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Testimonies from the Laity

All the testimonies copied here are extracts from the originals.

I was looking in the Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary site, and was scrolling to find some Greek or Russian name among the apparitions to reconfort (reconvert) myself (I know this drive for searching God is not very Holy, but God takes us from where we are). And there I clicked on Vassula name which looked to me Greek enough. From this point on I realized how ignorant I was of the tenderness and love of God for all of us, and how united we are in his heart. We are ONE. I was so thrilled and so filled with joy and happiness that I was healed from my complexes, and all I want now is to work for the unity of the Church.
(M. S., L., October 1999)

C'est une grâce de Dieu que, moi aussi, j'aie pu lire ces livres permettant aux gens de retourner vers le Seigneur et de renforcer leur foi. Jésus m'a donné par cette lecture beaucoup de réponses aux questions qui m'avaient préoccupées et Il m'a remplie de la force. C'est une découverte unique dans ma vie ; je me sens maintenant si proche du Seigneur. Je trouve que les écrits de Vassula sont un don pour l'Eglise, pour l'humanité toute entière... Le Seigneur ne nous abandonne pas. Gloire à Lui pour Sa lumière et Sa puissance, qu'Il nous donne par ces paroles...
(M.P., Poland, October 1999)

After I read True Life in God, I felt I spoke to God directly and felt united with the Light of God. And there was this wish for conversion inside of me.
(Mrs. S., Indonesia, October 1999)

"En 1992, alors que je n΄e΄tais pas pratiquante de religion, une amie m΄a racconte΄ avoir vu un quelque chose extraordinaire `a la television: alors qu΄elle regardait une discussion avec une dame nome΄e Vassula Ryden, mon amie a vu le visage de Vassula changer et devenir le visage de Jesus. Quand mon amie m΄ `a relate tout cela, je l΄ai crue sur le champs. J΄ai lu les livres dans la langue originale, l΄anglais et je sentais que Dieu me parlait et j΄appris `a le connaitre et `a comprendre ce qu΄il voulait de nous tous. Je suis alle΄e confesser, ce que je n΄avais pas fait depuis 35 ans… je vais souvent `a l΄Eglise et ce qui est merveilleux, c΄est que je sens le besoin de communiquer mon experience et surtout de precher la parole de Dieu autour de moi."
(H. P., Rhodes Οctober 1999)

Vi o rosto de Jesus em lugar do de Vassula ao assistir o 'tape' de uma palestra de Vassula em Recife. Desde então a minha vida mudou, e eu passei a ler com grande interesse os livros de 'A Verdadeira Vida em Deus'. Com a força que recebi através dessa leitura, pude abandonar o vício das drogas e do álcool que tinham me dominado e voltei a freqüentar a Igreja, a Santa Eucaristia e a rezar com mais intensidade. Hoje tenho a minha pequena empresa e ajudo com a minha palavra e as minhas orações aos meus irmãos drogados e encarcerados a encontrarem-se novamente com esse Jesus cheio de amor e misericórdia e a descobrirem um sentido verdadeiro para as suas vidas.
(R. P., Brazil, October 1999)

TLIG messages have been sanctifying for me and for many of my friends. The greatest revelation has been the tenderness of our Heavenly Father and now my prayers and my approach to Him are quite different, with much more confidence and love, but also with respect, as He teaches us through our dear Vassula. The Holy Trinity is more comprehensive now and my devotion to the Three Divine Persons is much greater. Vassula's meekness is something that all of us should learn and practice.
(E. P., Chile, October 1999)

En marzo de 1999, conocí los Mensajes de La Verdadera Vida en Dios. Gracias a los Mensajes de Vassula mi vida espiritual cambió totalmente, yo era de las personas que no iban a la Iglesia con frecuencia. Mi testimonio es que hace meses me sentía deprimida ya que padecía una enfermedad del corazón, que para Gloria de Dios ya no existe, pues, los últimos análisis han confirmado que ya no existe esa lesión.
(B. E. P., México, October 1999)

Los libros de Vassula me han hecho mucho bien, los llevé a una librería religiosa y los he estado propagando y también los he dado a otros. He sacado mucho provecho de aumento de fe y me han confirmado el ánimo de seguir a Dios.
(V. P., Spain, October 1999)

When reading the books, it confirmed what the Spirit had let me perceive and understand about the prophet Daniel, about the Apostasy, and so on. I have been reading the books since 1994 and when reading those books have received healing in body, mind and soul.
(H. P. H., Canada, October 1999)

Foi através da VVD que eu fiquei mais intimo de Jesus Cristo e concebi um Deus mais próximo a mim, ou seja, um Deus presente as 24 horas por dia em minha vida.
(D. P. Jr., Brazil, October 1999)

Antes de conocer los Mensajes yo creía en Dios, pero un Dios muy lejano; mi único interés era la belleza, poseer cosas y el confort. Inventándome así una religión a mi manera sin compromisos, ¡creía que era buena! Mi conciencia ya no sabía de pecado. En 1993, gracias a mi Madre María llegó a mis manos, el "Himno de Amor" del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, la lectura de esta hermosas palabras cultivaron en mi alma un profundo amor por Las Tres Divinas Personas, un deseo de corresponder al amor, dándome sed de la Comunión, orar el Santo Rosario promoviéndolo con los demás, al sacramento de la reconciliación el cual lo efectúo cada semana y siempre hablo de Jesús. Participo en mi parroquia y asisto a grupos de oración. Y por eso con certeza afirmo, esto no puede provenir de fuente humana, nadie pudo moverme de tal manera y hacerme dar un giro de 180 grados ¡Solo Dios!
(A.I. P., México, October 1999)

