May 23, 1986 to May 26, 1986
May 23, 1986
peace be upon you; I will bond you more to God; those bonds will strengthen your soul, giving peace to your soul;
lean on God; I love you; love God; I will tidy a place for you; I will wait for you; I will take you to God... collect money and give it to the poor needy souls; give them better clothes; be generous; glory be to God; Daniel;
May 24, 1986
Jesus died for you;
fear not for I am near you;
(I immediately got alarmed.)
Who said this?
God said it; I shall clothe you in a white gown and I will make you pure in Jesus' Presence; praise the Lord; Daniel;
May 25, 1986
Vassula, nothing lasts where you are, but where I live, all lasts forever, forever;
Glory be to God for bringing you closer to Himself;
loves you; live in peace; lean on
restores; give glory to Him;
Peace to all, Peace to all beings on earth;
May 26, 1986
(Phase II.)
be everything that God likes; turn to faith; be holy; reach to God and come with a clean soul before Him;
loves you; go and pray; glorify God and praise Him; Dan;