(Teil 1)       (Teil 2)

25. Januar 1997

I invoke You, my Yahweh
my Father,
for I know that when I do, Your
Majesty would come in splendour
all the way from heaven, descending
in glory in my quarters; to see You
my God in this inaccessible glory of
Your Divine and infinite Light is
an incomprehensible splendour;
You, the Godhead, manifesting
Yourself to me and wanting to be
united with me, desiring to be
known; only You, and You alone
can reach me, for the gap, this
ontological abyss between You and me
can be no more there; Lord, You fill
all things without being contained neither
by their limits nor by their very being.

...While I was still invoking Yahweh's Name,
suddenly, a figure of wonder,
looking just like the Son of Man in
His glorious Transfiguration,
appeared to me; the Formless One took
form; what mind is able to grasp
or understand the One who encompasses
all beings? Although the vision lacked
completeness; 1 He made Himself be
recognized, and I am conscious about it;
The Unseen God allowed Himself to be
seen to speak and listen as friend
to friend; Invisible, yet face to face.

Yahweh, the Lord of Lords, appeared to
me, vested in full splendour; His
heavenly robe shimmering and yet
colourless; glittering as though covered
by diamonds and other precious stones.

And while I was staring, bewildered and
mystified, on this enchanting vision
of grace and incomparable beauty,
when Yahweh, delicately had emerged from
behind the clouds, doing it with such
a graceful movement, I felt my heart
blossoming; His Majesty reminded me of a
bridegroom stepping out of a pavilion;
His Presence radiated a gracefulness
that even if I tried to describe it all
my life I would never manage.

His Presence at the same time radiated
love and so much sweetness and
tenderness that my soul was swept
to the ground; His beautiful
Head was leaning slightly to the right,
like those Sacred Heart statues;
You are beautiful my God,
although I can only peer through
a veil, I see Your hair in
dark locks reaching Your shoulders,
and Your beautiful Face the
pallor of ivory is enchanting to the eye;
Yahweh's posture was though
of someone timid, but do not mistake
me, it was not timidity but a form
of grace and majesty.

Oh Yahweh, You who transcend
greatness and fullness, You who are
the Godhead, assumed a form in an
inconceivable manner to show
Yourself to the unworthy one;
indeed, how can language express
in words, "the things that no
eye has seen and no ear has
heard, things beyond the
mind of man?"

Oh come and breathe over my garden 2
and spread Your sweetness in
my heart; why, who am I to be
able to contemplate Your figure?
How is it possible that You, in
such glory and such splendour be
attracted to our misery?
You dazzled me and I am bemused
with Your Lordly Beauty.
What must it be like to contemplate
You all day long in heaven with
our bare eyes?

How and where shall I find sufficient
words to describe Your Grace and Your
Beauty? Words surpass me,
especially that slight movement
You made, to step out from behind
the clouds; should I invent new
words of praise to praise Your
ineffable Beauty? Human words
of praise are nothing and will never
be sufficient ever to express what
I want to express.

In Your Pure Beauty, You hold me
captive; in Your charm, You leave
me bemused and in rapture, and
like spring You flower my heart;
with a single one of Your glances
and my soul feels wedded
to my Creator;
my Creator who freed me
with one single of His glances
and set me free and at large
to proclaim His wedding song.

You guard me, and while I am going
You spread sapphires on my path,
and like the pupil of Your Eye
You guard my soul;
I go through fire and when I
come out of it I am unharmed;
and when torrents of insults pour on me,
like slime, from the evil one, Your
right Hand upholds me, with
words sweeter than honey and
more intoxicating than wine, while
You cover my head, with Your blessings,
adorning me like a queen.

And when my oppressors joyfully
breathe hostility and calumny
all around me, Your Majesty,
like a flash of lightning
sends me a cherub who lifts
my soul to mount him and soar
on the wings of the wind;
then, in Your Peace and in Your
smiles, I gaze from above on those
who keep hailing my death, but
who can never reach me,
while they tremble in their fury and
rage; no, not one enemy will ever
be able to outwit my God; why,
He Himself shall crush my oppressors.

And now, I stretch out my hands to
let everyone get to know that Goodness
and Kindness is our God thrice Holy.

I am in your midst; know My little Vassula, that the poor will receive more from Wisdom than the rich, who glory in their glory which is no glory at all; I have anointed you with My oil, 3 so that in this baptismal oil I can obtain victories from you for My glory but also for your own sanctification.

In Your sweetness, let me obtain mercy from You.

I, the King of Glory and your Bridegroom as well, will satisfy the poor and you will obtain mercy and the same sweetness I have given to My Son come and hear Sovereignty whisper in your ear; come and write down My Words and treasure them; I am the Guardian of your soul and from My Lips you will hear no flattery but righteousness; come and lean your head on My Heart so that in that closeness you can obtain the revelation coming from the furnace 4 of Love, and when you will hear Me, Choice-of-My-Son, your soul will not resist to pursue the path of righteousness and goodness; then you will find your joy in the end of this path have you not heard, delightful child, that I Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My creation and am everyone's Spouse? 5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery.

If so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: "what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;" O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy.

Day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine.

Ah, Vassula, 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom's principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song 7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert... I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness.

So now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away; behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son; behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: "Abba!" and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence.

Know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be; no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My Vassula; see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy.

I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to draw you now to Me... take a retreat in Me 9 ... why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will... and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds 11 you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you; that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you inviting you with these words: "it is impossible for a soul to love Me the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me." 12

I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt anymore; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me... I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn 13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My Vassula, adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved's lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We 14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15 continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union.

Tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life... speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those 16 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: "why are you never asking: where is God?" in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed... how can I say: "they are My Son's incense;" when their only fragrance is the smell of death? I have given you, creation, twelve years 17 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found; I always wished to rank you as My Own.

In these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 18 unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom's embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love; then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: "my Father;" in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so I will rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you, and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: "beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!"

1 It was like seeing through a grey veil
2 It means "send Your Holy Spirit to me"
3 Oil here stands symbolically for: "Name"
4 God means His Heart
5 Is 54:5
6 Suddenly His Divine Gaze turned and looked at me
7 True Life in God
8 The Holy Trinity
9 This He said it as an invitation but with great solemnity
10 When I was writing these words, we were the 21 November 1997; on 28 November 1997, is the 12th anniversary of True Life in God
11 When God pronounced the word "seeds" I saw in front of me sapphires
12 That is the whole secret of knowing God: intimate union
13 He used the present term as it is continuous
14 The Holy Trinity
15 God reminds me of my apostolate
16 "Those", means that it is obvious that it is not "all"
17 Since God started his work: True Life in God
18 God foresees the negative reaction of certain souls