... sinto Ele dando-me força, paz, alegria, segurança e luz, era tudo o que precisamos. Percebi a veracidade das mensagens no coração, sem questionar fui ao encontro dos demais livros de AVVD. Não só a minha vida mudou, mas a de meu marido e de meu filho, através dos comentários que fazia e das leituras que iam fazendo, ocorreu uma conversão em família. Passamos a ler a Bíblia, a rezar o Terço, a frequentar a Missa, cenáculos, confessar e comungar.
(V. M. M. Portela, Brazil, October 1999)

A través de La Verdadera Vida en Dios mi vida cambió espiritualmente, yo me decía católica con solo ir a misa los domingos o que rezara el rosario esporádicamente, aunque en mí siempre estaban presentes las devociones del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el de María, pero no los había encontrado como hoy están presentes en mi corazón. Empecé a leer los mensajes en 1998, pero no me interesaron tanto, fue hasta enero del 99 que asistí a una dinámica de esposos, de ahí en adelante tanto mi esposo y yo logramos nos encontramos en el Señor ya que los dos siempre peleábamos. Todos los domingos empezamos a ir a misa, recibir la comunión, confesarnos con frecuencia y hacer la caridad con personas de una comunidad demasiado pobre. Hasta la fecha estamos leyendo La Verdadera Vida en Dios y la Biblia. Hoy tengo más fe en el Señor y María Santísima y trato de hablar a los demás de estos mensajes y hago oración por los que no creen.
(T. de Jesús T. P., México, October 1999)

I grew up in the Roman Catholic faith and continue to participate in the Orthodox Church traditions on many occasions during the course of the year. The effects/affects of these True Life in God messages are by far...so many, that if would take a book for me to write! What I've gained personally, is my re-found intimacy I had with Jesus when I was a little girl and now, as this intimacy matures with time given to study my Bible, learn from the True Life in God messages and read the writings of the saints in both Eastern and Western Catholic Churches; my child-like faith has been 'Fortressed' because of Jesus and Mary's great love for me - their child.
(P. P., USA, October 1999)

Personalmente puedo afirmar que en el proceso de mi conversión tuvo una influencia radical la Verdadera Vida En Dios, la cual leí en sus seis tomos en español, siendo su contenido de gran impacto en mi alma, en orden a retornar a Jesús por medio de María. Eso me llevó luego a desear lograr la venida de Vassula Ryden a Venezuela, lo cual se profujo en diciembre de 1999, por efecto del trabajo hecho por mí y otros organizadores.
(B. P., Venezuala, October 1999)

Via een vriendin mocht ik 25 januari 1997 het eerste boek van "Het Ware Leven in God" ontvangen. Het is de taal der Liefde van Jezus zelf! Ik lees en mediteer en ben dikwijls zeer ontroerd. Mijn leven is totaal veranderd, en Ik ben dijwijls in gesprek met Jezus. Mijn doel is Hem steeds meer eerherstellende te geven voor de zonden van de wereld. Bij uw bijeenkomst in 's Hertogebosch heb ik een grote genade ontvangen. Vassula, ik heb werkelijk Christus naast je zien staan op de podium tijdens je toespraak, en in Brussel en Stolberg mocht ik het Heilig Aanschijn van Christus in je gelaat waarnemen. Mijn leven is steeds gaan veranderen en alles wat ik onderneem is alleen nog voor Jezus.
(Ans P. van U., Holland, October 1999)

I was introduced to Vassula and the TLIG message by my brother who was just converted (now studying to be a priest) back in around 1992. From the very first page to [the end] I have been drawn into God's Holy Hymn. As with Vassula I have been suckled like a nursling on the words of love in TLIG. What a magnificent work! The way God takes one by the hand and slowly yet steadily leads them to the center of His being is breathtaking. Oh how I've intimately grown to love God, yes thrice holy, and so tangible and intangible all at the same time. I am so grateful to have been chosen to experience God through his messenger Vassula.
(K.P., USA, October 1999)

My wife and me struggle always on having our daily rosary. Then one day our friend, Joan Daengsvang, suggested that since she live near our place to join us to pray the rosary together. She then one day came to our place and suggested praying the rosary using the True Life in God prayer format. Now not only the three of us are praying the rosary together but also some of our friends who live near by join us to pray the rosary together and listen and share God's word and His messages. In less than two months our group increases up to 8 regular members that prays the rosary every Friday of the week. Most especially we always have and active participation of sharing God's word through our insight and experiences. Furthermore, my wife and myself including our 6 years old son pray the rosary together daily and regularly.
(C. Q., Bangkok, Thailand, October 1999)

Grâce aux messages de notre soeur dans la foi - Vassula -, je sens que je connais de mieux en mieux notre Rédempteur. Je ne lis pas ce livre comme un roman, mais j'essaie demander à l'Esprit Saint qu'Il m'éclaire pour que je puisse plonger profondément dans les paroles de Notre Seigneur et que je puisse encourager les autres à profiter de ce trésor d'amour que Dieu nous offre par ces messages. Je sens que Dieu m'appelle, qu'Il languit. J'essaie de lire chaque jour au moins 2 pages et de Lui rendre mon pauvre amour pour Son Grand Amour. Je ne suis pas capable d'exprimer ma joie mais je sens que Lui est à coté de moi en ce moment et qu'Il est en moi.
(J. R., Poland, October 1999)

