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Nederlands » Missie » Reports of Vassula's Meetings » 2005 Verslagen » Vassula's Reis naar het Heilig Land (in het Engels) » Vassula's Reis naar het Heilig Land - blz. 3 (in het Engels) »

Father Spyridon, who is a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church at the Church of the Nativity, was there also and he greeted Vassula and invited all of us to his house for lunch. His gracious Presbytera (wife) served us a wonderful meal that she had cooked for us. Father Spyridon gave Vassula a gift of a beautiful icon. We then went to visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Vassula and Father Spyridon in Bethlehem
Vassula and Father Spyridon in Bethlehem


Vassula at Father Spyridon’s house having lunch in Bethlehem
Vassula at Father Spyridon’s house having lunch in Bethlehem


assula and the Icon gift at Father Spyridon’s house in Bethlehem
Vassula and the Icon gift at Father Spyridon’s house in Bethlehem


Vassula at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Vassula at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

We then went to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Vassula met with Father G. Sellassie and Abba Fissihatsion. Vassula spoke to them about Unity. They told Vassula that she is most welcome in their Church and blessed the work that she is doing. She invited them on the next True Life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage, 2007, because we had not had the Ethiopian Church represented on any of the four preceding pilgrimages.

Vassula and the Ethiopian Orthodox Priests
Vassula and the Ethiopian Orthodox Priests, Father G. Sellassie and Abba Fissiatsion


Vassula and the Ethiopian Orthodox Priests
Vassula with Father G. Sellassie and Abba Fissiatsion


Vassula Vassula and Father Emmanuel, the Armenian Orthodox Priest in Jerusalem
Vassula and Father Emmanuel, the Armenian Orthodox Priest in Jerusalem

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
De Stichting

Vassula's Wereldwijde Bijeenkomsten
Lijst van alle eerdere bijeenkomsten

De echo's van de Echo ... Getuigenis-bijeenkomsten en een uitnodiging van Jezus om te evangeliseren

De Stichting
Samenvatting over waar de Foundation True Life in God - de Stichting - voor staat, de reden waarom zij is opgericht, de missie die aan haar is toevertrouwd en de formaliteiten die van belang zijn.


De Dag Van Mijn Terugkomst Is Dichterbij Dan Je Denkt
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In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
Het boekje Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden is uit
'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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