thank Him for all the gifts and blessings He gives us. Before this intervention, I was not interested in anything spiritual, I was spiritually dead. So I asked Him: why do You come to a person like me? And He answered: do you not know wretchedness attracts Me? Through your wretchedness I will show My Mercy. And why do You give me these Messages, we have the Bible.., I said, and He replied: yes, but do you read or understand the Bible?

Why is God speaking and manifesting Himself today? The Lord answers: In these times of grace I come with mercy and I address you with poetry. (God's Word is beautiful, like poetry, like a song, a hymn. In the Orthodox Church, the Word of God is never read, because of its beauty it is always sung.) My Words uttered are religion and virtue. With oil of gladness I anoint all those who approach Me, sealing them on their forehead. My approach is redemption, saving help and mercy.

The world today is filled with evil, "the stench of death has reached Heaven" and being the loving Father that God is, He sends the Holy Spirit to revive His Creation, and in His Mercy nourishes us and generations to come with His Work of True Life in God.

We will address Our Hymn of Love to this dying generation and whosoever listens, is blessed heart whosoever listens to it will grow tall and strong too like a tree because its root will be growing in My Commandments and My decrees;

- not long ago, I planted a seedling, today it grew into a tree and its top reached the sky, tasting now and then the essences and the fragrant breeze of heaven; now it is known in every nation, since it is seen from the ends of the earth and from every direction; its green foliage is medicinal and as a healing balm for the sick, but at the same time an appeasing fragrance to the poor and the wretched; I have been blowing kisses to it to increase its fruit and perfect it; in its beauty its fruit, abundant, is marked with the Seal of My Holy Spirit; every nation, no matter what race and from where they come can reach it and have their fill from it; its produce is enough for all; even to the unworthy this tree can provide shade and comfort;

I am its Keeper; September 25, 1997

The audience was captivated by Vassula recounting the story of her conversion. She spoke of the central themes contained in the Messages of True Life in God: Repentance, Reconciliation, Unceasing prayer, Total Renunciation of One's Will, Daily Surrender to God, Importance of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Eucharist, Intimacy, the Sweetness of the Lord, the Prophecies, Unity of Christians, and last but not least, the wonderful TLIG International Ecumenical Pilgrimage that took place in May 2005."

In addition, it was an important point to make her listeners aware that the Lord had prophesied the catastrophe of the NY Towers on September 11, 1991, exactly10 yrs. before it happened, as well as the Tsunami disaster which He warned us about several times in the Messages. To inform them of another unavoidable, much graver disaster to come, and of the need for prayers and acts of reparation to diminish its force, was an appeal to each of us present to be vigilant and do our part in God's Plan; to pray for His Mercy which would help put a stop to the evil that provokes His Judgement and draws His Justice.

A thankful Bro. Otfried continues: "She concluded by encouraging her listeners to pray for Unity and to join or form a TLIG Prayer Group. A considerable number of people rested in the Holy Spirit when she performed the Healing Service after the talk, many for the first time. There was much joy and amazement in the people's eyes. As the meeting came to a close, many left their contact e-mail addresses for further news or information regarding TLIG in Hong Kong. It was obvious that the Lord had blessed the Meeting, proving to us that He used His messenger to show us how to proceed."

An Afternoon in Macao to meet Fr. Paul Chan, S.J.

Vestiges of Portuguese colonization in Macao's historic monument and buildings Vestiges of Portuguese colonization in Macao's historic monument and buildings
Vestiges of Portuguese colonization in Macao's historic monument and buildings

Thanks to Mario, we were able to contact Fr. Paul Chan, a Jesuit priest whom Vassula had met three years prior. Since their last meeting, Fr. Paul had been transferred to Macao, a small former Portuguese colony (16.9 sq km), 64 km West of Hong Kong and 105 km. south of Guangzhou (Canton). It reverted to the People's Republic of China in December 1999 and is presently governed as a special administrative region, similar to Hong Kong. Fr. Paul was thrilled to know that Vassula had returned to Hong Kong and happily invited us. In the afternoon, Vassula, Cecilia, Catherine, Cindy and I took a turbojet boat to Macao.