Je suis reconnaissante pour les messages notés par Vassula . Je crois que c'est par la volonté du Seigneur Jésus que j'ai eu l'occasion les connaître. Je Le remercie cent fois. Mon amour envers Lui est devenu complet. Je sais maintenant accepter humblement le mauvais sort de la vie et je me réjouis de pouvoir, par ma souffrance, Le soulager dans Sa Passion. J'ai pardonné des fautes qui me semblaient impossible à pardonner...
(H.R., Poland, October 1999)

As mensagens de Jesus transmitidas por Vassula levaram-me a uma reflexão mais profunda sobre a palavra de Deus e, em conseqüência, à busca por um melhor rumo para a minha vida.
(B. R., Brazil, October 1999)

Me impresionó la casa del Señor y cómo ayudó a Vassula y que Él arreglará muchas cosas si ella se une a Él y recemos por todos los que no tienen fe.
(P. H. de R. M., Spain, October 1999)

A palavra de Deus transmitida por Vassula, foi para mim a revelação viva de um Deus-amigo, amoroso, paciente, misericordioso, que Se faz tão próximo nos momentos de angústia e dificuldades. Suas palavras alimentam a minha alma. Agradeço a Deus por esta carta de Amor enviada a todos nós, mas que, infelizmente, muitos não a desejam ler.
(M. V. R., Brazil, October 1999)

Depois que comecei a ler os livros escritos por Vassula, ditados por Deus, fui notando que minha fé foi avivada. Sinto Jesus mais perto e minhas orações saem mais livres e fervorosas.
(P. M. R., Brazil, October 1999)

One day my dad, a beautiful man, gave me the Angel Daniel book. He had found it at a little used thrift store and read it, and consequently purchased all of the other books. I took it to work one day and read the whole book before lunch time. I had never really read a religious book for pleasure, but I loved it. After I read the book, I kissed it. Then I went driving to get a bite to eat. As I was driving, I was telling Jesus in my head, "Gee, thanks Lord, for your beautiful words". I felt so happy and loved. Then, all of a sudden, sparks flew, flashes of light shot out of my car radio, and sounds similar to that of crackling lightening were emitted. I was startled and I flinched with fright at what was happening with my car radio. Then all of a sudden, I heard the following lyrics come from my radio: "In the arms of the angel, you will find some comfort here". At that instant I bursted into tears and could not stop shaking.
(G. B. R., USA, October 1999)

He estado más de 30 años practicando Astrología. Poco a poco fui incorporando otros sistemas esotéricos: tarot, cábala, alquimia y siete años practicando religión tántrica en el Tíbet... Siempre mi alma se había conmovido con el episodio de Jesús y la mujer samaritana. En una meditación, el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús vino hacia mi, se fusionó con el mío y lo encendió.... Casualmente leí una página de La Verdadera Vida en Dios, inmediatamente reconocí la voz de Jesús. Iba descubriendo La Verdadera Vida en Dios, estrechando los lazos que nos unían. Sentí la necesidad de recibir al Señor cada día. Jesús y Su Santa Madre me dieron una nueva luz para ver donde estaba metida. Abandoné inmediatamente un grupo masónico que frecuentaba y fue un gran alivio el deshacerme de mi basta biblioteca astrológica.
(C. S. R., Spain, October 1999)

J'ai vu Vassula à Toulouse en novembre 1997. Elle m'a beaucoup aidée, par son exemple et tout ce que j'ai reçu, à me convertir plus profondément, à suivre mon chemin spirituel et toutes les purifications nécessaires, à comprendre, à accepter, à persévérer.
(S. R., France, October 1999)

Fui católica, nunca praticante, fui uma das líderes da Seicho-no-ye, frequentando assiduamente as reuniões, formando grupos, defendendo suas idéias, e trabalhando contra a Igreja Católica através de críticas, mostrando somente os defeitos e falhas nela existentes. Após conhecer os livros de 'A Verdadeira Vida em Deus', minha vida mudou radicalmente. Jesus tocou em meu coração através daquelas mensagens, Ele me falou e fala diretamente, me leva a leitura das Sagradas Escrituras, a prática dos Evangelhos. Hoje sou feliz, passei a viver os Sacramentos conforme os Mandamentos da Lei de Deus e da Igreja.
(M. S. C. R., Brazil, October 1999)

True Life in God has made Jesus alive in my life as a faithful friend and companion. He shows his love in a most irresistable way that I can't help but love him back even if I now realize how unworthy I am.
(J. B. R., Philippines, October 1999)

Doy testimonio que al leer los escritos de la Verdadera Vida en Dios en 1992, mi fe ha tenido un crecimiento constante y renovado cada día más, buscando los sacramentos y orando el Santo Rosario de casa en casa. Me he dedicado a darlos a conocer entre familiares, amigos y compañeros de trabajo.
(B. R. de R., México, October 1999)

De in het Nederlands vertaalde boodschappen van het "Ware Leven in God" heb ik na elkaar uitgelezen en sindsdien is mijn liefde voor God en Maria alleen maar toegenomen. Ik voelde mij werkelijk persoonlijk tot Hen aangesproken. De boodschappen hebben me echter wel enorm verdrietig gemaakt en stress bezorgd omdat bijna al mijn geliefden hier op aarde niets van God moeten hebben en er niets over willen horen en lezen tot op de dag van vandaag. Ik bid veel voor hen en ook voor onze priesters die niet kunnen of willen begrijpen of horen dat Jezus en Maria vandaag tot de wereld spreken.
(D. R., Holland, October 1999)

