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Registration Open for North American National Retreat

For more information, please visit

We have made special contractual arrangements with the The Grand Montana - Billings Hotel so that our retreat can be guaranteed to be the best ever!


Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to share this event with your other brothers and sisters in Christ. Come and learn about our Blessed Mother who has been given to us by God, given to us especially for our times, to guide us to her Son in a way that no one else can do.

Have you not noticed how, in these end of times, the Queen of Peace is passing over the earth, escorted by My Angels? Have you not noticed how Her Immaculate Heart is proclaiming My Word to you all and preparing My Reign? Have you not noticed how your Blessed Mother's Heart is training Her children and forming them Heart to heart so that everyone is ready for My Reign? Have you not noticed how, from Her Treasury, She is perfecting you in Her Heart for Me? (True Life in God message from April 3, 1996)

We are currently in the process of making arrangements with priests and religious to lead us in prayer and, as always, enrich us with a deeper understanding of the messages Jesus has given us through True Life in God.

PLEASE DO NOT make arrangements with the hotel directly or any on-line services - - such as Priceline, Orbitz, Travelocity, etc. . . booking can only be done through AATLIG. - Deadline is August 31, 2012 If you have any questions, contact Kevin for more information at +1(307) 752-2553 or email him at kevin@bighornvalve.com

Registration Incentive

The American Association always has pressure to make the down payment to the retreat hotel for an event and in order to help meet the deadline of a deposit they have made an incentive this year:

The FIRST 35 people to send in their paid registration will receive FREE a full set of Voice America CD Radio Talks.

On the CD, Vassula speaks about many different specific topics: Day of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, Unity and Apostasy, Angel Daniel and so much more! Here is a transcript of just one of the Talks Vassula gives on the CDs; this one is on: "The Day of the Lord"

If you are mailing your registration in via post, your envelope must be postmarked before August 31, 2012.

Click here for the registration form: or copy and paste: http://www.tlig.us/images/MontanaReservationsBW.pdf

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