December 26, 1994

You have entrusted me with this Message.
Committed me to take care of Your Interests,
but my oppressors are joining forces
against Your Message to crush it.
What can I do now with my bare hands?

I know; love Me and give yourself some rest;

My child, I shall triumph in the end, so worry now about My Heartbeats; every Heartbeat is a call to a soul to return to Love; My Heartbeats are not all heard and, oh, 1 so many souls are heading into the eternal fires …. all I want from you is an unceasing prayer; be vigilant and use the discernment I have given you; have I not given you enough proof of My Love?

Lord, give me please a visible sign of Your Love.

flower-of-My-Passion, so be it; I shall give you, for the sake of your love, a sign of My Love, not that I have not given you already, but I will augment your perseverance with this sign on you;

I love You to death.

ah …. how these words are a balm to Me and in the mysteries of My Kingdom a salvation to a soul; come, My child!

1 This was a sigh.