We read many books and watched several videos about Marian apparitions around the world. But it wasn't until we started reading TLIG when we truly learned about God's personal and infinite love for us. Reading and contemplating TLIG was one of God's graces that changed our lives forever. Every day we try to remember that the God who loves us ``to folly'' is near us, that He wants to be present in our daily lives, that He calls us to live our life as He wants, that He sends on us all graces after graces. As a result of reading TLIG we have learned to pray not only the ``standard'' daily prayers but also to talk to the Three Persons of God during the day, to ask him to bless what we do and to be always with us.
(A. L. R., England, October 1999)

"Comme la plupart de monde, j΄etais tre΄s loin de l΄Eglise et de ses enseignements. Le pire e΄tait que j΄appartenais a une secte des plus viles qui existent ajourdhui le "New Age" et j΄etais pleine d΄angoisses. Dans mon decouragement, j΄ai eu un instant la force de demander `a Dieu par la priere de m΄envoyer quelqu΄un `a mon aide. Grace a Dieu, j΄ai rencontrer Vassula et j΄ai lu les messages qu΄elle recoit. Depuis ce temps, ma vie a change΄, j΄ai connu et je vis le sacraments de l΄Eglise, c΄est `a dire la confession et la Sainte Communion et avec l΄aide de Dieu, j΄enseigne le catechisme dans deux paroisses de mon ile.
(A. R., Greece, October 1999)

Staying in one corner of the YMCA room, listening to Vassula answer questions asked by a bishop, priests, a journalist, etc., tears rolled down my face when she said that Jesus assured her that He will send people to her and she would go to them to disseminate His messages. Being one of the organizers, I thanked God for making me one of those who made Vassula's visit to Bangkok possible. At this instance, Vassula turned to me smiling but it changed to a smiling face of Jesus. Since that time, March 1998, with my simultaneous reading of the Bile and True Life in God, I find myself converted daily, exerting more effort to live the ways of the Lord more fully especially in my relationship with God and with others.
(J. B. R., Bangkok, Thailand, October 1999)

I was particularly blessed to see that as we read the messages we could insert our own names thus personalizing the Messages and for a long time thereafter and more recently again I heard I Am reverberate in my heart! There has been since then a continuous revelation in my life of what this Precious Name means. It has brought new awakening, new awareness. When there was some question regarding the Messages I sadly set them aside and was overjoyed by the announcement once again of their acceptance. Recently, within the past few months I have felt a deep hunger to hear the voice of Jesus through His vessel. When Vassula spoke in Winnipeg I saw the face of Jesus replace hers. At that time I was unaware that this was taking place elsewhere. As I write this I am aware of the deep spiritual groaning within my soul which has been stirred by the cries of Jesus over His divided family.
(L. R., Canada, September, October 1999)

«Ημουν μια τυπική χριστιανή, προσευχόμουν όποτε είχα ανάγκη τον Κύριο, εκκλησιαζόμουν 5-6 φορές το χρόνο. Πριν 6 χρόνια είδα σε μία κασέτα την ομιλία της Βασούλας, αυτή ήταν και η αρχή της γνωριμίας μου με τον Κύριο. Σήμερα είμαι ενεργό μέλος της εκκλησίας του Αγ. Παντελεήμονα στη Βούλα κοντά στον ασθενή, κοντά στον πόνο. Πιστεύω ότι αυτά τα μηνύματα είναι αληθινά διότι έχουν φέρει πολύ κόσμο στην Εκκλησία» Ελένη Γιαννούτσικου ετών 57, ΑΘΗΝΑ
(October 1999)

«Μέχρι πρίν από τρία χρόνια, η σχέση μου με τον Θεό ήταν σχεδόν ανύπαρκτη. Δύο φορές τον χρόνο πήγαινα να κοινωνήσω, χωρίς να έχει προηγηθεί εξομολόγηση, αμφισβητούσα τελείως αυτό το Μυστήριο και πολλές φορές βάζοντας μπροστά τη λογική, αμφισβητούσα ακόμα και την ύπαρξη του Θεού. Μέχρι που μια μέρα, μετά από πολλά προβλήματα, ενώ είχα φτάσει σε αδιέξοδο, ήλθα με πολύ επιφύλαξη σ'επαφή με το γκρούπ προσευχής της «Αληθινής εν Θεώ Ζωής» της Ρόδου. Από εκείνο το βράδυ άρχισα σιγά-σιγά να βλέπω το Φως να σβήνει το σκοτάδι. Διάβαζα σποραδικά τα μηνύματα και άρχισα να γεμίζω από απερίγραπτη χαρά και ειρήνη και αυτά τα λόγια «Σε σήκωσα απ' το λάκκο, σε οδήγησα στο Σπίτι Μου και θεράπευσα την ψυχή σου» ήταν τα λόγια Του σε μένα, το παιδί Του. Είμαι τώρα μέσα στα μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας, γνωρίζω την Αγάπη του Δημιουργού και Σωτήρα μου, την δύναμη της προσευχής και ότι ο Θεός είναι Αληθινός και Πανταχού Παρών. Σ'αγαπώ πολύ Πατέρα !» Μαρίκα Γιαλλούση, 35 ετών, Ξεν/υπαλληλος
(October 1999)

« Ημουν στην εκκλησία και στα μυστήρια της, αλλά όταν ήρθε το πρώτο βιβλίο της Βασούλας στο χέρι μου, από τις πρώτες γραμμές που διάβασα (χωρίς να γνωρίζω περί Βασούλας, και της επαφής της με τον Θεό) θυμάμαι το πρώτο πράγμα που είπα: αυτή τη στιγμή μου μιλάει ο Θεός στη καρδιά μου και μου λέει παιδί Μου σε αγαπώ. Τα συναισθήματα ήταν έντονα και από τότε ξέρω γιατί συμμετέχω στα μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας». Γιάννης Γιανόγκωνας ετών 42 ΑΘΗΝΑ
(October 1999)

