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TLIG 2000 Conference & Pilgrimage Video

The video of the TLIG conference and pilgrimage in the Holy Land in March 2000 is now available. Vassula wrote the following about this event:

We did not plan to be in the Holy Land at the same time as the Holy Father, but our program coincided with that of the Holy Father\'s; in fact, we had programmed it before we ever heard of the Holy Father\'s decision. Once God told me that the word \'luck\' does not exist in His vocabulary, so I believe that our Father in Heaven wanted all of us to be there at the same time. On this occasion, our TLIG in the Holy Land managed to get special passes for some of our priests to be able to concelebrate Mass with the Holy Father on the Beatitude mountain on the 24th March. This gave them great joy and we praised the Lord for giving us one more gift.

This time, in the Holy Land, we had more than 400 people come from more than 50 countries. With us we had more than 60 clergy from abroad, and a few more had come to join us from the Holy Land..... We had by the grace of God, eleven Church denominations with their priests and pastors as well, including Roman Catholic, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian and Armenian Orthodox Churches, Syriac Church, Coptic Church, Lutheran Church, Anglican Church and Baptist Churches.

The 2 dic set of DVDs have a total duration of 4 hrs 12mins and includes all of the talks given by Vassula during the conference, also the talk by Archimandrite Nicolau, along with extensive coverage of the conference itself and the accompanying pilgrimage.

The DVDs can be ordered HERE

Extended extracts from the video can be viewed HERE

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