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Nederlands » De Boodschappen » Mijn Engel Daniel »

Jul 20, 1986   to   Jul 29, 1986

July 20, 1986

rely on the Bible; pray; name Jesus in your prayers; need Jesus;

Do you realise that I do not quite realise all this?

yes, but you will one day; rely on Jesus; Daniel;

July 22, 1986

peace be with you; ponder on what Jesus wants;

To love God, but truly love Him. To follow His commandments, to worship Him and to be good.

yes; deliver yourself to Jesus; pray more; meditate more; you have to praise Jesus who helped you;

Do I have any proof of all this?

you are the proof; Jesus flourished you;

The priest said that this is not a way God works.

how did you love God?

Through the messages.

so feel peaceful; God guided you to Him; love God till the end; pray; glorify God; Dan;

July 25, 1986

peace be with you; need only God; love


love Him more;


loves you more than you can imagine; give this message to others too; lean on God; go in peace, dear, and pray; Dan;

July 29, 1986

(Doubts again.)

peace be with you; how did you lead your cousin to read your Bible? what are the reasons that make you do all this?

I want everybody to feel like me, happy for loving God. I also learned many things through the writings.

God loves you far more than you are able to understand; praise God; Dan;

(Later on:)

peace be with you;

I sometimes think my appearance is not right for this gift, so it bothers me.

your appearance has no harm; give no heed to your appearance; Jesus told His disciples that clean hearts are healthier than what appears to be good from outside, but from within is corrupt; Jesus healed you from your guilt; He healed you from leading a false life; I desired so much that Jesus would heal you; Glory be to God! have my blessings; pray; love God, He loves you; He will help you; have


for your peace; Daniel;

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De Dag Van Mijn Terugkomst Is Dichterbij Dan Je Denkt
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In Memoriam Vassula Rydén † 25 September 2024
In Memoriam Vassula Rydén
WLIG-studiegroep met Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, LIVE, Tweewekelijks op zaterdag via Zoom
Via Zoom, WLIG-studiegroep, in het Engels!
Het boekje Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden is uit
'Profetieën voor het Einde ter Tijden, uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God' Nu ook in het Nederlands!


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