«Ακουσα για τα μηνύματα το 1989, κάποια κυρία μίλαγε γι αυτά σε κάποια άλλη, εγώ ήμουν μακριά από αυτό τον χώρο αλλά ακούγοντας τις πρώτες λέξεις αμέσως αγγίχθηκα. Πλησίασα και πήρα τα μηνύματα, τα διάβασα το επόμενο βράδυ και από τότε η ζωή μου άλλαξε. Εκλαψα και μετάνιωσα για όλες τις αμαρτίες μου το ίδιο βράδυ.Δεν πίστευα ότι μπορούσε να με αγαπήσει κάποιος τόσο πολύ και αυτός ο κάποιος ήταν ο Θεός γιατί πρίν διαβάσω τα μηνύματα τον είχα κλεισμένο σε ένα συρτάρι, δεν πίστευα σε αυτόν, δεν κοινωνούσα, δεν εξομολογόμουν, έβριζα, έλεγα ψέματα..Τώρα ζω την μυστηριακή ζωή της Εκκλησίας και ο Θεός έγινε για μένα ο Σύντροφός μου, η Χαρά μου, το Χαμογελό μου, ο Πλούτος μου, η Ζωή μου ολόκληρη. Δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ τη ζωή μου χωρίς τον Θεό γιατί είναι άδεια και ψεύτικη. Η μόνη Αλήθεια είναι αυτός, η μόνη Οδός είναι αυτός.» Ρένα Γιαλλούση, ΡΟΔΟΣ
(October 1999)

En 1995 leí los escritos de la Verdadera Vida en Dios y realmente son una ayuda muy grande espiritual para confirmarnos en la Voluntad de Dios ya que lo que han obrado en mí es frecuentar los Sacramentos, la adoración y siento la necesidad especial de la Eucaristía, la confesión y en especial la oración personal y comunitaria para ayudarnos mutuamente. Yo estoy atendiendo enfermos.
(Hna. M. S., México, October 1999)

While sitting listening to Vassula being interviewed by a Philippino TV crew I was more than surprised to find myself deeply moved by her story - I who had not even wanted to accompany a friend to visit her, such was my scepticism. As she spoke I realised that God truly was communicating with her - her calm, serene yet down to earth manner was striking. At this time I was living a life where God or the Church had no place....... through meeting Vassula a whole new spiritual world was opened up to me and I felt a real need to change my lifestyle. I then began to read the messages for the first time and this confirmed my conviction that these messages are from God. Meeting Vassula and reading the messages she receives brought me back to the sacraments after many many years. Now nine years later I am still learning from these messages that strongly support my faith and that led me to read and to understand the Bible for the first time.
(A. S., Israel, October 1999)

Vassula ajudou-me a conhecer melhor, a me enternecer e a mais me apaixonar pelo Senhor Jesus. Várias vezes, ao contemplar Sua face na capa dos livros A Verdadeira Vida em Deus, a imagem se mexeu, como se estivesse viva, causando-me grande espanto e admiração. Tenho distribuido incontáveis posters dessa Sagrada Face, e muitos fenômenos me tem sido relatados por pessoas para as quais ela sorri ou muda de posição. Maria de Fátima Tenório Yamamato. Bancária, casada, mãe de 3 filhos.
(R. M. de S., Brasil, October 1999)

Sempre frequentei centros espíritas, inclusive fazendo trabalho de passe. Via em todas estas coisas uma forma de ajudar as pessoas a resolverem e entenderem seus problemas. Igreja, Padres, Sagrada Escritura era para os ignorantes e antiquados. Alguém me presenteou com um livro chamado 'A Verdadeira Vida em Deus', de Vassula Ryden. Lá estava escrito que deveríamos usar o nosso nome em vez de usar o nome de Vassula, isto ao ler as Mensagens. Jesus me mostrou o caminho, a verdade e a vida através destes escritos. Hoje participo da Renovação Carismática Católica, sou catequista, e vivo sempre que posso em adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento. A AVVD salvou minha vida.
(M. C. S., Brazil, October 1999)

For the next month I walked through life with a heightened sense of Our Lord's presence in all people and in the Mass. I would find myself tearing up in a crowd of strangers as I realized my Father's presence in them. I wasn't attending Mass regularly before this conversion but now found myself drawn to weekday Masses. As soon as morning Mass ended, I longed for the next day when I could again meet The Lord in Mass. I attended confession for the first time in years and increased my daily prayer time and journaling to the Lord. I also experienced Our Father's incredible peace. Nothing could bother or upset me during this month. I even had a co-worker comment to me on my behavior. I smiled at his observation for The LordUs Ways truly are mysterious and incredible.
(M. S., USA, October 1999)

Li os livros da "Verdadeira Vida em Deus" e imediatamente tive a minha conversão. Não sou digno desta tão grande dádiva.
(J. M. S., Brazil, October 1999)

Door het lezen van "Het Ware Leven in God" heb ik de Heilige Geest veel meer in mijn leven betrokken en heb ik een zeer grote devotie gekregen tot de Heilge Harten van Jezus en Maria en ben overtuigt dat de H. Harten zullen overwinnen. Dit heeft me geholpen bij de verdieping van mijn geloofsleven. Vooral mijn vertrouwen in de barmhartige liefde van God leeft dagelijks in mijn leven.
(G. S., Holland, October 1999)

