Dec 29, 1986
December 29, 1986
daughter, look at Me; why are you finding it difficult to believe it is I?
(I kept quiet and lowered my eyes, almost brooding, just like when a child is found to be doing the wrong things.)
I, Yahweh, asked you this;
Cast one look at me and You will understand why, my Lord. I am helpless and wretched. Your generous gift to me passes my understanding. You are confiding so many things to me but I am without counsel, without speech and I need Your help!
pray to Me, invoke Me and you will get My help; live in Me; I am your God; one day, and that day is near, you will understand fully what you have been given as work; now you are still in the beginning of My Call and I have called you so that you work for Me; remember that I, God, am your Teacher and I am able to reach My goals; accept My calls and My visits to you until I come to deliver you; accept My adoption and live in Peace, for I love you; feel free with Me and rely on Me;
believe Me, daughter, when I tell you that you are weak; I can use this weakness to show My Power and My Authority; I delight in you... I, Yahweh Sabaoth, will help you and others through these Calls to live holy; you are growing now in My Courts, be happy!
I tell you, My Messages will remind all of you how your foundations began, that My Word is alive; they will revive you; they are holy as I am Holy; daughter, later on you will understand fully My saving help; crushed you shall not be; let your hope be always in Me; let not the hostility of men discourage you; you are in My Heart so do not be frightened by flesh;