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Vassula in Lesotho, Southern Africa, July 23 - 25, 2000

A week before Vassula's visit, Lesotho was covered with a blanket of snow!! But the morning of the 23rd July could not have been a more perfect day - a warm and sunny Sunday! Praise the Lord!

10.30: Vassula, accompanied by her cousin Mrs. Ismini Dimitrou, arrived at The Moshoeshoe International Airport, Maseru. She was then interviewed, at length, by a journalist from 'The Moeletsi oa Basotho' - a Catholic Weekly Newspaper.

Thereafter, we drove to the Maseru Sun Cabanas Hotel where they were accommodated in a suite for the duration of their visit. The venue for the presentation of True Life in God was in the Convention Centre which is under the same roof as the Hotel. The generosity of the hotel manager, Mr Sam Mphana, is greatly appreciated. After lunch, Vassula and Ismini were visited by their Majesties - Queen Karabo Seeiso and Queen Mother Mamohato Bereng Seeiso - for a half-hour visit. It was a very delightful and meaningful short visit and a spiritual encounter.

14:30: Their Majesties were ushered into the Hall followed by Vassula and Ismini. As they were led up to the stage, the audience broke into a wave of 'ululations' - as a sign of warm welcome. A backdrop, a five-metre wide white banner was hung behind the stage. The words 'True Life in God' were painted red in its middle. On each side of these words, were drawn two hearts in red, encircled by a wreath of thorns in green. The Two Hearts of Mary Immaculate and the Sacred Heart of Jesus became a talking point of interest.

The Convention Hall was full to overflowing, with every available space occupied, including the foyers on the sides. The Religious were conspicuous by the habits of their various Orders; lay people by their colourful Basotho blankets. Surprisingly enough, there was a large attendance of the youth. Considering the fact that, concurrently, there was a 'draw-card' International Soccer Match at the Setsoto Stadium, Maseru (ie. Lesotho vs Angola), their attendance was most gratifying. People of different Christian denominations were well represented. Photographers, journalists and a video producer were at hand, some of them attended her presentation throughout the afternoon.

Vassula's talk was ably translated into Sesotho by Rev. Fr. E. Tsasane, O.M.I.. Superior of the Oblate Scholasticate, Roma (Lesotho). The audience was in rapt attention and visibly moved by the content of her afternoon message - the portrayal of her life-style 'before' and 'after' her conversion; her Angel Daniel's visits; the meaningful way of praying Our Lord's Prayer; intimacy with God as Father (Abba-Daddy); end of Times (not end of the World); apostasy - the Great Rebellion as prophesied by Daniel and the Scriptures in "Revelations"; Abomination into the Sanctuary of God; the Devil's attempt to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice (the Eucharist) and erecting himself in its place; "we/us" confirming Jesus' words - "I am with you always"; the second Pentecost and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in its profusion.

Vassula emphasized that God is speaking to us in our times through the Messages which encapsulate Christian living in a True Life in God, by reading and living fully "True Life in God". After praying our Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, she prayed the Prayers of Healing, invoking the Holy Spirit using the Crucifix which contains the relic of the True Cross given to her. Mr. Khooa thanked Vassula on behalf of all present.

Their Majesties, with Vassula and Ismini, were escorted again to the suite for a longed-for cup of tea, before departing for Matsieng, the Royal Ancestral Home, where they reside when not in the Palace, Maseru. In the meantime, books, videos and other TLIG materials were sold in the Hall and orders taken.

Monday 24th July

10:00 am: Archbishop Bernard Mohlalisi O.M.I. of the Archdiocese of Maseru welcomed Vassula, Ismini and heads of Churches, ie. Anglican and Methodist, in his residence. Other leaders who were invited were not able to be present. What should have been an hour's dialogue stretched out to a two hour discussion on the Messages of TLIG, Triune Spirituality, Reconciliation and Unity at a deeper spiritual level. The impact of Apostasy and other subjects of discussion, with questions thrown in, made the dialogue lively.

13:00: Roma Valley

We were warmly welcomed for lunch by our host - Fr C. Mahloana, Rector of St. Augustine Major Seminary; thereafter we all went to the Church. The grounds were teeming with a sea of coloured-blanketed Basotho; university students from National University of Lesotho (NUL), students from St Mary's Girls High School, Christ the King Boys High School; the Religious, Seminarians, and Priests. The farmer "Phillip" was present!

14.00: Vassula spoke for the first time at Roma. Everyone's ears were glued to her account of the Messages from Jesus, Our Blessed Mother and our Father Yaweh. The content of her talk was more or less similar to the one given in Maseru, however, with a different approach for people who were hearing the Messages for the first time. Fr. P. Leshota was an able interpreter in Sesotho. Fr. E. Tsasane gave a vote of thanks having had a "double dose" of Vassula's talk. Thereafter, we returned to Maseru where Vassula thanked the helpers at "Adeve Cragmal View" - the home of 'AD' and Evelyn. It had been a long day!

Tuesday 25th July.

After breakfast together, we drove to the Airport and said our farewells, hugs, kisses and au revoir! We all feel humbled and privileged that Vassula could visit us in Lesotho again, so soon before the dust had settled after her visit last year, January 13th - 16th. 1999.

Thank you Jesus. This is YOUR Work. YOU always manage to bring success to your "True Life in God' presentations against all odds:

1. Last year, inspite of the State Funeral of the late ex Prime Minister Ntsu. C. Mokhehle on the 14th January, -the beginning of the National mourning 'wake' - YOU still filled up the Convention Center Hall.

2. This year (July 23rd ) you filled the Hall to overflowing inspite of the scheduled popular afternoon Soccer Match. There were fanfares in the streets of Maseru, and cavalcades of cars. All roads led to the Stadium. Yes! "YOU are very rich up there" - to quote Vassula.

3. The weather was perfect - no snow, no wind, no dust!

There is a great interest in the messages of True Life in God. Seeds have been sown. They have germinated in some places. We pray that the harvest will be a good one by the time Vassula visits Lesotho again - for the third time.

Praise be to Jesus and Mary, in the Two Hearts.

Evelyn Lebona

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