... Foram momentos de grandes descobertas das coisas de Deus. Mais tarde um intenso cheiro de rosas tomou conta da sala onde estávamos entretidos com essa leitura. Nada explicava a origem desse fenômeno a não ser as mensagens contidas naquele livro. Desde então todos os da minha casa têm o hábito de ler (todos os volumes) das mensagens de Jesus a Vassula e de compará-las com as Sagradas Escrituras. Nossas vidas tomaram um enorme impulso na fé e todos nos voltamos ainda mais para uma vida de oração, de confissão e de comunhão diária.
(H. S., Brazil, October 1999)

.. Certo dia recebi um convite para ir na casa de um amigo assistir um filme de uma mulher que andou pelo Brasil, fui para ser educado. O filme começou, foi incrível, tudo o que ela dizia parece que era diretamente para mim. Então procurei seus escritos, comecei a ler, não consegui mais parar. Refiz minha catequese através desses escritos. Entendi meus problemas, os problemas da Igreja, e os dos outros. Hoje rezo, confesso, comungo, não falto às Missas aos domingos e dias Santos. Sou um homem novo.
(A. S., Brazil, October 1999)

Com a leitura dos livros A Verdadeira Vida em Deus, escritos por Vassula Ryden e ditado por Jesus Cristo, tive a certeza absoluta da presença de Deus em suas mensagens porque pela Misericórdia Divina, os Referidos Livros me colocaram cara-a-cara com o Criador do Céu e da Terra e encontrei o paraíso em toda a sua plenitude
(A. P. S., Brazil, October 1999)

... sentimos mais fervor na oração e mais interesse pela vida espiritual. Buscamos um maior cumprimento da lei de Deus, leitura diária da Sagrada Escritura, meditação da palavra de Deus, amor mais intenso a Eucaristia, um cuidado constante em formar os nossos filhos nos ensinamentos da doutrina católica apostólica romana.
(D. A. G. S. S, Brazil, October 1999)

Before I knew these messages, I only went to church at funerals and marriages. Praying, I only did now and then. After I read an article in a Dutch newspaper, I bought the books about "True Life in God". Due to this I started to go to church more often. I also prayed more than before. Now, since a year I go to church every week. I pray every day as much as possible. Through these messages I learned to know God as a friend, who's always ready for me. Somebody, whom I can talk, laughs and cries with. I got to know Him as a real person, somebody who's really close to me. When I used to read the Bible, I thought it was history only, but now I believe he's really there. Now I want to pass the messages on to other people too."
(D. S., The Netherlands, October 1999)

Os livros escritos por Vassula e ditados por Deus, nos trazem paz, conforto nas horas de angústia e aflição. Acredito que é Jesus quem dita as mensagens, porque as palavras tocam o nosso coração profundamente.
(V. L. Q. S., Brazil, October 1999)

In Heiloo, in the chapel of blessings of Our Mother Mary I met someone who asked me for a meeting to pray together every Tuesday. There I acquainted with "True Life in God". Every book is in my possession and I read it over and over. It has brought me so close to God, so near to our Father. I have a photo on the wall of our Father with a light day and night. After a discussion not to believe everything, there came a moment of doubt shortly and what happened next Tuesday? We were singing a song of Love of God. I saw the picture of our Father, who vanished (His Face) in the face of Jesus, who vanished in the Holy Face of the Shroud (Lijkwade) the image of Jesus on every book of "T.L.I.G." Thank God!!!"
(H. S., Holland, October 1999)

Quando o I volume de 'A Verdadeira Vida em Deus' chegou em minhas mãos, posso dizer que começou a grande transformação do meu ser. Hoje, estou convicta de que essas mensagens levam a uma aproximação maior com Deus e com os irmãos. Inicialmente, achei ser um tratamento meloso demais e não era assim que eu imaginava Jesus. Depois, quando coloquei meu nome no lugar do nome de Vassula, senti todas as palavras serem dirigidas a mim, e também tornei-me íntima de Jesus.
(N. S., Brazil, October 1999)

Desde a primeira vez que li os escritos de Vassula senti que se tratava de uma coisa verdadeira, inspirada por Deus. Fico feliz por ter sido escolhida para ser divulgadora dos livros com essas mensagens. Desde o princípio a minha vida mudou muito. Hoje eu rezo mais, sinto maior prazer em participar da Santa Eucaristia e das atividades da Igreja. Mergulhei de verdade nas coisas que nos são dadas por Deus.
(V. S., Brazil, October 1999)

After I read True Life in God book, I found the light of certainty, as follows: - That The Holy Trinity is One. - Jesus has revealed Himself with so many Names for us to be intimate with in this modern world. - That Every human is personally called to be holy, irrespective of weakness, helplessness, and sin. - That Jesus Christ is the Church and the Head of the Church.
(A. S., Indonesia, October 1999)

Habiéndome convertido hace poco, la lectura de la Verdadera Vida en Dios me ayudó considerablemente en mi proceso de conversión. Realmente descubrí la riqueza del Amor de Nuestro Señor a través de la lectura de esta obra. Me identifico un poco con Vassula porque, conociendo al principio pocas cosas de religión, pude, gracias a la Verdadera Vida en Dios, profundizar mi conversión y crecer espiritualmente. Aprendí la importancia de los sacramentos, de la Iglesia y de la Santa Misa.
(P. Y. S., Argentina, October 1999)

