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Polski » Domy Maryjne » Inne projekty dotyczące "Aktów miłości" » Prawdziwe Życie w Bogu buduje i utrzymuje szkołę w wiosce Kulun, Bangladesz »

True Life in God Supports School in Kulun Village, Bangladesh

In July 2000 a request was made from some people in Kulun village close to Dhaka to build a 2-classroom school for the first graders that had to walk about 3Km (just under 2 miles) far to reach the nearest mission school. The people that asked us were close local friends and later became devout followers of the Messages of TLIG and one of them, Xavier Pereira, is promoting the Messages to the areas around Dhaka. The decision was taken to help them out and build the school for the little ones, which by mid-2001 was almost completed, but the children were attending classes there already.

In Feb. 2003, Vassula and Sami Carlo from Switzerland had the opportunity to visit this village and see the school running. Sami volunteered to donate for the school - the desks and benches.

In July 2003, TLIG also started paying the teachers¡¯ salaries, as the previous organization supporting them stopped and it wasn¡¯t right for the children if the school were to close for lack of salaries to the teachers.

Once a week the TLIG Messages are read to the children by the teachers, discussed and prayed.

In Christ Jesus,


Domy Maryjne
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Inne projekty dotyczące "Aktów miłości"
    Pierwsza szkoła podstawowa pod wezwaniem "Prawdziwego Życia w Bogu" ukończona! Alleluja!
    Prawdziwe Życie w Bogu utrzymuje sierociniec Dhammarajika
    Prawdziwe Życie w Bogu buduje i utrzymuje szkołę w wiosce Kulun, Bangladesz
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