July 15, 1996
My God, grant me to speak
as Wisdom wishes us to speak;
Grant me, my Father, the guidance of Wisdom,
so that I graciously pass on the riches of Your Kingdom
without reserve, to my brothers and to my sisters:
1 My daughter, it is your Father speaking; Yahweh is My Name;
– since your heart yearns to speak words of Wisdom and understanding, to reveal My Holiness and the Riches of My Kingdom, I will grant you this favour so that hordes of nations may listen to My Voice and get to know Me and understand that I am Father; yes, let them know that I am their Father and that all of you are the work of My Love;
My Yahweh is Great
and supremely to be praised,
yes! let my lips have wisdom
to utter words only for His Glory,
let my heart seek only sound sense
and my mind absorb His Sweet Conversation
so that Your Love, Father,
which is as high as Heaven,
be known to the unknown,
so that they too will rejoice
and walk in Your Presence for ever and ever!
learn that anyone of you who turns to Me with the sole desire to please Me, with all My Heart, yes, with all My Heart, I will grant him My Favours ….
I will reveal to them My Image of Goodness, so that they end their journey with Me; have you not noticed how I despatch My Holy Spirit, carrier of Wisdom, from the holy heavens? what seemed to be for all of you Inaccessible and Unattainable2 will be prompted to descend on you, by My Good Will;
“deliver us!” some of you plead;
“come and fortify us, Father!” I hear as an outcry from My creation;
“send us promptly Your Holy Spirit from Above!” others call in their thirst; or,
“get up! save us!”;
at these cries I said: “I will breathe out a scent3 like incense upon My creation; I will spread My perfume as never before in history; have you not read: 4 ‘I, like a conduit from a river, like a watercourse running into a garden, I am going to water My orchard; I intend to irrigate My flower beds; and see, My conduit has grown into a river, and My river has grown into a sea; now I shall make discipline shine out, and I shall send its light far and wide; I shall pour out teaching like prophecy, as a legacy to all future generations’; and My people will say: ‘look! look how our Father is advancing like the clouds! look how He is pouring out His Holy Spirit with a Blessing;'” 5
I want to heal your disloyalty, I want to heal your apostasy and give you all a pure heart so that you need not avoid Me with shame; many of you will stand aghast, perplexed and stupefied, others will harbour doubts in their heart, others will set their faces harder than rock at the Powerful Presence of My Spirit; yet, I am only accomplishing My Son’s Promise ….
and when people will ask you: “who are these flying like a cloud, like doves to their cote?” 6 answer and say: “these are the sons and daughters who found their freedom in the Spirit; they are those who called out to their Father: ‘my Father’; and who are to adorn His Sanctuary once again; they will feed now on the Wealth of His Holy Spirit; they are the people whom the Father has blessed; yes! the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, will be their splendour, and they will continue to be suckled on the Riches of His Holy Spirit ….” this is what you will tell My people ….