Même un écrivain très doué éprouverait des difficultés d'écrire aussi longuement, toujours sur le même (haut!) niveau, toujours le même ouvrage. En plus de cela ce thème exclusif ! Vassula m'étonne par sa connaissance de règles du développement spirituel. Dans son ouvrage, il se déroule selon toutes les règles strictes de la logique, de la pédagogie et de l'ascèse... Elle n'a pas étudié les grands mystiques de l'Orient ni de l'Occident (elle est loin d'Edith Stein ; elle n'a pas même lu le journal de la Bienheureuse Soeur Faustine)... „La Vraie Vie en Vie" lu comme une simple lecture spirituelle m'a beaucoup donné. Pour moi, ce livre constitue un important chaînon parmi les messages Divins de notre temps. Ils nous invitent à vivre avec Lui et à s'unir à Lui, à puiser du trésor de Son Sacré Coeur.
(T.T., Poland, October 1999)

I was really surprised after I read True Life in God. I found that God is beautiful, God is love. And I could feel that God spoke to me directly. God's Love is very deep. Without God I am nothing, but in God, I can do things according to God's will not have done before.
(Mrs. T., Indonesia, October 1999)

As mensagens de Vassula muito me emocionam e ajudam na busca de maior intimidade com o Senhor. Freqüentemente abro seus livros procurando respostas e encontro trechos que parecem especificamente escritos para mim. É a obra que mais profundamente me fez sentir o extraordinário amor do Criador pela sua criatura. Ajudo a divulgar suas mensagens através de 5 minutos de leitura da Verdadeira Vida em Deus, pelo Rádio Imprensa FM, o que muito me alegra e gratifica.
(E. W. T., Brasil, October 1999)

Primeiro lia as mensagens de Deus através do 'site' na internet, depois eu e minha esposa compramos os dez livros da Verdadeira Vida em Deus , lemos do 1 livro ao décimo em meditação, verdadeiramente e' o Pai, o Filho, o Espirito Santo e Nossa Senhora que falam através de Vassula e no 4o livro pude sentir plenamente a confirmação de minha conversão e de minha esposa, voltamos a Igreja Católica, através da Missa, Eucaristia e grupo de oração , que todos leiam esta ultima oportunidade que Deus em sua misericórdia dá ao mundo independente de pertencer a Igreja Católica.
(M. T., Brazil, October 1999)

"Μέσα στη σημερινή κοινωνία με τους εξαντλητικούς ρυθμούς της νοιώθεις αποκομμένος, ξεχασμένος και αναλώσιμος. Ερχεται λοιπόν μία πολύ οικεία φωνή να μου πεί ότι δεν είμαι ξεχασμένος από τον Δημιoυργό αλλά ότι εγώ Τον είχα βγάλει από τη ζωή μου. Μέσα από τα μηνύματα αυτά αναγνώρισα την φωνή του Πατέρα μου να προσπαθεί να μαλακώσει τη σκληρή μου καρδιά. Τώρα με μικρά αλλά σταθερά βήματα με οδηγεί στην καθημερινή μου ζωή, ξέροντας ότι Εκείνος είναι Αναστημένος και Ζωντανός και ότι εγώ είμαι κληρονόμος του, αρκεί να το θέλω." Αντώνης Τεκτονίδης, 45 ετών, συνθέτης
(October 1999)

"Με τον άνδρα μου είμαστε μικτό ζευγάρι, εγώ καθολική και εκείνος ορθόδοξος. Είμασταν μακριά από την Εκκλησία από την εφηβία μας. Πρίν από 7 χρόνια μάθαμε για τα μηνύματα…. Ηταν η πρώτη φορά που άκουγα με αυτό τον τρόπο το πόσο σημαντικά είναι τα Μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας και πως ο Θεός ζητάει να τα ζούμε…. Κατάλαβα ότι ο Θεός είναι Ζωντανός και είναι δίπλα μου, τον λόγο ύπαρξής μου και πόσο νοιάζεται για τη σωτηρία μου…Διάβαζα καθημερινά τα μηνύματα και λόγω των παραπομπών και την Αγία Γραφή, την οποία άνοιγα πρώτη φορά μετά το σχολείο, άρχισα να ζητάω την εξομολόγηση και τη Θεία Ευχαριστία…Θέλω να πιστεύω ότι άρχισα να επιστρέφω σε αυτόν." Τερέζα Τεκτονίδη, 40 ετών
(October 1999)

It started when Vassula came to the Netherlands at 's Hertogenbosch. Her humble way of speaking, her emanation and certainly her love touched me deeply. After her speech, that I could listen for hours, she layed her hands and prayed on people. I closed my eyes, opened my hands to receive and silently I said: "Come o Holy Spirit, light up my heart, light up my spirit and light up my whole being". I consstantly said these words until Vassula was near me. When she touched me I fell in the Spirit. I didn't have any longer a feeling being on earth, niether did I have any notice of time or hour. At that moment I felt that God went away from me. I became very anxious and very sad. I shouted very loud:"No, no my God, please don't leave me, please come back" All this happenned inside me. After repeating 3 times the same thing, I saw light. It was a tiangle with the point above. Through that point a lot of light shined down. Tears rolled over my cheeks. They were tears of joy. When I came back from this experience I certainly knew that God is all light, I experienced with lighted eyes.
(A. U., The Netherlands, October 1999)

O amor de Jesus por nós é tão grande, compreensível, salvador e abrasador... Que todo o nosso interior se sente tocado por uma felicidade e emoção incomparável! Comprei e li todos os volumes. Retornei para a Igreja após 40 anos afastada. Novamente me confesso e comungo e rezo muito, procurando fazer tudo o que nos pede Jesus Cristo. Que Deus abençoe a Vassula.
(G. V., Brazil, October 1999)