Fr. Paul Chan, S.J., faithful TLIG supporter celebrating Holy Mass for us and discussing the CDF Clarifications booklet with Vassula afterwards Fr. Paul Chan, S.J., faithful TLIG supporter celebrating Holy Mass for us and discussing the CDF Clarifications booklet with Vassula afterwards
Fr. Paul Chan, S.J., faithful TLIG supporter celebrating Holy Mass for us and discussing the CDF Clarifications booklet with Vassula afterwards

On arrival in Macao, Fr. Paul took us directly to the Bishop's Residence to greet the Bishop, as is the custom, but His Excellency had still not arrived from a trip. After leaving some TLIG documentation for His Excellency, we entered the beautiful Cathedral just beside to say a prayer, and realized, although struggling, how strongly present the faith still is in this former Portuguese colony, thanks to the efforts of the Church and brave missionaries such as Fr. Paul. We proceeded to the Jesuit House where Fr. Paul celebrated a votive Mass to the Holy Spirit for the intention of TLIG evangelization. After Mass, Vassula offered a CDF booklet to Fr. Paul, who was very happy to know that the Vatican notification of 1995 against Vassula was finally modified. Fr. Paul said he would do what he could to spread the messages of TLIG in the Macao diocese, a diocese very new to him.

Inside the Cathedral of Macao, the devotions to Our Lady of Fatima and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are in full evidence.  Being only a boat ride away from HK and Mainland China, Macao's Catholic community is sadly decreasing; Fr. Paul shared with us the need for a revival of the faith. Inside the Cathedral of Macao, the devotions to Our Lady of Fatima and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are in full evidence.  Being only a boat ride away from HK and Mainland China, Macao's Catholic community is sadly decreasing; Fr. Paul shared with us the need for a revival of the faith.
Inside the Cathedral of Macao, the devotions to Our Lady of Fatima and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are in full evidence. Being only a boat ride away from HK and Mainland China, Macao's Catholic community is sadly decreasing; Fr. Paul shared with us the need for a revival of the faith.

While sightseeing in Macao, we often spoke about the TLIG messages and the evangelization that was being effected as a result of them. When one of us made the observation that God was using TLIG Taiwan to revive His work in Hong Kong, Vassula responded, "TLIG will go to mainland China from Taiwan." She stated this very clearly, twice, which made me believe that she had been given a special insight in this regard. TLIG Taiwan will do its best to help Vassula should the Lord send her someday to Mainland China. The fact that some of the TLIG helpers in Taiwan have already brought the TLIG message to their friends in China may be the beginning of evangelization to the mainland.

Our mission with Vassula in Hong Kong was over. This time, Vassula witnessed at one public meeting, attended a small informal gathering of a few TLIG friends, and made a cordial visit to a Jesuit priest in Macao. Nevertheless, what can change people's hearts and minds is far more important than what can be counted in terms of numbers and figures. What Vassula did during her three-day stay in Hong Kong, among different people and in different places, was no more than be a concrete example of a disciple of Jesus Christ in our time.

The Gospels tell us that Jesus called His own people to follow Him. His first disciples gave up everything they possessed, even their own lives, to follow Him (cf. Mt 19,27). Those who followed Jesus changed their lives completely; they started to live holy and then went out to evangelize others (cf. Mt 28,19-20). Today, through the messages of TLIG, the same Jesus calls us to follow Him and to live holy; the same Triune God teaches us how to empty ourselves completely so that we can possess Him and be transformed by Him into His divine Image; into a perfect disciple of Jesus Christ. In light of the TLIG messages, a perfect disciple of Jesus is a woman or man of unity and reconciliation who evangelizes with love for love. This is what we experienced through Vassula's example: to be always faithful to the Gospels and her prophetic mission; never worrying about her weaknesses but instead, relying totally on God's power and grace. May the Lord bless all those who help Vassula in her mission all over the world, and may God give them the grace of fortitude to persevere in their TLIG commitment.

We thank Bro. Otfried, Catherine, and especially Cindy from TLIG Taiwan for their precious help and perseverance in opening the way once again in Hong Kong. We pray that Mario and the newly-established TLIG Prayer Group will bear much fruit in spreading True Life in God in their region.

By: Cecilia Lutz and Bro. Otfried Chan

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
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Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
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De echo's van de Echo ... Getuigenis-bijeenkomsten en een uitnodiging van Jezus om te evangeliseren

De Stichting
Samenvatting over waar de Foundation True Life in God - de Stichting - voor staat, de reden waarom zij is opgericht, de missie die aan haar is toevertrouwd en de formaliteiten die van belang zijn.


Zeg Tegen Mijn Volk En Herinner Hen Eraan ...

Ik Heers Met Majesteit En Gezag, Indringend En Met Barmhartigheid


In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
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