Li com grande entusiasmo as mensagens de 'A Verdadeira Vida em Deus' e sinto que algumas mudanças significativas aconteceram na minha vida, na vida da minha família e no nosso relacionamento com Deus. Hoje, participamos intensamente dos sacramentos, rezamos com mais intensidade, participamos de grupos de cenáculos, de um Grupo de Oração que vivencia as mensagens de Jesus a Vassula. Somos cerca de 35 pessoas das mais diversas profissões. Todos empenhados em levar o Evangelho de Jesus as outras pessoas. As mensagens de Jesus a Vassula têm sido uma fonte permanente de alimento espiritual para nossa vida.
(O. V., Brazil, October 1999)

Reading the messages of True Life in God my life and conversion changed most profoundly. If I may add that I fell in love with the Catholic Church and all it represented to the Christian world. My faith has deepened to levels I did not believe was possible. Especially my love for the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady.
(M. V., South Africa, October 1999)

After I read True Life in God, I have a spirit to pray. And I started to understand the contents of the Bible and know clearly God's Will for me.
(Mrs. V., Indonesia, October 1999)

Je lis - ou plutôt je vis - le magnifique amour que je ne suis pas capable d'exprimer en simples paroles. La lecture de chaque volume m'aide à mieux vivre et endurer les difficultés quotidiennes dans ma famille aussi bien qu'au travail. Maintenant je sais que chacun de mes mouvements et ma capacité de remplir les devoirs du chaque jour, tout cela se trouve dans le Plan de Dieu. Il suffit de bien comprendre Sa volonté et s'y soumettre, ajoutant son propre amour et sa prière personnelle. Je cherchais le chemin de ma vie et j'étais toujours incapable de le trouver. Je doutais que ce que j'étais en train de faire était le mieux pour moi. Aujourd'hui je sais que partout et toujours, je dois avec amour penser à la volonté de Dieu, car tout vient de Lui et je suis incapable d'y changer quoi que ce soit. Même tous mes échecs, je les endure maintenant plus facilement, car ils sont une partie de la Croix du Christ, et on doit l'accepter avec amour et reconnaissance...
(B.W., Poland, October 1999)

Je remercie Dieu qui a voulu m'ouvrir les yeux par cette lecture et m'a montré ma nullité... Mais juste après, Il m'a émerveillé de Lui-Même et Il m'a attiré vers Son Coeur. Dieu m'aime! C'est la plus grande découverte que j'ai faite par la lecture des écrits de Vassula. Je ne serai jamais capable de Le remercier pour la grâce de mon existence et pour tout ce qu'Il m'a donné...
(M.W., Poland, October 1999)

Ayako was suddenly struck by the words she read in the TLIG messages, where Jesus said, "Are you not able to constantly feel this great love I have for you?" and also "I am wealthy, but very few know My Riches!". This occurred as her eyes were absorbed by the fiery maples of the Yatsugatake mountains. Next year her husband, whom she loved deeply, died. Later she found herself having gone through this period of trial with tranquility and peace, supported by reading the messages.
(A. Y., Japan, October 1999)

En 1995 tuve la fortuna de conocer los Mensajes de la Verdadera Vida en Dios. Creo que lo primero que le comenté a mi mamá fue, que el leer esos escritos me había vuelto la memoria al alma. En 1997 hubo una epidemia de dengue en la cual fui afectada al octavo día de mi convalecencia pedí a Dios que me sanara si era Su Voluntad, ya que mis 5 hijos se quedarían solos, y le dije que por favor santificara mi sangre. Al día siguiente después de muchos impedimentos llegó la Comunión como a las 10:00 de la mañana, para las 12:00 horas yo tenía mis análisis completamente normales. Cuando fui dada de alta yo ya no era la misma, me encontraba en un estado de adoración, contrición y en el Amor mismo. Me consagré al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (consagración que Jesús le dio a Vassula) a los tres meses de mi recuperación total mi mamá y yo nos dedicamos a hacer Rosarios peregrinos de casa en casa dando a conocer La Verdadera vida en Dios.
(A. R. de Y., México, October 1999)

Η Θέση της Εκκλησίας
Χριστιανοί Ιερωμένοι, Μοναχοί, Θεολόγοι και Διανοούμενοι
Άλλες Αναγνωρισμένες Θρησκείες
Μαρτυρίες απ'όλο τον Κόσμο
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
    Testimonies from the Laity
Μαρτυρίες Φυλακισμένων

Η Θέση της Εκκλησίας
Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την θέση της Εκκλησίας και την Πνευματικότητα της Αληθινής εν Θεώ Ζωής

Χριστιανοί Ιερωμένοι, Μοναχοί, Θεολόγοι και Διανοούμενοι
Προσωπικές μαρτυρίες Ορθοδόξων ιερωμένων, Ρωμαιοκαθολικών, και Διαμαρτυρομένων, μοναχών, θεολόγων και διανοουμένων

Άλλες Αναγνωρισμένες Θρησκείες
Μαρτυρίες από μη-Χριστιανούς

Μαρτυρίες απ'όλο τον Κόσμο
Μια συλλογή από μαρτυρίες λαϊκών απ΄ όλο τον κόσμο

Μαρτυρίες Φυλακισμένων
Μια συλλογή από μαρτυρίες φυλακισμένων απ’ όλον τον κόσμο.


Μου επιτρέπεις να σε σβήνω
Η Ημέρα της Επιστροφής Μου είναι πιο κοντά από όσο νομίζετε

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